Tuesday, February 16, 2010

HW # 39- First School Assignment

Part A

I was walking to school one day, having my mind ready for school and just look forward for the day. I hear rumors from people, telling their friends how much they hate their teachers, how they're going to burn the school down, that they going to drop out and "fuck" the teachers up. Why go to school then? Why wasted your time going to school, when you believe their is better "shit" to do? Why make life harder for yourself when you think school is not a right place to make you grow? I just dont understand how other teenagers run their lives. I even wonder how does teenager make their "own" decision in life. School is their only opporunity, only chance, to make their lives shine. I am still a teenager, I have to go to school to learn; they have the resources that helps me to walk a successful path. But there's are still some questions I have on my mind...

-We all know school is a place to learn but howcome some teenager still act like it is a playground?

-Why does parent rely on school to teach us?

-How does failing a certain class will make us work better?

Part B

For those who doesnt know me that well, I love school. It is a place where I called "home." A home where I have the privledge to make a living out of. A home where I will hold great memories with wonderful people and this is a very special occassion; having a successful system to lead me to the right path.

Not many of you know what is one of my goal. One of my goal is to become a teacher. The most significant experience in my life has been working at a tutoring center, as being a teacher assistant. My duties are to encourage the student to understand what they are learning and provide an extra hand to the teacher. The students challenge me and inspire me to be conscientious of my responsibilities and actions. My goals are to help every student to understand the concepts from their homework and most importantly guide them on the right path; not allowing them to go through the same mistakes as I did.

At the end of freshman year, I had nothing planned for my summer vacation. My mom told me to get involved in an activity that would help me excel in my academics. Coincidentally, my friend offered me a job at tutoring center. At first, I struggled with the kids and found it difficult to relate to them effectively. They didn’t respond to my initiatives to help them with their homework or my suggestions of how to improve their grades. I became frustrated and eagerly looked forward to the end.

However at the end of summer, I didn’t forget the students and I felt heartbroken leaving the program. I wasn’t able to fulfill my duty as being a supporter to those kids that needed help. I didn’t expect to feel guilty; the students weren’t able to learn. It was my responsibility to help them. Therefore, during my sophomore year, I went back. The reason I want to give it another shot is that I want to be there for the kids. I couldn’t help each and every kid but I could make some changes. My goal was to offer my students some guidance in life; to put them on the right path and to be successful.

Suddenly, my experience working with the students, shifted from negative to positive. The students started to cooperate with me. I show them I am willing to help them. They started to obey me as their mentor. Not only were they receptive to my help, but I found myself learning and growing as well. The lessons I teach the students motivate me to be a responsible role model toward them. I learned better methods of relating the materials to their personal learning abilities; my confidence grew when I saw them demonstrate their new knowledge.

For example, there was a student who continuously had trouble with math. He failed all his quizzes. I taught him how to approach math problems step-by-step, until he understood the concepts. When he took his midterm, he scored a “B-.” I couldn’t have felt happier and proud. Just one smile on his face, told me that I was doing my job.

Tutoring has given me the opportunity not only to teach and serve, but to learn and grow. The more I taught, the more I felt I learned about myself. Going forward, I anticipate being challenged in college, and getting to know more parts of my being, I can offer to my peers and my professors.


  1. did you just recycle a well-edited college application essay? : )

  2. lol how did you know that this is my college essay? =]
