Monday, March 15, 2010

HW # 44- Big Expectations for School

"Responsibility" is a big word for a senior. This word has no match against any other words that will raise you to the top. I consider this word to be use when you're in college. JUst this word makes me feel so educated, so prepare, having the authority to shine. As what Obama said during his speech as "education equals to responsibility." we need to be ready for school because every lessons brings dignity into our lives.

Obama's job is to contribute "pride" to our country. His job is to offer us (young teenager) to learn the word, "responsible" because it will bring us to a whole new level. I can conclude that in order to be like Mr. Obama, we have to follow his footsteps. Look at him, he's a president of the United State, also can be a "teacher," to refresh why we have to be in school, and a father that cares for us. In the other hand, I will love to go to college and I know one day I will be able to say "Yes I made it"

"Every single one of you has something you are good at/ every single of you has something that you can offer." I was pleased of how Obama have said that. Everyone of us is specail. We all can do different stuff that brings pride and excitment to the world. His words just fills my heart up. I though I wouldnt contribute anything to the world, but hearing from Obama... I know I am at least good at something. I am not the smartest kid in school but I learn how to be a student. Knowing how to live like a teenager and not repeating the same mistakes. I know every night I have to go home and "study" the word RESPONSIBLE. This word pops out every fuckin second in your life. LIVE IT.

Education. This word reminds me of college. Dont know why but I found these words relates. We are train to go to college. From pre school to high school, your teacher is like parent watching over you, but in college, you are alone. You have to be that responsible educator that you are. Understand why is there such a word call "responsible" Live it. Obama's speech was outstanding. I have to watch the clip at least 3 more times because it makes me stronger... I guarantee myself there's a spot in college waiting for me.

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