Saturday, May 15, 2010

HW 53- Survey Analysis

Part 1- Completed the survey

Part 2
After I completed the survey i was wondering if i took the survey seriously. Thinking if this survey actually mean something to my life, what was the purpose of ths survey, its just a survey. Since the survey was anonymous, there couldnt be right and wrong answers. While i was reading each question i stop half way and put my final answer. There are many hard questions that got me thinking. So i just fake it. Most of my answer were either "sometimes" or most likly" I found myself not being honestly with the answer I chose. Sometimes taking these survey makes me frustrated because at the end, you dont really know what it adds up to. Like, okay, I know it is anonymous, no one is going to read or see what yu put down for an answer, but the survey always mean something; it adds up to a solution to see what kind of person you are. Its like you wont be able to see your results and it just so distrubing because you have no idea of who you are. Its confusing, I know but thats how i think about survey. So in advance, I just red the question, if it is long, i will just put random answer. Simple as that. if people actually read my results, it makes me think what will the people say about me. Am i this or that. Its really caught me of guard, just having a feeling that people are talking about me. Yah I know it is anonymous. but thats just me.

Part 3
Looking throught th whole senior class survey, I believe we're like a family because we took a survey, mainly on human relationship. Thats how I feel when we can come together to form a team and just work on a big project. I feel as a team we can make something out of myself. this is just how i am acting when it comes to a school survey( lol) So looking back at the results, I realize there were many things to read. In fact i just skim through the document and realize families is the most important aspects in life. "You wish you were part of a different family" Almost half of our senior class put no, not at all, i believe i put Yes gerenerally mostly. This makes me feel like a bitch, seeing the results makes me think i am betraying my family. "there is drug use in your home" whoever put yes as a answewr, they must be a G (lol) 63.5% of the kids put No for an answer. sort of believe that but who knows, they can be a fake. "violence is an issue in your home. 0% of the kids said Yes. thats bullshit. Most of my friends use violence at home. I know everyone does, i even put sometimes.

You see andy, I aint that type of person that fool around with a girl get her pregnant and just throw the girl away or not use protection to have fun. by readint the artical 50% public high school studetnts have had sexual intercoarse. ONe in ten reports having had sex before the age of 13. Thats incredibleand i could see why we took this survey. sex can build up relationship like families and friends relationship becaise if you want to have sex wih this person. that means they're part of your family. (in my turn) so having sex in such a young age and only 8% uses protection, what happen to the 92% girl, they get pregnant. Then they would have families problem in such a young age.

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