Saturday, February 27, 2010

HW # 41- Initial Research on Schooling

As being a 17 year old teenager, school has made me a better person. School has given me the opporunity to shine once again. School means "Hope" and "Life" Without school "I" am a piece of shit. I think we will all be a piece of crap. We need to learn the criteria of how to live the American Dream. I really cant imagine how it would be, if I didnt go to school. Would I end up in the street and let people fucking step on me? I aint the smartest kid, but school has knock some sense into me; telling me to enjoy what's there for me.

As we started this unit, I heard my friends complaining how school has ruined their life. "School wont get you anywhere." "School is boring" "School is bullshit." "NO! You're bullshit." School aint suppose to be fun. School aint ruining your mind, you're just playing mind game with yourself. Screw them. Jumping on! Before I get to my point... I have a question I will like to ask: "Do you think you will learn better in school if you werent having a relationship with someone?" I decided to look more into teenager relationship because I am also part of the rountine; dating someone. I want to know, does dating help you to succeed in school or not. Did a little bit of research.

Dating is violence.

I decided to look at how would a teenager have the ability to learn in school if they are having a affair. I though it was important to learn how a teenager will interact with school when they have someone in their life. On "" it says that teenagers often experience violence in dating relationship. Statistics show that one in three teenagers has experienced violence in dating. In a relationship, one person tries to maintain power and control over the relaitonship. Dating violence crosses all racial, economic and social lines, which indicates that young woman will have a higher chance of getting abused. This site provides a list of how "teen dating violence often is hidden because of typical reasons" and " how teen dating violence has influenced the teenager to look at themselves, differently.

Like seriously this site is very helpful because if you have dating problem. This site can help your ass out. There is also a paragraph on how "statistics is to determine teens dating status.

Teen Dating Statistics

*About one in three high school students have been or will be involved in an abusive relationship.

*Forty percent of teenage girls ages 14 to 17 say they know someone their age who has been hit or beaten by a boyfriend.

*In one study, from 30 to 50 percent of female high school students reported having already experienced teen dating violence.

*Teen dating violence most often takes place in the home of one of the partners.

*In 1995, 7 percent of all murder victims were young women who were killed by their boyfriends.

*One in five or 20 percent of dating couples report some type of violence in their relationship.

*One of five college females will experience some form of dating violence.

*A survey of 500 young women, ages 15 to 24, found that 60 percent were currently involved in an ongoing abusive relationship and all participants had experienced violence in a dating relationship.

*One study found that 38 percent of date rape victims were young women from 14 to 17 years of age.

*A survey of adolescent and college students revealed that date rape accounted for 67percent of sexual assaults.

*More than half young women raped (68 percent) knew their rapist either as a boyfriend, friend or casual acquaintance.

*Six out of 10 rapes of young women occur in their own home or a friend or relative's home, not in a dark alley.

*More than 4 in every 10 incidents of domestic violence involves non-married persons (Bureau of Justice Special Report: Intimate Partner Violence, May 2000)

I also find that this site "" is helpful. "Committed relationship and school; being a student has a role that you have to play. There are lessong that you get taught and one of them is not to start a relationship in school. This aspect can really damage your abiility to work in school. Having a relationshop can provide stress from school work. Being in a relationship means you have to drop off everything and spend time with your girl/boy friend. Spending time with your partner can affect your regular hours of studying. This can make your life a living hell.

I found this site quite interesting because being in a relationship can really hurt your school time. Your partner can really have you in a lockdown, and you cant do shit about it. As a result, you're FUCKED.

Oh yeah I also find this site very helpful. The best thing about this site "," it gave me tons of references on how to look for the act of violence in school dating. This site explain how people who harm their dating partners are more depressed, having lower self- esteem and more aggressive to their peers. Dating can fuck your life over, dating violence id a serious problem in the United States. Many teens are afraid to report it to their parent because it will fuck up their life even more.

I could find myslef in front of my dream college. I hope this reseachs will help me through college because I dont want to feel miserable and not have a happy ending. Losing someone you love is a total disater. I hope all these years I have been in school, the lessons will lead me to the right path.

Friday, February 19, 2010

HW # 40- School Interviews X5 & Synthesis

Part A

At class we started a new unit on "Schoo." I am pretty sure I will enjoy this "unit" more than anyone else. School means "Hope" and "Life." Without school the world is a disaster. We wouldnt know how to come up with "scientific experiment" to re-adjust the world and passing off to the next generation. We need school, so they can get us on a pace to reach our dream. It is hard but that's the only way to change your life.

Now on homework number 39, I wrote an esay on how I will love to become a teacher one day and teach younger kids, on how to prepare themselves when they grew older. I love working with kids because I dont want them to make the same mistakes as I did. I slack off in school for different reason; the "girls" and the "borning/ difficulty lessons." Speaking of school, I have to work on my homework right now. I have to interview people on something that is related to school. One topic I have on my mind is "student relationship."

And these are the questions I may ask:

1. What do you think about teenagers dating someone a grade lower than you, like a senior dating a junior?

2. Will you learn better if you weren't having a relationship with another person?

3. Will you attend to the same school with your girl/boyfriend?

4. Will you let your child have a relationship/date in school? Why?

For this interview I decided to interview my older cousin, 24. She has more experience in school than my other relatives. I dont know her personal "date" life or how many guy she had dated. I know she is the right person to ask. Parent? Nah! You already know what they going to say. So why not ask a "teenager." So i decided to interview my older cousin.

"You already finish with college... done with school... starting a career. I want to ask you some questions about "student relationship."

"Mhmm... go on."

"I dont know if you were dating when you were at school but do you think you will learn better if you weren't dating someone?"

"Absoutly, dating is very common but you should always finish school before dating because it is a distraction. You have to spend time together and when would you have time to study? Having a relationship can leads to a fight or other issues, so when can school come into the actual play? School is very important. It also helps you to trach the right person. Like school is a place for you to learn, it can also show you how to find the right person. So finish school then do whatever.

"Nice! You're now 24, when you have kids, will you let your child have a relationship/date someone in school? Why?"

"I am guessing I will let them choose and learn from their mistakes. I will tell them not to date before they finish with high school, if they dont listen, they'll recieve some consquences. That's how I teach my kids. But overall I will not let my child date in school. They will be haing their time and forget about school. They probably wouldnt even notice that they are in school.

"Sweet.. I also want to hear your thoughts on; What do you think about teenagers dating someone that is a grade below them? Like a senior dating a junior?"

"I see why you ask this question. Your relationship with Michelle. Well I believe it wouldnt be so great. Since that person is a senior, s/he will be graduating and probably moving to college, either staying in the city or not. You never know. And for that junior, s/he wont be able to see their mate as much. When you get to college... there are so much stuff to do... you wouldn't have the time to use the bathroom. To my concern I dont see any point of dating someone a grade under you. That's just me."

My cousin's point of view about "school" is almost what I have on mind. School is a place to learn, not a playground, but it is very hard not to find a "date" in school because that what school also do. They let you interact with others and learn together.

If I were to interview myself I will say I will not attend to the same school with my girlfriend because you would'nt be able to interact with others. You hvae to stick with your lovers until something happen between us. Also if my girlfriend was in the same school as me... I will not even have the ability to focus.

I also think you will be able to learn better if you weren't dating. The reason I said that is because school takes a lot og time off your schedule, so if you were to date, how can you manage to find times to work on your homework? All I am saying is that people focus more when they're not dating. For example student tend to have better grades when they're single. Student that is in a relationship tend to have "OK" grades.

I think teenagers that are dating someone that is a grade below them is awfully bad. Like what my cousin have said, senior eventually will graduate move on. Junior will lose connection and probably will look for someone else. It is like different grades has different time of working on their homework. I will say that dating someone a grade or two belown is not that great.

I also interview my teacher at this tutoring school. She believes that there should be no dating in school. The right time to date someone is when you got yourslef a good job. School is suppose to be a place where you get to understand the materials and use those materials wisely. You wont understand the lesson when all you do is fool around with your girl/boyfriend. Therefore my answer will always be dating is not allow in school.


Well what I find interesting and important about school is that school is a place where you can succeed in life. A place there give you a chance to shine and give you the opporunity to finding the meaning of your life. We're very lucky that school is built, because it stops us from doing the "shitty" stuff. I come up with a topic on "student relationship" because I know for a fact, not just me, but other teenagers spends more time with their dates than in school. School has to be first, dates comes second; if you dont complete school, how can you afford a job to have a family.

Damn I gotta start following my own "words" because I am also that person that put school second. I have to continue to fight through this and I know that school will be supporting me.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

HW # 39- First School Assignment

Part A

I was walking to school one day, having my mind ready for school and just look forward for the day. I hear rumors from people, telling their friends how much they hate their teachers, how they're going to burn the school down, that they going to drop out and "fuck" the teachers up. Why go to school then? Why wasted your time going to school, when you believe their is better "shit" to do? Why make life harder for yourself when you think school is not a right place to make you grow? I just dont understand how other teenagers run their lives. I even wonder how does teenager make their "own" decision in life. School is their only opporunity, only chance, to make their lives shine. I am still a teenager, I have to go to school to learn; they have the resources that helps me to walk a successful path. But there's are still some questions I have on my mind...

-We all know school is a place to learn but howcome some teenager still act like it is a playground?

-Why does parent rely on school to teach us?

-How does failing a certain class will make us work better?

Part B

For those who doesnt know me that well, I love school. It is a place where I called "home." A home where I have the privledge to make a living out of. A home where I will hold great memories with wonderful people and this is a very special occassion; having a successful system to lead me to the right path.

Not many of you know what is one of my goal. One of my goal is to become a teacher. The most significant experience in my life has been working at a tutoring center, as being a teacher assistant. My duties are to encourage the student to understand what they are learning and provide an extra hand to the teacher. The students challenge me and inspire me to be conscientious of my responsibilities and actions. My goals are to help every student to understand the concepts from their homework and most importantly guide them on the right path; not allowing them to go through the same mistakes as I did.

At the end of freshman year, I had nothing planned for my summer vacation. My mom told me to get involved in an activity that would help me excel in my academics. Coincidentally, my friend offered me a job at tutoring center. At first, I struggled with the kids and found it difficult to relate to them effectively. They didn’t respond to my initiatives to help them with their homework or my suggestions of how to improve their grades. I became frustrated and eagerly looked forward to the end.

However at the end of summer, I didn’t forget the students and I felt heartbroken leaving the program. I wasn’t able to fulfill my duty as being a supporter to those kids that needed help. I didn’t expect to feel guilty; the students weren’t able to learn. It was my responsibility to help them. Therefore, during my sophomore year, I went back. The reason I want to give it another shot is that I want to be there for the kids. I couldn’t help each and every kid but I could make some changes. My goal was to offer my students some guidance in life; to put them on the right path and to be successful.

Suddenly, my experience working with the students, shifted from negative to positive. The students started to cooperate with me. I show them I am willing to help them. They started to obey me as their mentor. Not only were they receptive to my help, but I found myself learning and growing as well. The lessons I teach the students motivate me to be a responsible role model toward them. I learned better methods of relating the materials to their personal learning abilities; my confidence grew when I saw them demonstrate their new knowledge.

For example, there was a student who continuously had trouble with math. He failed all his quizzes. I taught him how to approach math problems step-by-step, until he understood the concepts. When he took his midterm, he scored a “B-.” I couldn’t have felt happier and proud. Just one smile on his face, told me that I was doing my job.

Tutoring has given me the opportunity not only to teach and serve, but to learn and grow. The more I taught, the more I felt I learned about myself. Going forward, I anticipate being challenged in college, and getting to know more parts of my being, I can offer to my peers and my professors.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

HW # 38- Art Project Cool

My point of view on being "cool." from Quinn Wu on Vimeo.

Many of us may ask how is my video related to being cool. How is teaching younger kids, makes me feel or be cool. Some may wonder how is "this video" going to make them think, that teaching is cool. Well, my own definition of being cool is not all about matching outfit, wearing a thick gold chain, hanging out with the badass, spike up hair or having a pocket full of cash. According to my own perspectives there are many ways to be cool. You dont have to wear a million dollor jacket just to be the center of the attention; to make someone realize you are there. You dont have to deal with drugs or show a act of violence to fit into the society or creating a "name" for yourself. Do the stuff that makes you love/happy.

Take me for an example, that video may not be relate to "cool" but it is my own meaning of how I act cool. According to my own belief, being yourself is cool. It is the whole deal. It is the whole purpose. Live your life, you want it too. Now of someone is gonna tell me "teaching" is not cool, they have their own reasoning, I will not paid attention to them because it is my own life. I love to teach. I stick to my dream and happiness; i'm cool.

The purpose of this video is all about "Living Your Life," I love teaching younger kids, I want to set a good example for them; expalin to them how to walk in the right path; instead of making horrible decisions. i dont want kids to go throught the mistakes I was once in. I want them to learn and turn their lives around. Even though I am not able to help each and every kids, I am able to change some life around. I want people to realize being cool means a lot of reasons. Live your own purpose of life. Your life is worthy; so dont waste it.

So there you have it, my video. In the video, I was helping 3 young children. I was working on my homework until one of my kid ask me for help. I was glad to help them that I stop working on my work and help them first. One of the kid was being bad so I got mad and make him suffer. That's how you make a kid learn. They are young right now, they have the ability to learn and improve; making lives better. When they get older, you make your own decision.

Making are seem cool to me because I am able to watch my own life, how I have change. How I am abkle to make my life better in a .... cooler way. There's nothing cool about this video... but to me... teaching is cool. And that's why I chose to make this as my ART COOL PROJECT.