Sunday, May 2, 2010

HW 50-Notes on Finishing School Unit

What is education, many of us may say? Howcome we have to go through school to earn a carrer? Why do we have to study our ass off? Why cant we just have fun and live life the way we want it to? I just dont understand why this world is so cruel... so facial; telling us that we need an education. Ever heard of the word "freedom"? Why is education drilling our mind?

John Gatto: Teacher of the Year Acceptance Speech

At the year of 1990, January 31, Mr. Gatto came up with a speech, concering the predicament of education. He explain how our school education system are working and how it will impact the lives of teachers, students and parents. John Gatto did a little experiment to prove his theory on how the schools are not capable of educating students but to teach students to obey orders, and humans rights. Gatto figured out that student should spend most of their time socalizing with others and not interacting with school activities. Student has approximently 120 hours a week to force themselves to sit at a classroom and learn the same materials. He also explains how keeping students in school, cuts of their time being out in the world; growing and fucnting with different ages of people. John Gatto explains how school kept student in school for half of the day, then go home and work on their studies; where is there an actually time for the kids to have fun? Gatto argues that he wants to change the school system and allowing there to be home schooled.

John Gatto can go fuck himself. I believe that he didnt go to school, because his theory is bullshit. So, we have 8 to 10 hours of school each day, that either help us to develop our abilities to focus our future or having little time for us to day dream about our future. What I am trying to say is, we spend half of our day at school; learning and also socializing, this help us to prepare ourselves when we are out in the real world; full of strangers and drugs. And I believe students has a chance to think about their future because when you reach college, you'll have the opporunity to visulize your future. Gatto said schools are like a factory and teachers are robots, and I think teacher should be in charge because they learn how to communicate with the world, they have the ability to pass it on to us and we learn from them. They were here first so I think we should pay attention. Gatto said that school teaches us to obey orders and I think it is the right thing to do. School is just like your home. Teacher are just like your parent. School's rules are just like homes rules. So what? No difference.

I will also like to argue that television and freetime is very important for kids like us. We cannot spend the whole day without watching tv because this will affect our childhood and we need to have time to ourselves and with other people. Watching tv can also help us to learn many new things such as immgrants migrating at certain countries, they need to know how to speak their languages. When you watch tv you can learn how to speak different languages. On weekends parent sent their kids to tutoring school, to study, and prepare them for tests. So when is there times for kids to take a break.

When I was a kid... I spend my time carrying a book around because my mom said people will think you are smart. I never have the time to have the remote control on my hand and turn the tv on. I was going to burst because it was killing me. I hate school so much. Finally I start sleeping bymyself and when my parent are asleep, I'll turn on the tv and enjoy myself. My grades drop and when I found out that I am almost getting held back... I start obeying my parent because they have gone through what I am going through now.

Gatto- The Six Lessons

Every teachers has their own purpose of teaching and their own style of teaching. Every student has their ways of learning and understanding the materials faster than others. But it is alright because we learn the same thing. Honors class doesnt mean they are smarter than regualar class, they understand the lesson much faster than others. Everyone are the same. Gatto was once a teacher and he got award for being a specutalar teacher. Just being a teacher. Not for being a subject teacher that helps kid to develop needs. He set rules and goals for himself and along with his students. He train his kids how to be highly educated in school such as teaching them the importance aspects of being in school. There are many lessons that Gatto have taught his class, lets start out with him teaching his class about showing respects and interests. Whenever the bell rings, the kids knows what they need to do. He teach kids that they must be prepare and active when they are in their classes; they're always being watches, no time for private time. Also teaching them the importance of every subjects and rules, he thinks that this will help his kids out. Teaching his kids how to be more indepedence and train them how to be logical thinkers; and dont let society run your life, let your own habits of mind run the society.

Mr. Fanning Response on Education:

Mr. Fanning, a high school principal that knows what he is doing. A intelligent man that has many goals for himself and for the high school of school of the future. When you look at him and ( his tattoos) he can make you sweat or ruining your life but deep inside of him, he is doing us a favor. He wants seniors to graduate and find a good college. He wants his students to know what they are doing with their lives so he can give you a push to accomplishments. Mr. Fanning knows that education is very important and thats why he became a high school prinipal. To have a good education, you'll need to have good teachers and princpal to support you. To have a spotlight for yourself, you need to work hard and finish your education. [and thats why i did my homework]

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