Wednesday, April 7, 2010

HW # 47- Class Film Preparation 1

Hmm, if we were to film a class video based on education and how each students and teacher's behavior impact the school. I was thinking about how the film should start out will gangs fighting for a specific "thing." Like who own the street or school, who runs the town, fighting for money or hoes. Each gangs should be seperate by their races. In this case student will be fighting over something. They dont get along at school just like in freedom writers. I think this helps the audience to get the feeling of how each race wants to be the leader.

I was also thinking about parent and cops fighting against kids, this scene makes it more interesting. "Cops beating up kids. Damn, who am I gonna call for help?" Parent are beating up kids because the street influence the adult to be more violence to their kids. The movie, "Gridiron Gang" is about how gang memebers end up in prison and get punish. And then there's a scene, when there's a flashback of how a stepfather beat his wife and kids up for money. I think we should include this scene because some adult were also part of the street and they inspire their kids to be one of them... so we can include that into our film. For the cops... they just love beating up kids because they are useless.

We can include a funny good looking teacher to teach the class. At first the class didnt pay any attention to him but somehow, later on, this pretty girl start liking the teacher. *we can play this scene in two ways.* One option can be everyone start liking the teacher because the girl likes him. Or the boys find out that the "girl" likes the teacher and find some ways to mess up the teacher. I dont know how to end the problem but I like it.

I also want to inclue some background information about the student and the teacher's life. Just information so we can understand the character(s). I think the setting should be at the lunchroom or gym because this makes the audience notices that these kids are just plain bad.

I am bad at coming up with ideas but I am a good actor ;D

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