Tuesday, April 27, 2010

HW # 49- Notes on Finishing School Unit

I think our film rocks because I was in it. I was one of the badass; and I love playing that roll. I dont have a lot of experience of being a bad ass but I've seem many movies and teenagers being spoiled. My personal contribution to the film was being a follower. I was part of the group that cause trouble and dont give a shit about school. I spend most of my time backing up my leader, flirting with the ladies and causing trouble. I threw a book to Devin to start a fight because he was on of the smart kid, he ruins my reptation. I wasnt paying attention to the teacher. I cursed at him and back up Evan. I didnt know why Esther chose me to be one of the goon but I like playing that role.

It started out with the teaching looking at his cellphone; a picture of his girlfriend. I didnt know what exactly happen to his girlfriend but she is now dead. We didnt want to get into his business so yeah. Then it was a flashback of how the teacher love teaching his class and how much his student enjoys being his student. After his girlfriend accident, he became an useless motherfucker. Drinking and mocking his students, even the student that he loved, and students that are smart. It ends with a unhappy ending, the teacher just gave up on his students.

Our film was very different from the other films we watched. In the movie, "the class" it was a film about how a french teacher wants this opporunity to teach its class about grammars and writing styles, but some of his student were being a trouble maker. This distrub his teaching, so what does he do? He never gave up, he continues to work with his students. At one point two of his students expose some news to Souleymane, which makes the teacher boiled. Eventually, he loses his temper and called his students names. It was a total mess but toward the ends, the teacher never gave up on his class. We came up with a film about this teacher loving his job, as being a teacher. His girlfriend died which completely change the teacher behavior. He was mocking each and every kids and left the building with a attiutde.

Teachers are like parents in some ways. They were born with these special talents and willing to spread his/her talents to younger kids. They're here to prepare us for the future and leads us to the right path. Not many people has the opporunity to become teachers and are willing to turn the kids life around. As kids we dont know what we are suppose to do. Do we pay attention? Should we listen to this stranger teaching us about education? Should we cry and wait till mommy or daddy to pick us up? Every kids are different. Every kids has certain roles to play. They only have two options to choose. Be successful or to give up. I am planing to choose the first option. Heading to College.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Extra Credit Opportunity- "The Class"(aka "Entre les Murs")

3. Compare and contrast the school in the film with your experience of SOF. What are crucial similarities and differences? What should SOF change in light of the insights you've gained from this movie?

The movie "The Class" a.k.a 'Entre Les Murs" was not what I visualize on my mind. I thought the movie was more like students being sent to a specific class for serious help. Like every title has a meaning to it. "The Class" makes me visualize former gang, drop outs, prisoner sent to a "specific" class to study. But it turn out to be like a normal class. A class that is not full of trash but need serious help on their education.

After watching the film I was upset of how this movie had turn out. You know every movie that start out unpleasant always have an happy ending. In occasion this movie doesn't; which sucks. Started out with a French Teacher teaching his class on grammar and vocabulary. The ways the class act wasn't as horrible as the kids in "Freedom Writer." Well supposing the movie "The Class" was taken in France, so I am guessing New York City teenagers are more aggressive/violence in teenage lives. A brief example that can be shown, comparing and contrasting New York City school to the movie, "The Class" at France. One New York school can be "School of the Future," that can be somehow relates to those kids in France.

So most likely you know how a class is form. There're many different races from different culture. There's smart and dumb teenage kids. There's badass, jerks, bitches, assholes in one certain class. It was the beginning of the year, old kids that been to the school before wants to be wise guy. They want to let the teacher and fellow classmates to let them know that they're smart. That they don't need help; "I've this under control" But of course, the teacher will call on them, they struggle to find the right answer. At School of the Future, many kids are like that. The pretender assume they know all the answers by either raising their hand to make them look smart, but when they answer the question wrong; they look like a fool. Some of us pretends, that they understand what they are learning, so they either act cool or fool around. They try to make a statement, showing their fellow classmates that they are in top of them.

There are immigrants from other culture traveling to places to learn new language. The immigrants would have trouble understanding and learning the language. They would also struggle speaking the language, so they will have an accents. People will start laughing and picking on them. In the movie, "The Class" there were 2 chinese immigrants, they're intelligent but "Wei gets influence too easily, by the others; which makes him a badass. For example when there was a fight between Souleymane and the new kid, Wei didn't run away, he stood there and watch. In School of the Future, there are many immigrants, so they would have trouble speaking proper english, african american would mostly laugh and make a joke. I am Chinese and I've to admit, I've trouble speaking english, but I won't let my fellow classmates put me down. As the year, pass by, I don't get make fun off because I am a part of them. I am part of their families member because I am cool. But still there are still people that get tease because they can't speak proper english or they ain't cool. I will like to know what if they learn to speak a new language, would they master it? I don't think so.

There's many smiliarities between the movie and School of the Future. But there are 2 major differences between these two schools. The movie ending was bullshit. It was like nothing happen to the class. Souleymane got expelled from class. "Oh well, he's gotta be alright. Stupid," It is like the whole movie was a step-up to get Souleymane in trouble. And I have to blame him too for being a dumbass. The teacher were in his side helping him out but I am guessing he doesn't deserve this opporunity to go to college. For those two bitches... I just hate them. Why would you even exposed the teacher meeting. And first of all, it was stupid having a meeting with two students. And it wasn't right for the teacher to called those two girls, a "slut" In School of the Future, we are so much better than them. We are all heading to college and we have a future; that's why we're in School of the Future. In SOF, we don't have kids in the conference meeting because it is not allow. Being in SOF for four years I don't have teachers calling student names. Some teacher curse but we're teenage kids. This time of being, we've to be in shape. Not like those kids in the movie. I have never seen a teacher calling their kids name. It is a total blow out. I don't even no what to say. All I know is that in order to get respect from teachers, you must respect them first.

The movie, "The Class" has no match against School of the Future. I don't see any changes in School of the Future from the movie. We ain't a smart schol but we are also not the worst school. I don't want School of the Future to turn out to be like the movie because I know I will drop out of high school. But I have to give this movie credits because they've their own ways of interpreting the lifestyle of 13- 14 years old kids in France.

HW # 48- Treatment for Savior/ Teacher Movie

Triads, as known as "Underground Society; a term used to describe many branches of Chinese criminal organizations based in countries with significant Chinese populations. Jackie Chan, a former Triad who drop out of his gang. His mother got shot in a shootout. Before his mom died, he promise her to start a new life in New York. He went back to school and graduate with an M.A to become an teacher. He wants to honor his mother, so he went to South Shore High School in Brooklyn, to knock some scent into the kids.
South Shore High School is not a place where you want to be at. A high school rank as the worst 10 high school in New York. It has a total of 932 students; that need serious help in their education. The school average regents for mathematics and english together are between a percentage of 28.0 Every year more and more african american were erolling at South Shore High School making the school feel like a prison. This is just scary. But Jackie Chan is here, so have no fear.
As Jackie Chan takes his time walking up the stairs to his classroom, he realize that teaching at South Shore High School wouldn't work out. There's boys flirting with the new female teacher. Students fighting over spaces. Students making out. Girl smoking in the boy's restroom, Boys doing drugs in the lunchroom and girl's restroom. This is just getting out of hand. Jackie promise his mother that he will save million of students; leading them on the right path. This is not a chance to back down. He has the strength to turn the school around.
His decision of working with these kids weren't what he expected. After two months in school, things were getting out of control. Jackie Chan beat a parent up, because he knows Jackie true identity. He knows that Jackie is in the triad; it will affect the school education. The parent was just pouring shit onto Jackie, when he couldn't take it no more, he did the "Iron Claw" to the parent. It dd serious damage to his brain that he end up in the hospital for months. Not for long Angel, one of Jackie's student, has a crush on Jackie. Which was a bad sign. Many guy love Angel, she looks very "sexy" on her tight jean and clothes. Her bra strap always show and you can always notice what color her panty is. One day afterschool, as Jackie was waiting for the cab to go home. 10 mask men ran toward his way. One of them has a metal bat, but one of them were stupid to has his name tag out. It was one of Jackie's student, Michael. As Jackie make a run for it, one of the mask man came from the opposite direction and threw a punch at Jackie. But of course, Jackie was a former gangmember in China, he been into many fights but he doesnt want to hurt his kids especially disobeying his mother's dream. He got wack on his face, took some blows on his kidney and "bam" the bat connected with his head. The mask men bailed, leaving Jackie unconscience.
Jackie was absent for months. Laying on the hosptial bed, he was thinking about his mother's death, how he had promise her to be a good son. It was Valetine's Day, and South Shore High School is throwing a party. Suddenly, the music stop, a guy with a mo-hawk, that doesn't go to South Shore took out a gun and held it up high, asking the kids in South Shore to give up all their valuable jewerlies and expensive stuff. Oh My! it is a robbery. Student at South Shore got beat up and girls just get molested. One of the robber notice Angel, and he wanted her bad. Of course student at South Shore doesn't give up that easily in a fight but they were outnumber. Angel were taken to the stage and it was a pretty horrible scene. Michael ran toward one of the guy who were holding onto Angel, deck him on the face but Michael also got his ass wiped. Suddenly one of the robber #1 walk up to Angel and grab her by the hair. Another robber # 2 wanted her, but robber #1 use "iron claw" on him. All the students at South Shore High School stare at robber # 1 and smile. It was Jackie Chan. He came back to South Shore High School.
This is just a short treatment of the film, if you would like to read my whole story, please give me some time to work on it. My teacher has not give us an assignment of coming up with the actual story. Please be patience.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

HW # 47- Class Film Preparation 1

Hmm, if we were to film a class video based on education and how each students and teacher's behavior impact the school. I was thinking about how the film should start out will gangs fighting for a specific "thing." Like who own the street or school, who runs the town, fighting for money or hoes. Each gangs should be seperate by their races. In this case student will be fighting over something. They dont get along at school just like in freedom writers. I think this helps the audience to get the feeling of how each race wants to be the leader.

I was also thinking about parent and cops fighting against kids, this scene makes it more interesting. "Cops beating up kids. Damn, who am I gonna call for help?" Parent are beating up kids because the street influence the adult to be more violence to their kids. The movie, "Gridiron Gang" is about how gang memebers end up in prison and get punish. And then there's a scene, when there's a flashback of how a stepfather beat his wife and kids up for money. I think we should include this scene because some adult were also part of the street and they inspire their kids to be one of them... so we can include that into our film. For the cops... they just love beating up kids because they are useless.

We can include a funny good looking teacher to teach the class. At first the class didnt pay any attention to him but somehow, later on, this pretty girl start liking the teacher. *we can play this scene in two ways.* One option can be everyone start liking the teacher because the girl likes him. Or the boys find out that the "girl" likes the teacher and find some ways to mess up the teacher. I dont know how to end the problem but I like it.

I also want to inclue some background information about the student and the teacher's life. Just information so we can understand the character(s). I think the setting should be at the lunchroom or gym because this makes the audience notices that these kids are just plain bad.

I am bad at coming up with ideas but I am a good actor ;D

HW # 46- Research and Writing

finishing up my book

HW # 45- More Big Thoughts on Schools

coming back to it.