Saturday, February 27, 2010

HW # 41- Initial Research on Schooling

As being a 17 year old teenager, school has made me a better person. School has given me the opporunity to shine once again. School means "Hope" and "Life" Without school "I" am a piece of shit. I think we will all be a piece of crap. We need to learn the criteria of how to live the American Dream. I really cant imagine how it would be, if I didnt go to school. Would I end up in the street and let people fucking step on me? I aint the smartest kid, but school has knock some sense into me; telling me to enjoy what's there for me.

As we started this unit, I heard my friends complaining how school has ruined their life. "School wont get you anywhere." "School is boring" "School is bullshit." "NO! You're bullshit." School aint suppose to be fun. School aint ruining your mind, you're just playing mind game with yourself. Screw them. Jumping on! Before I get to my point... I have a question I will like to ask: "Do you think you will learn better in school if you werent having a relationship with someone?" I decided to look more into teenager relationship because I am also part of the rountine; dating someone. I want to know, does dating help you to succeed in school or not. Did a little bit of research.

Dating is violence.

I decided to look at how would a teenager have the ability to learn in school if they are having a affair. I though it was important to learn how a teenager will interact with school when they have someone in their life. On "" it says that teenagers often experience violence in dating relationship. Statistics show that one in three teenagers has experienced violence in dating. In a relationship, one person tries to maintain power and control over the relaitonship. Dating violence crosses all racial, economic and social lines, which indicates that young woman will have a higher chance of getting abused. This site provides a list of how "teen dating violence often is hidden because of typical reasons" and " how teen dating violence has influenced the teenager to look at themselves, differently.

Like seriously this site is very helpful because if you have dating problem. This site can help your ass out. There is also a paragraph on how "statistics is to determine teens dating status.

Teen Dating Statistics

*About one in three high school students have been or will be involved in an abusive relationship.

*Forty percent of teenage girls ages 14 to 17 say they know someone their age who has been hit or beaten by a boyfriend.

*In one study, from 30 to 50 percent of female high school students reported having already experienced teen dating violence.

*Teen dating violence most often takes place in the home of one of the partners.

*In 1995, 7 percent of all murder victims were young women who were killed by their boyfriends.

*One in five or 20 percent of dating couples report some type of violence in their relationship.

*One of five college females will experience some form of dating violence.

*A survey of 500 young women, ages 15 to 24, found that 60 percent were currently involved in an ongoing abusive relationship and all participants had experienced violence in a dating relationship.

*One study found that 38 percent of date rape victims were young women from 14 to 17 years of age.

*A survey of adolescent and college students revealed that date rape accounted for 67percent of sexual assaults.

*More than half young women raped (68 percent) knew their rapist either as a boyfriend, friend or casual acquaintance.

*Six out of 10 rapes of young women occur in their own home or a friend or relative's home, not in a dark alley.

*More than 4 in every 10 incidents of domestic violence involves non-married persons (Bureau of Justice Special Report: Intimate Partner Violence, May 2000)

I also find that this site "" is helpful. "Committed relationship and school; being a student has a role that you have to play. There are lessong that you get taught and one of them is not to start a relationship in school. This aspect can really damage your abiility to work in school. Having a relationshop can provide stress from school work. Being in a relationship means you have to drop off everything and spend time with your girl/boy friend. Spending time with your partner can affect your regular hours of studying. This can make your life a living hell.

I found this site quite interesting because being in a relationship can really hurt your school time. Your partner can really have you in a lockdown, and you cant do shit about it. As a result, you're FUCKED.

Oh yeah I also find this site very helpful. The best thing about this site "," it gave me tons of references on how to look for the act of violence in school dating. This site explain how people who harm their dating partners are more depressed, having lower self- esteem and more aggressive to their peers. Dating can fuck your life over, dating violence id a serious problem in the United States. Many teens are afraid to report it to their parent because it will fuck up their life even more.

I could find myslef in front of my dream college. I hope this reseachs will help me through college because I dont want to feel miserable and not have a happy ending. Losing someone you love is a total disater. I hope all these years I have been in school, the lessons will lead me to the right path.

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