Tuesday, April 27, 2010

HW # 49- Notes on Finishing School Unit

I think our film rocks because I was in it. I was one of the badass; and I love playing that roll. I dont have a lot of experience of being a bad ass but I've seem many movies and teenagers being spoiled. My personal contribution to the film was being a follower. I was part of the group that cause trouble and dont give a shit about school. I spend most of my time backing up my leader, flirting with the ladies and causing trouble. I threw a book to Devin to start a fight because he was on of the smart kid, he ruins my reptation. I wasnt paying attention to the teacher. I cursed at him and back up Evan. I didnt know why Esther chose me to be one of the goon but I like playing that role.

It started out with the teaching looking at his cellphone; a picture of his girlfriend. I didnt know what exactly happen to his girlfriend but she is now dead. We didnt want to get into his business so yeah. Then it was a flashback of how the teacher love teaching his class and how much his student enjoys being his student. After his girlfriend accident, he became an useless motherfucker. Drinking and mocking his students, even the student that he loved, and students that are smart. It ends with a unhappy ending, the teacher just gave up on his students.

Our film was very different from the other films we watched. In the movie, "the class" it was a film about how a french teacher wants this opporunity to teach its class about grammars and writing styles, but some of his student were being a trouble maker. This distrub his teaching, so what does he do? He never gave up, he continues to work with his students. At one point two of his students expose some news to Souleymane, which makes the teacher boiled. Eventually, he loses his temper and called his students names. It was a total mess but toward the ends, the teacher never gave up on his class. We came up with a film about this teacher loving his job, as being a teacher. His girlfriend died which completely change the teacher behavior. He was mocking each and every kids and left the building with a attiutde.

Teachers are like parents in some ways. They were born with these special talents and willing to spread his/her talents to younger kids. They're here to prepare us for the future and leads us to the right path. Not many people has the opporunity to become teachers and are willing to turn the kids life around. As kids we dont know what we are suppose to do. Do we pay attention? Should we listen to this stranger teaching us about education? Should we cry and wait till mommy or daddy to pick us up? Every kids are different. Every kids has certain roles to play. They only have two options to choose. Be successful or to give up. I am planing to choose the first option. Heading to College.

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