Sunday, June 6, 2010

HW # 58- Parenting 102

Part 3

I am guessing I wasnt in school, when Andy host a guest speaker that day. So I am going to interviews my grandparent because looking back at my baby pictures, most of them were taken with my grandparent. I am guessing they took care of me when I was a baby. This makes me think if my parent were busy with their jobs or they didnt care about me; had me too early. My grandma told me that when I was kid I call her dad-dad. Staying up all night crying for my mom and sleep during the day. I'll even crawl to the bathroom and try to play with the toliet water. I love playing with water. My grandpa told me one time when my parent was coming to get me back, my grandpa went to get his mail and put me at this table. This bum grab my leg and tryna take me away. Right there, my uncle and dad stop him and cursed at him. My parent doesnt let me go to my grandparent's place till I was in middle school. My parent also doesnt let me go out and play because I love putting things in my mouth. One time I put a penny in my mouth and have to go to the hospital. I listened to them and they were pleased to ahve me. Then I have a little brohter. They felt that I can take care of myself but giving me a little brother was a mistakes. All my families' loves goes to him and left me out.

Part 4

I am a kid that tries to be better than everyone else; work harder than my classmates. That tries very hard to go to college and graduate. I try to change the way I behave because back in middle school I was a fool. A kid that everyone doesnt look up to. A kid that makes everyone thinks I am a useless dickhead. I love to joke around which makes people mad.. therefore I didnt make any friends. In middle school, I was always in the worst class. never pay attention in class; always cheat and sleep during class. My teachers believe that I can do better if I dont follow my classmates footsteps.

In high school I met this girl and she really helps me to turn my life around. I pay attention to her and I stay in school and never gave up. I set up goals for myself and I am half way there. I did a lot of stuff that I though i couldnt do. I realize it is not the end of my life. I still have a long way to go. As to become a parent I would make sure my kids will never walk in my footsteps.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

HW # 57- Parenting 101

How should kids be parented?

Kids should be taught the way their parent teach them. Kid should learn on their own because every kids grow in a different environment, they should realize and be prepare of what they need to know in order to become an adult. For example not every child has parent coming home and makes dinner for them. Not every child has a mom or dad. Not every child's parent are perfect. They'll need to be ready for anything. I am chinese, so chinese parent are very serious about their childs behavior. They'll hang your by your ear and beat you out with a stick. I was taught to be respectful and not do anything bad. I've to learn from my mistakes and make sure I'll never attempt to lose my parnet's love. Going to school in america, I met different kind of people. People that influence to be better than them. Got to look fresh and have high standard. Kids should know whats the right and wrong thing to do. How they should be treated like an adult just to be prepare for the future.

What were the best parts of how you were parented?
The best parts of how i was parented was the time i either have to go to the doctor or dentist, i'll get scared and whine to my parent to get me something after my appointment. Most of the time my dad's promises will never break but my mom does, and she taught me that going to the doctor and dentist is the best part in life because you'll get strong and dont worry about dying. I aslo remember a time when I earn good grades on my report card, my parent will give me money and get me something that would help me with my education.

How do you think you'd parent if you're put in that position?
Well as a kid, my parent will take advantage of me, saying better get good grades of the police will come and take you away. Those lies really pushes me to work harder in school but by the time I most onto 8grade, these jokes/lies my parent makes, doesnt seem to work on me. I've grown and I learn more. But as a kid I think my parents tricks really push me so hard; couldnt watch tv..couldnt hang oiut. I just go home and study.

Do you think babies should be treated more like adults or like puppies?
Im not sure waht Andy ment by puppies but im guessing babies should be treated like an adult because human are thinkers and workers. All human becomes an adult. Later on in life, they pretty much have to go through what we went through. For example, my cousin who was only 5 when his mother left him. He doesnt know how to use the bathroom or even bathe himself till he's 12 or 13. The sooner you get treated like an adult the better you succeed in life.

Part 2
"When parenting Theories Backfire" seem pretty decent. I like how the parent train their child to fall asleep on their own. they let the baby cry, afterward gives them some attention. I think the idea is fair because this helps the child to survive on its own. this helps prepare the child living because later on they'll be attract to the environment, this helps them to learn. When I was a baby, I slept with my parent and I couldnt sleep by myself till 13 because Im afraid of the dark. Sooner you get to do stuff on your own, later on life... it would be a lot easier for you.