Friday, December 18, 2009

HW # 29 - Merchants of Cool

Let me start out by saying, "What is wrong with this world?" What is the meaning of girls showing off their body to the whole crowd? Co'mon ladies, some of us cant get those kind of blessing. And does teenagers know what they are putting up on their life such as being "cool"? Think about it, do we seriously have to risk our lives to grab a hold of attention from others? Didnt you guy heard about "freedom." Yeah, we can do whatever we like, but do we seriously have to put on some fashion clothes and run around the block, looking cool or grinding on people to show off your style? We all have our way to identify ourselves. We dont have to be "cool" for people to notice you. Everyone on this world has something valuable to share and we all have special way to claim the world. One thing we all must do is to live a meaningful life.

I am not that cool type of person who loves to show off their style of body because I have none. But I am definatly a cool person that lvoes to help friends family out. I just want to be happy and live a happy meaningful life. There's a reason why god put us here on earth, in the first place; to play a role to satisfy our needs. The ability to taste accomplishments and to seek happiness. On Tuesday or Wednesday, Matt Fried, a psychologist that teaches at School of the Future, explain that "we" as in young teenagers has the right to feel cool in certain ways. We mostly look for those cool values within someone else but not ourselves. Just think about it this way, whether you are a guy or a girl who tries to look good for this person, you are giving up a life time to this "person" you trying to get in touch with. It is better to control our own being instead of letting someone apparance change you. Now, I agree with Matt Fried because I think it is not worth it to act cool around people that you dont know, just to get in touch with them. You cant let someone take over your mind.

What's on your mind right now? Did i slap some scent onto your mind? Seriously, no matter how hard you try, you wont make any progress. Probably a little but still, you shouldnt try to impress anyone by being cool. In "Mercant of Cool" a PBS tv shos, shows us that the corporations are trying to show us teens, that we are spending a great amount of money on trying to be cool and feeling secure/valuable. We are wasting our precious time trying to iminate others, by being cool and showing off our styles. You can save those money on computer, games, whatever you like but not on something that is uncommon.

You know what is funny throughout my senior year? My history and english class. IN english class, we talk about existential imaginal and in history class, we are discussing about personal political. Combining those two classes, it seem like I learn a lot. We live in a world that help us look for what best suit us. What gives us hope, happiness, and the privildge to be whatever we want. we have to find something that stands out for us, that make sure that the younger generation are able to learn from us. Truth Values motherfuckers!!! I did some research and interviews couple of teenagers. I interview some non cool teenagers and cool teenagers. Yet, there are very different from each other. Non-cool teenagers are mainly nerds and cool teenagers are mainly those gangesters. It seem like we could be the "Mercant of Cools" Andy took us to hunt for strangers to interview, and I mainly search two different issues. Cool versre Uncool. Which one are you?

I am going to end my essay by asking: Do you think you are cool? IF you are. Is it worth it? Dumbass!!!

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