Wednesday, May 5, 2010

HW 52- Initial Theories of Human Relationships

"Hey kid, I'll be your friend if you buy me lunch." "Hey kid, I'll give you 5 nickets for those 4 quarters, you know what they say, 5 is greater than 4." "Hey girl, if you go out with me, I promise I'll never do you wrong." "Hey grandpa, I lost my wallet can you lend me some money for food?" "Hey Ms. Chen, last night I was at the hospital with my mom, so I didnt have time to work on my homework, can I turn it in tomorrow?" This is life. You'll have to cheat your way through life. "How?" by taking advantages. I bet you [the reader] doesnt know where I am taking this too. The purpose of my response on theories of human relationship is that people are just "using" their own relationship to get through tough times. Some of the theories that humans share are theories of love, your family theories, your theories of friendship, power, social structures, roles, nations, ethnicites, genders, and every other aspects of humanity. These theories [according to my own belief] make up human resources and make the world to have less meaning. If it wasnt for the high economics, the laws, and toughness aspects; human wont be cheating its way through life, by taking advantage of each other.

What makes life so difficult? Having to go through obstacles, and the only solution is to cheat your way out to the "finish line." Let's start out with "making friendship in school" friendships are people that attached to another by feeling of affection or personal regard; a person who gives assistance; patronl supporter. Yeah, thats what friends are meant for but deep inside "are they really your friend?" You've their trust because you probably fell into your trap. Once you've fallen into their procession, they'll take advantage of you. For example, "hey quinn, can you lend me 2 dollars, I promise to pay you back tomorrow." The next day, he/she paids quinn back. Quinn knows that his friend is "trustworthy." The next following day, hey quinn, I left my money at home, can you lend me 5 dollars. Quinn gave his friend the money because he trust them. Guess what, his friend didnt pay him back and try to find a way out with lies. You really cant trust friends. "THEY COME AND GO."

Hmm.. lets move onto family relationship. Yeah, you cant really say nothing about them but I beleive I can. But how, you cant possibly cheat on your family? I believe so. Let's start out by defining what is a family. A family is a social unit consisting of one or more adults together with the children they care for: any group of persons closely related by blood. Alright, personally I dont have any ideas of what parent think about their child but my mom caught me lying to her. She still loves me as her son but she cant really "trust" me. My mom is still doing her job as being my mom. She worries, cares, feeds me, and I do the same for her. But one little fight can screw up your relationship because they cant possibly understand why their child just "done" this to them. Like your dad caught you cutting school and he explains how education is important. The dad couldnt believe how his child has just disobey him. It is a lost of trusts. Yeah, they're still a family. A unfaithful family with kids being untrustful.

Family comes before everything. They know when you're hurt, when you need money, when you need something and that's when they take advantage of their parents. Put it this way, you dont live with your grandpa, you can only see him once a week. Your grandpa gives his grandson money because he loves him. The "loving" gave the grandson an idea. He'll keep on visiting his grandpa; in that way, his grandpa will give him money. Parent are into their age now, they arent that smart anymore, so their child will see this opporunity and lie to them. Honestly every kids does this including me. This is the roles that kids play. They see a advantage, they go get it.

Speaking about power, everyone has powers. It depends on their ethnincity, gender, and age. I believe that people that are 50 and over, has a disadvantage on recieving power. According to my belief, teenagers has the most power because we're still young and have the ability to use our knowledge to gain something. I dont think teacher has they many power on their students. Not all teachers are bright and thats when kids take over. A good example would be; teenagers copying homework from otehrs and teachers wouldnt even notice. [This year] one of my classmate has been paying someone to do his homework and that person is passing the class. The teacher didnt even realize that. This makes teenager having more powers than teachers. Student finds way to cheat on exams, copying homeworks or even coming up with excuses.

I am not even going onto love relationship. It makes me sick of seeing how many innocences get hurts. But seriously I believe love mean nothing. I really cant think of any reaons to make love. My parent fights almost everyday. My uncle and anut are divorce but they still live together. I have been with this girl for almost 3 years and we had done a lot together. She helps me with my college application essay and when I found out I am moving out of the city and we've to go separate ways... it makes me think I am just using her. This makes me feeling like a bitch. But I move on. If you want specific example... watch the Jerry Springer or Steve Wilkos Show or Judge Mathis show... these shows show the fights between human relationship.

How should we live? I really dont know. How can we? In this world there's chance to be taken, you want to survive, you'll have to find your way to it. The world is full of greed and thats why people are using their knowlegde to win. People that are smart, has a greater chance of taking advantage of people. Thats what I assume. This is the meaning of life. If you like it or not, this is how we roll: by taking advantages.

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