Tuesday, December 1, 2009

HW 26-Photos and Questions * planing to revise*

Michelle Yan a.k.a my wifey

DO you think you are cool? Why?

umm, I dont think I am cool. I just dont have the style of becoming cool. Many of my friends say that I am cool in a way, but deep inside of me, I just want to be a special girl to those who I loved.

So howcome you are wearing a skirt?

well, it was my graduation day so I want to inspire my friends and families. Just for this day, thats all. One a really basic day, I will just wear what most girls wear.

Do you think people talk about the way you dress?

I believe so. I think a lot of people feels jealous about the way i dress. I been hearing people talking behind my back saying damn, I want to be like that girl... with those hot ass jordan. And the way i dress, probably makes some guy fall in love with me.

Henry Yan : my girlfriend's brother

Do you think you are cool? Why?

Well, I think I am cool because I get a lot of attention from my freinds. Even though I dont have a big generation at school but I been seeing mad people wants to get to know me. When I was little I wanted to be like those black people in the street, rocking with their fresh jordan, becuase they have stlyes. They forces me to cop their styles.

Do you think people want to be like you?

Um.. I am not quite sure if people wants to be like me because everyone has their own style of being cool. I dress cool not to get attention... I dress cool so I can fit in this world. I dont see people around me saying stuff behind my back.

If you didnt follow anyone footstep, will your life change? Like you said... you follow these black people style.. so what happen if you dont have that kind of "style'?

I think nothing changes. I just like to wear clothes that looks good on me.

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