Saturday, May 29, 2010

HW 56- Interview & Survey Question

Main question: "Why do family memebers take advantage of one another's kindness?"

Interview Questions:

1. Have you ever feel guity, that you did something wrong to your families but they never find out?

2. Would you ever take advantage of your parent's values. Such as lying to them? Stealing?

3. If you felt that you did something wrong, how did your relationship with your parent change?


1. If you find out that your child has beem fooling behind your back, (such as lying) what would you do?

2. Realizing that your child has gone "bad" what would you do?

3. Have you even though your child would cheat, take advantage of you?

Quinn(interviewing myself)

1. Yes I feel guity everyday. whenever I look into my parents' eyes I felt that they're just strangers. When I did something wrong, I know it is hurting them and it also makes my heart shatter. BUt this is life, man. Parent always harsh on you and doesnt even realize that they're making us bleed from the inside. When you see your friends staying out late, dont you want to be a free- bird? I've to come up with lies just to hang out late. I felt awful but it is their fault not letting me do whatever I want. Beside Im 18 and I aint doing anything illegal.
2. Like what I said on question 1. I will take advantage on them because they think I am still a baby that nned a lot of support. For example my mom wants me to go to Baruch College, I said I hope to get in as well. But I realize I wont have any fun staying close to home. Came up with a idea of going to a Suny school. I got accepted to University of Buffalo and Baruch. I told my mom, I didnt get accepted to Baruch and she scold at me. "I did the right thing of lying to her."
3. I felt that we are still a family but not a happy family. I know that I need to change my act and behavior. Im hoping University of Buffalo can change my life and when I come back to my parent. I hope that they see me as a kid of their own (again)

1.I always lied to my parent and when they find out, I just ignored them. Dont you remember the time when you were at my place. My mom yell at me for coming home late, so I took this knife and tryna scared her.
Me answering--> yeah you bitch.
2. Yes my parent are getting old. So heres my chance. They're weark and they will be gone soon.
3. Me and my parent dont equal to relationship. They make me sick.

Random stranger(mid 30s)
1. kick them out of the house. Let them starve. Not giving them spending money.
2. I make sure that they would never walk again.
3. Not necessary.
Me asking---> why not?
She answer---> I dont have any kids.


I decided to interview myself because I want to know if Im being honest with myself. While i was interviewing myself I felt like a dick, of all the shit I did to my parent. Parent mean loves and I never gave them any love. Just lie to them, just to ahve time to myself. I promise them I would be a good boy but I lied. Life is difficult being 18. While interviewing my friend. I felt that he is a wasted motherfucker. He doesnt deserve to be living. I remember the time I crash his place, he threw his parent clothes away and took a knife and pointed to his mother. Right now, he spend his time at his friends place. I told him every kids needs a mom and dad.

Survery question: hard to think of one.

Monday, May 17, 2010

HW # 54

Part 1
Extroverted (E) 61.76% Introverted (I) 38.24%
Sensing (S) 53.33% Intuitive (N) 46.67%
Feeling (F) 60% Thinking (T) 40%
Judging (J) 51.43% Perceiving (P) 48.57%

Your type is: ESFJ

ESFJ - "Seller". Most sociable of all types. Nurturer of harmony. Outstanding host or hostesses. 12.3% of total population.

When comparing this survey to the one we took for human relationship. I though the survey was actually more easier to fill out. while doing this survey I read the direction on the top saying... " Answer the question accurately requires honest reflection on how you really think, feel and act in general. Some of the questions on this test measure personality traits. So just focus on being honest if you want the most accurate results." I am guessing I really have to focus and be honest with myself. The results will determine what kind of personality traits I have within myself. while taking the survey, there were words that i didnt know. I decided to fill out the middle box which equals to 50percents but I am guessing this will be a fake; just playing myself. But in that case, I use to define the words. It is a lot of work and thinking to do. (lol) but according to my results, I am not a thinker... i am more of a "feeler" So i am guessing I sort of just put down the answer when i aint sure.

But somehow the results add up to being a "seller" i kind of agree to this because for my carrer job i wanted to become a seller or manage a company. The results really put me to a test and determine what stuff I need to change, Yes, I am a very outgoing person, which I like but my parent hates me for spending too much times outside and not at home. I was about to let my younger brother to take the test but I know waht his results gonna turn out to be. Very different from me. We are both very different person because my mom loves my brothers behavior than mines. I love to do the opposite things than my families, they sometime wonder if they took the wrong baby from the hospital. There are many reasons why I didnt let my brother take it because I am his only brother and I knows what kind of person he is. Sometimes the oldest brother have to learn from their brother. I wish I was my brother, he gets all the love from the families, I dont get as much. it is probably cos im the oldest and I always makes my families feel down. Spending most of my times with my friends than my families... that's why I put friends first.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

HW 53- Survey Analysis

Part 1- Completed the survey

Part 2
After I completed the survey i was wondering if i took the survey seriously. Thinking if this survey actually mean something to my life, what was the purpose of ths survey, its just a survey. Since the survey was anonymous, there couldnt be right and wrong answers. While i was reading each question i stop half way and put my final answer. There are many hard questions that got me thinking. So i just fake it. Most of my answer were either "sometimes" or most likly" I found myself not being honestly with the answer I chose. Sometimes taking these survey makes me frustrated because at the end, you dont really know what it adds up to. Like, okay, I know it is anonymous, no one is going to read or see what yu put down for an answer, but the survey always mean something; it adds up to a solution to see what kind of person you are. Its like you wont be able to see your results and it just so distrubing because you have no idea of who you are. Its confusing, I know but thats how i think about survey. So in advance, I just red the question, if it is long, i will just put random answer. Simple as that. if people actually read my results, it makes me think what will the people say about me. Am i this or that. Its really caught me of guard, just having a feeling that people are talking about me. Yah I know it is anonymous. but thats just me.

Part 3
Looking throught th whole senior class survey, I believe we're like a family because we took a survey, mainly on human relationship. Thats how I feel when we can come together to form a team and just work on a big project. I feel as a team we can make something out of myself. this is just how i am acting when it comes to a school survey( lol) So looking back at the results, I realize there were many things to read. In fact i just skim through the document and realize families is the most important aspects in life. "You wish you were part of a different family" Almost half of our senior class put no, not at all, i believe i put Yes gerenerally mostly. This makes me feel like a bitch, seeing the results makes me think i am betraying my family. "there is drug use in your home" whoever put yes as a answewr, they must be a G (lol) 63.5% of the kids put No for an answer. sort of believe that but who knows, they can be a fake. "violence is an issue in your home. 0% of the kids said Yes. thats bullshit. Most of my friends use violence at home. I know everyone does, i even put sometimes.

You see andy, I aint that type of person that fool around with a girl get her pregnant and just throw the girl away or not use protection to have fun. by readint the artical 50% public high school studetnts have had sexual intercoarse. ONe in ten reports having had sex before the age of 13. Thats incredibleand i could see why we took this survey. sex can build up relationship like families and friends relationship becaise if you want to have sex wih this person. that means they're part of your family. (in my turn) so having sex in such a young age and only 8% uses protection, what happen to the 92% girl, they get pregnant. Then they would have families problem in such a young age.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

HW 52- Initial Theories of Human Relationships

"Hey kid, I'll be your friend if you buy me lunch." "Hey kid, I'll give you 5 nickets for those 4 quarters, you know what they say, 5 is greater than 4." "Hey girl, if you go out with me, I promise I'll never do you wrong." "Hey grandpa, I lost my wallet can you lend me some money for food?" "Hey Ms. Chen, last night I was at the hospital with my mom, so I didnt have time to work on my homework, can I turn it in tomorrow?" This is life. You'll have to cheat your way through life. "How?" by taking advantages. I bet you [the reader] doesnt know where I am taking this too. The purpose of my response on theories of human relationship is that people are just "using" their own relationship to get through tough times. Some of the theories that humans share are theories of love, your family theories, your theories of friendship, power, social structures, roles, nations, ethnicites, genders, and every other aspects of humanity. These theories [according to my own belief] make up human resources and make the world to have less meaning. If it wasnt for the high economics, the laws, and toughness aspects; human wont be cheating its way through life, by taking advantage of each other.

What makes life so difficult? Having to go through obstacles, and the only solution is to cheat your way out to the "finish line." Let's start out with "making friendship in school" friendships are people that attached to another by feeling of affection or personal regard; a person who gives assistance; patronl supporter. Yeah, thats what friends are meant for but deep inside "are they really your friend?" You've their trust because you probably fell into your trap. Once you've fallen into their procession, they'll take advantage of you. For example, "hey quinn, can you lend me 2 dollars, I promise to pay you back tomorrow." The next day, he/she paids quinn back. Quinn knows that his friend is "trustworthy." The next following day, hey quinn, I left my money at home, can you lend me 5 dollars. Quinn gave his friend the money because he trust them. Guess what, his friend didnt pay him back and try to find a way out with lies. You really cant trust friends. "THEY COME AND GO."

Hmm.. lets move onto family relationship. Yeah, you cant really say nothing about them but I beleive I can. But how, you cant possibly cheat on your family? I believe so. Let's start out by defining what is a family. A family is a social unit consisting of one or more adults together with the children they care for: any group of persons closely related by blood. Alright, personally I dont have any ideas of what parent think about their child but my mom caught me lying to her. She still loves me as her son but she cant really "trust" me. My mom is still doing her job as being my mom. She worries, cares, feeds me, and I do the same for her. But one little fight can screw up your relationship because they cant possibly understand why their child just "done" this to them. Like your dad caught you cutting school and he explains how education is important. The dad couldnt believe how his child has just disobey him. It is a lost of trusts. Yeah, they're still a family. A unfaithful family with kids being untrustful.

Family comes before everything. They know when you're hurt, when you need money, when you need something and that's when they take advantage of their parents. Put it this way, you dont live with your grandpa, you can only see him once a week. Your grandpa gives his grandson money because he loves him. The "loving" gave the grandson an idea. He'll keep on visiting his grandpa; in that way, his grandpa will give him money. Parent are into their age now, they arent that smart anymore, so their child will see this opporunity and lie to them. Honestly every kids does this including me. This is the roles that kids play. They see a advantage, they go get it.

Speaking about power, everyone has powers. It depends on their ethnincity, gender, and age. I believe that people that are 50 and over, has a disadvantage on recieving power. According to my belief, teenagers has the most power because we're still young and have the ability to use our knowledge to gain something. I dont think teacher has they many power on their students. Not all teachers are bright and thats when kids take over. A good example would be; teenagers copying homework from otehrs and teachers wouldnt even notice. [This year] one of my classmate has been paying someone to do his homework and that person is passing the class. The teacher didnt even realize that. This makes teenager having more powers than teachers. Student finds way to cheat on exams, copying homeworks or even coming up with excuses.

I am not even going onto love relationship. It makes me sick of seeing how many innocences get hurts. But seriously I believe love mean nothing. I really cant think of any reaons to make love. My parent fights almost everyday. My uncle and anut are divorce but they still live together. I have been with this girl for almost 3 years and we had done a lot together. She helps me with my college application essay and when I found out I am moving out of the city and we've to go separate ways... it makes me think I am just using her. This makes me feeling like a bitch. But I move on. If you want specific example... watch the Jerry Springer or Steve Wilkos Show or Judge Mathis show... these shows show the fights between human relationship.

How should we live? I really dont know. How can we? In this world there's chance to be taken, you want to survive, you'll have to find your way to it. The world is full of greed and thats why people are using their knowlegde to win. People that are smart, has a greater chance of taking advantage of people. Thats what I assume. This is the meaning of life. If you like it or not, this is how we roll: by taking advantages.

HW 51- Notes on Finishing School Unit

Coming back to it.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

HW 50-Notes on Finishing School Unit

What is education, many of us may say? Howcome we have to go through school to earn a carrer? Why do we have to study our ass off? Why cant we just have fun and live life the way we want it to? I just dont understand why this world is so cruel... so facial; telling us that we need an education. Ever heard of the word "freedom"? Why is education drilling our mind?

John Gatto: Teacher of the Year Acceptance Speech

At the year of 1990, January 31, Mr. Gatto came up with a speech, concering the predicament of education. He explain how our school education system are working and how it will impact the lives of teachers, students and parents. John Gatto did a little experiment to prove his theory on how the schools are not capable of educating students but to teach students to obey orders, and humans rights. Gatto figured out that student should spend most of their time socalizing with others and not interacting with school activities. Student has approximently 120 hours a week to force themselves to sit at a classroom and learn the same materials. He also explains how keeping students in school, cuts of their time being out in the world; growing and fucnting with different ages of people. John Gatto explains how school kept student in school for half of the day, then go home and work on their studies; where is there an actually time for the kids to have fun? Gatto argues that he wants to change the school system and allowing there to be home schooled.

John Gatto can go fuck himself. I believe that he didnt go to school, because his theory is bullshit. So, we have 8 to 10 hours of school each day, that either help us to develop our abilities to focus our future or having little time for us to day dream about our future. What I am trying to say is, we spend half of our day at school; learning and also socializing, this help us to prepare ourselves when we are out in the real world; full of strangers and drugs. And I believe students has a chance to think about their future because when you reach college, you'll have the opporunity to visulize your future. Gatto said schools are like a factory and teachers are robots, and I think teacher should be in charge because they learn how to communicate with the world, they have the ability to pass it on to us and we learn from them. They were here first so I think we should pay attention. Gatto said that school teaches us to obey orders and I think it is the right thing to do. School is just like your home. Teacher are just like your parent. School's rules are just like homes rules. So what? No difference.

I will also like to argue that television and freetime is very important for kids like us. We cannot spend the whole day without watching tv because this will affect our childhood and we need to have time to ourselves and with other people. Watching tv can also help us to learn many new things such as immgrants migrating at certain countries, they need to know how to speak their languages. When you watch tv you can learn how to speak different languages. On weekends parent sent their kids to tutoring school, to study, and prepare them for tests. So when is there times for kids to take a break.

When I was a kid... I spend my time carrying a book around because my mom said people will think you are smart. I never have the time to have the remote control on my hand and turn the tv on. I was going to burst because it was killing me. I hate school so much. Finally I start sleeping bymyself and when my parent are asleep, I'll turn on the tv and enjoy myself. My grades drop and when I found out that I am almost getting held back... I start obeying my parent because they have gone through what I am going through now.

Gatto- The Six Lessons

Every teachers has their own purpose of teaching and their own style of teaching. Every student has their ways of learning and understanding the materials faster than others. But it is alright because we learn the same thing. Honors class doesnt mean they are smarter than regualar class, they understand the lesson much faster than others. Everyone are the same. Gatto was once a teacher and he got award for being a specutalar teacher. Just being a teacher. Not for being a subject teacher that helps kid to develop needs. He set rules and goals for himself and along with his students. He train his kids how to be highly educated in school such as teaching them the importance aspects of being in school. There are many lessons that Gatto have taught his class, lets start out with him teaching his class about showing respects and interests. Whenever the bell rings, the kids knows what they need to do. He teach kids that they must be prepare and active when they are in their classes; they're always being watches, no time for private time. Also teaching them the importance of every subjects and rules, he thinks that this will help his kids out. Teaching his kids how to be more indepedence and train them how to be logical thinkers; and dont let society run your life, let your own habits of mind run the society.

Mr. Fanning Response on Education:

Mr. Fanning, a high school principal that knows what he is doing. A intelligent man that has many goals for himself and for the high school of school of the future. When you look at him and ( his tattoos) he can make you sweat or ruining your life but deep inside of him, he is doing us a favor. He wants seniors to graduate and find a good college. He wants his students to know what they are doing with their lives so he can give you a push to accomplishments. Mr. Fanning knows that education is very important and thats why he became a high school prinipal. To have a good education, you'll need to have good teachers and princpal to support you. To have a spotlight for yourself, you need to work hard and finish your education. [and thats why i did my homework]