Wednesday, December 23, 2009

HW # 31-Exploring Methods of M,M,C,A & Aggrandizing the Self- Part A

In class on Friday, we shared insights of how teenagers show off their values or special talents. How we identify teenagers as them being cool, in certain ways; such as their behaviors, body parts and names. Andy Snyder ask us to ask someone who is using "one" of the strategies we classify as being cool.

I decided for this short interview, I will ask one of my best friend, Sammy Huang. Sammy and I use to be top gun, we are always together: chilling, partying and shooting some hoops. I will not go into "deeper" details about his personal life and what kind of person he "really" is. We know each other since we were in elemtary school, I decided to ask him, what make him cool. I probably will give some background information about his life. His name is Sammy Huang, he is now 19. He called himself "YL." "YL" is a short name for a hangout crew. No futher information. So we chill and shit. I ask him what made him so special/popular. "All i could tell you is that I am a serious person."

My friend doesnt have a serious behavior. He is in some sort of business that help him earn a lot of money. He doesnt take any drugs or have a act of violence. My friends love to go swimming and execise when he has a lot of things on his mind. I dont really wanna get into that much details about my friends. I chose him to be interview because he is my friend and we do everything together.

Part B-continue

As I was walking through the park on Thursday, I recongize one of my old time buddy. OMG. We were so cool back then, It is like if there is one fishball left for us to eat, we will split it up and share it. That's how cool we were. So as I was walking to work, he came behind me and play a little prank on me. We gave each other pound and a light hug. As I was like "checking" him out, I realize he has change a lot. He has a silver chain, earring, and tatoo. He became a lot tanner and tough looking.

Unlike my other friend, Sammy Huang. He also has a crew he hang out with. I know his people and I am mad tight with them. His "crew" is not like any other crew, they act mad violence and do drugs. They have a name for their crew; no futher information.

I could had made him sound very horrible, but if you get to know him, he is very nice. Back then we use to have a lot of fun. As we grew older; we get separate but our friendship is still going strong.

For my last interview I decided to interview one of my neighbor. I dont know why I chose my neighbor but he seem like a very cool person to me. Every christmas, he will give me a gift or a card. I dont really know him that well because he is never around. He always comes home mad late. I know he is a very ncie person in the outside but in the inside, you dont even want to know. He has mad tatoos and he got his ear pierce. To think of it, I think he is a violence person. I dont know how but its just my own opinion.

HW # 30-Psychological and Philosophical Theorizing of Cool- (planing to revise)

This could be one of the hardest assisgnment that Andy has gave to us. How can cool be viewed as a major attempt to fill the emptiness inside of us with an internal heroic mission? I am not even going to lie, I am having a lot of trouble finding sources of how cool can connect to emptiness or I am having difficulties understanding this assignment, but I am going to try.

How does "emptiness" feel? As some of us probably dont know what emptiness means; as a human condition is a sense of generalized boredon, social alientation and apathy. Feeling emptiness relies on being lonliness, depression. I am not going to even look for sources, I am probably coming out with my own theory/examples on emptiness.

How can being emptiness affect your state of habit/mind? All I know that everyone has experiences the feeling of emptiness. Emptiness can leads to serious behavior and taking risks. Emptiness is a feeling of being heartbroken or depression. We just dont know what the world is revolving around us. Full of love, hate, peace, violence, drugs and complicate shit. What does it takes to get this feeling out of us? When can this end and be happy again? When can the world be perfect upon us? Why do we have to go through this nightmare just to feel "full" instead of emptiness?

"The perks of being a wallflower," by Stephen Chbosky, a book about a highschool student who always feel empty and wanted someone to listen and gives him attention. "I just need someone out there listens and understands and doesnt try to sleep with people even if they could have. I need to know that these people exist." He felt lonliness and boredom when no one even realized he exist. He took drugs and a act of violence.

So how does being cool connects to feeling emptiness? Who knows? Being cool is just a way to get away from depression. Who wants to be all empty all the time, so of course, we need to feel the right way. Which is being cool. Something that makes us stand again. Something that makes us run and become strong again.

Friday, December 18, 2009

HW # 29 - Merchants of Cool

Let me start out by saying, "What is wrong with this world?" What is the meaning of girls showing off their body to the whole crowd? Co'mon ladies, some of us cant get those kind of blessing. And does teenagers know what they are putting up on their life such as being "cool"? Think about it, do we seriously have to risk our lives to grab a hold of attention from others? Didnt you guy heard about "freedom." Yeah, we can do whatever we like, but do we seriously have to put on some fashion clothes and run around the block, looking cool or grinding on people to show off your style? We all have our way to identify ourselves. We dont have to be "cool" for people to notice you. Everyone on this world has something valuable to share and we all have special way to claim the world. One thing we all must do is to live a meaningful life.

I am not that cool type of person who loves to show off their style of body because I have none. But I am definatly a cool person that lvoes to help friends family out. I just want to be happy and live a happy meaningful life. There's a reason why god put us here on earth, in the first place; to play a role to satisfy our needs. The ability to taste accomplishments and to seek happiness. On Tuesday or Wednesday, Matt Fried, a psychologist that teaches at School of the Future, explain that "we" as in young teenagers has the right to feel cool in certain ways. We mostly look for those cool values within someone else but not ourselves. Just think about it this way, whether you are a guy or a girl who tries to look good for this person, you are giving up a life time to this "person" you trying to get in touch with. It is better to control our own being instead of letting someone apparance change you. Now, I agree with Matt Fried because I think it is not worth it to act cool around people that you dont know, just to get in touch with them. You cant let someone take over your mind.

What's on your mind right now? Did i slap some scent onto your mind? Seriously, no matter how hard you try, you wont make any progress. Probably a little but still, you shouldnt try to impress anyone by being cool. In "Mercant of Cool" a PBS tv shos, shows us that the corporations are trying to show us teens, that we are spending a great amount of money on trying to be cool and feeling secure/valuable. We are wasting our precious time trying to iminate others, by being cool and showing off our styles. You can save those money on computer, games, whatever you like but not on something that is uncommon.

You know what is funny throughout my senior year? My history and english class. IN english class, we talk about existential imaginal and in history class, we are discussing about personal political. Combining those two classes, it seem like I learn a lot. We live in a world that help us look for what best suit us. What gives us hope, happiness, and the privildge to be whatever we want. we have to find something that stands out for us, that make sure that the younger generation are able to learn from us. Truth Values motherfuckers!!! I did some research and interviews couple of teenagers. I interview some non cool teenagers and cool teenagers. Yet, there are very different from each other. Non-cool teenagers are mainly nerds and cool teenagers are mainly those gangesters. It seem like we could be the "Mercant of Cools" Andy took us to hunt for strangers to interview, and I mainly search two different issues. Cool versre Uncool. Which one are you?

I am going to end my essay by asking: Do you think you are cool? IF you are. Is it worth it? Dumbass!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

HW # 28- Informal Research- Internet, Magazines, and TV Shows

How to be cool-

Have you ever wanted to be the cool guy or cool girl, and does the right thing? If you think about all the people who you think of as cool, you can possible have several characteristics in common, such as condifent, unique, and friendly terms.

There are many steps of how to be cool. But I think the most important steps are

1. Dont care so much about what others think of you. We are always different from everyone else. We are always on different level or stages, so why care what people say about you. You dont have to please anyone except yourself and people that really loves you. Dont let people get under your skin and make you become a different person.

2. Be aware of how others will precieve you. There is no chance in hell, to let people judge who you are and affect your self esteem. All you got to do is do what you have to do and feel secure about yourself.

3. Find real friends. Why do you hang around friends that require you to wear designer clothes, they are not "REAL" friends. Friends are suppose to have your back, not judging your appearance or force you to look better.

4. Keep yourself "cool" The definition of cool is being calm, indifferent, and socially adept. All you got to do is keep yourself cool, pace yourself and dont let stuff get into your mind. Make yourself comfortable and dont put your mind on anybody else situation. You need to have confident within yourself.


Being cool verse being good -

Can you define what being cool means? Not all cool teenagers can be good or bad. It depends on their behaviors and social status. These days, the quest of hanging with cool kids can lead a good kids into promote bad behavior and poor characters. We as kids need to understand that being cool is like "another" victim stepping into jail. Being cool might force younger kids to choose things that arent good - or good for them.

A studies show that majority of teens shows deeply entrenched habit such as fighting, stealing, cheating and lying. We need to do something about this or else younger teens will be heading to the wrong path.

"Yale University released a study that found teens who were considered cool by their peers were more likely to engage in high risk or deviant behaviors (drinking, drug use, teen sex, petty crime, driving infractions) than kids who were considered less cool."

Yale University one of top college in the United States, located at New Haven, Connecticut. A smart talented college where "cool" teenagers stronly forgets why they are in such a smart college and doing stuff that is ruiling their lives.

Just ask yourself...what is do good about being cool? Why cant we just be like normal kids and be clean.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

HW 27 - Informal Research- Interviews and Surveys

Family Member : Youngest Anut

For this interview, I decided to interview my youngerst anut. My anut is from my mother side and I belive she is the coolest person in my family. Somehow she acts very differently than anyone else in this family. My oldest anut doesnt know how to show apprecation. My mother is a cheap ass. I can say that my dad is close of being cool bht he knows how to waste money, so thats not cool. My grandparent are old so I am going to leave them out of this. All my cousin and one of my uncle can be cool, but I really think my youngest anut is the coolest of them all. She is kindhearted and shw knows how to make a person smile or solve any problems. So I decided to interview my youngest anut.

"Hey anut, can I ask you some questions?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Well, at class we are dicussing about a new unit on people being "cool" and my teahcer gave us this assignment to work on. So I decided since you are the..."

"Coolest anut?"

"Yes! see, thats what make you so cool."

"I know, so whats the questions?"

"Well, let me start out by asking why do you think I chose to interview you and not anyone else in this family?"

I am guessing I am better off than almost all the grown ups. I know why you didnt choose your mom because she is always mean to you and always make you feel hurt. Your anuts doesnt know how to make a child happy but I can. Your uncles doesnt have the time to keep up with [your] life, because they have work. I am different because I always call you to see how things are going for you. Whenever I see something match you, I will buy it for you. Is that why you chose me?"

"Yup, that's exactly why I chose you. And also at class, one of main reason why people are so cool is because we judge them about fashion and styles. Do you thik coolness relies on fashion and styles?"

"I dont think "all" people are judge by fashion or styles to determine if they are cool or not. You chose me because I am cool than anyone else in this family, but I dont dress "cool". I wear whatever I like, depends on my mood. Most of my friends that I go shopping with doesnt dress "cool" they dress whatever fit their desires.

"You have seen "cool" teenager, what do you think of the way they act throughout their way of dressing?"

"That's a pretty hard question to answer. It is very hard to judge someone's being just by looking at their dressing. Some people may have a good personality if they dress "ghetto-ly" Some people may have a bad personality if they are not dressing "cool." It is very hard to tell if someone is trying to be cool or not.

My anut's point of view about being cool seem to thrill me off. After listening to her speech about people being cool. I think I may agree with her. We dont really know for sure if "this" person who dress "cooly" is good or bad. Fashion really doesnt tell us much about the person's traits.

Andy also told us to interview stranger(s) from the street. I saw this old man sweeping the street down at 7-11. He was probably around his 60s and he was wearing a white t shirt with a good chain around his neck. He was wearing these paggy pant and wore a pair of nike sneaker and a yankee fiited. I chose to interview him about being cool because he kinda dress like the "cool" type, so probably when he was a teenger, he probably have problem acting cool. I walk up to him with a smile and ask how he was doing. He replied back saying: "Whats going young fella," and shook my hand. Basically I went straight to my point and ask him:

"You are probably around your mid-age and I see you sweeping the floor with yo chain and rocking those fresh sneaker, where you "cool" when you were a teenager?"

[laugh] "you wanna roll like me?"

"umm, just doing a assignment for my class."

"Well, back when I first started high school, I be chilling with my boy and messing around on the street. I use to have ladies following me around. Ladies lying up from Madison Square Garden to the Brooklyn Bridge waiting to get in touch with me, boy. I drop out of highschool in my second year, end up cleaning the street and wasting my time. But I still be bagging girls. A month ago, I took this girl back home and..."

[looking at my time] "sir, thanks for your time. I really have to get going right now. Sorry I have to stop you."

"Well, come back and ask me more."

I seriously dont know what got into this dude. I dont even know how he still look "this" fresh and end up working on the streets. That's not cool at all.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

HW 26-Photos and Questions * planing to revise*

Michelle Yan a.k.a my wifey

DO you think you are cool? Why?

umm, I dont think I am cool. I just dont have the style of becoming cool. Many of my friends say that I am cool in a way, but deep inside of me, I just want to be a special girl to those who I loved.

So howcome you are wearing a skirt?

well, it was my graduation day so I want to inspire my friends and families. Just for this day, thats all. One a really basic day, I will just wear what most girls wear.

Do you think people talk about the way you dress?

I believe so. I think a lot of people feels jealous about the way i dress. I been hearing people talking behind my back saying damn, I want to be like that girl... with those hot ass jordan. And the way i dress, probably makes some guy fall in love with me.

Henry Yan : my girlfriend's brother

Do you think you are cool? Why?

Well, I think I am cool because I get a lot of attention from my freinds. Even though I dont have a big generation at school but I been seeing mad people wants to get to know me. When I was little I wanted to be like those black people in the street, rocking with their fresh jordan, becuase they have stlyes. They forces me to cop their styles.

Do you think people want to be like you?

Um.. I am not quite sure if people wants to be like me because everyone has their own style of being cool. I dress cool not to get attention... I dress cool so I can fit in this world. I dont see people around me saying stuff behind my back.

If you didnt follow anyone footstep, will your life change? Like you said... you follow these black people style.. so what happen if you dont have that kind of "style'?

I think nothing changes. I just like to wear clothes that looks good on me.