Monday, December 7, 2009

HW # 28- Informal Research- Internet, Magazines, and TV Shows

How to be cool-

Have you ever wanted to be the cool guy or cool girl, and does the right thing? If you think about all the people who you think of as cool, you can possible have several characteristics in common, such as condifent, unique, and friendly terms.

There are many steps of how to be cool. But I think the most important steps are

1. Dont care so much about what others think of you. We are always different from everyone else. We are always on different level or stages, so why care what people say about you. You dont have to please anyone except yourself and people that really loves you. Dont let people get under your skin and make you become a different person.

2. Be aware of how others will precieve you. There is no chance in hell, to let people judge who you are and affect your self esteem. All you got to do is do what you have to do and feel secure about yourself.

3. Find real friends. Why do you hang around friends that require you to wear designer clothes, they are not "REAL" friends. Friends are suppose to have your back, not judging your appearance or force you to look better.

4. Keep yourself "cool" The definition of cool is being calm, indifferent, and socially adept. All you got to do is keep yourself cool, pace yourself and dont let stuff get into your mind. Make yourself comfortable and dont put your mind on anybody else situation. You need to have confident within yourself.


Being cool verse being good -

Can you define what being cool means? Not all cool teenagers can be good or bad. It depends on their behaviors and social status. These days, the quest of hanging with cool kids can lead a good kids into promote bad behavior and poor characters. We as kids need to understand that being cool is like "another" victim stepping into jail. Being cool might force younger kids to choose things that arent good - or good for them.

A studies show that majority of teens shows deeply entrenched habit such as fighting, stealing, cheating and lying. We need to do something about this or else younger teens will be heading to the wrong path.

"Yale University released a study that found teens who were considered cool by their peers were more likely to engage in high risk or deviant behaviors (drinking, drug use, teen sex, petty crime, driving infractions) than kids who were considered less cool."

Yale University one of top college in the United States, located at New Haven, Connecticut. A smart talented college where "cool" teenagers stronly forgets why they are in such a smart college and doing stuff that is ruiling their lives.

Just ask yourself...what is do good about being cool? Why cant we just be like normal kids and be clean.

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