Tuesday, September 29, 2009

HW #6-video

Quinn's Digital from Quinn Wu on Vimeo.

When i was watching my own video... i think i could have done a lot better. Probably rush through it at the last minute but at least i turn something in. I should have ended the video with a nice background or a smooth beat. Honestly, i don't want my kids to spend too much time on the computer unless it is really important. And i dont really care about my brother. He doesnt even listen to his own mother when she told him to finish your homework first then play. But he doesnt give a shit. My physical experience on this video isnt the best. Could have add my girlfriend at the last part or spend more time outside playing basketball.

The video started out me doing my homework but as time passes by... i was missing my g/f so i decided to call her. Then went to play xbox 360. All the music has it own meaning. Like when i was working on homework i was playing the song "missing you". And when i was talking on the phone i added the music "kiss me thru the phone" the lyrics will make sense. Like the feeling mix with the music.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

HW 7 - Interview and Survey Part 3

Best friend : Yin You

"What's up Yinnie?" walking toward the basketball court.

"Just shooting some hoops, quinny boi. You in for a game?"

"Yeah, let's play those guy for the court."

"Alright, we're going to bust some ass. By the way do you still have your playstation 2?"

"Yeah, i still have it but i dont have time to play with it. Why? do you want it or something? I sell it to for 50cash."

"Nah, i dont have time to play with those shit. You know my schedule... go to school...afterward shoot some hoops then go home and study. No time to fool around."

"Word! i have to get ready for college. Oh shiet! i almost forgot that i have to ask someone about their personal opinion on technologies. So yin, let me ask you this... what do you think about technologies these days?"

"Umm, i think it is outstanding that we have powerful connection to the world such as ipod, cameras, game system, and computer. It is like we dont have to keep buying batteries for some technologies, all we need is an outlet and we can reuse it anytime we want. Pretty amazing i guess."

"So what will you do if we didnt have any technologies?"

"Well, i am going to play basketball, the world will not change if we didnt have technologies. No different without digital/electronic media or not we have the library for homework. I believe there are many ways we can commuincate with friends/families. Or a way to enterintant ourselves such as the ladies."

"I know you for a very long time and you only carried a cell phone, what happen if one day you have more than one techonlogies. Will you feel happier or whatever?"

"I dont really care or feel anything. I just worry about school. A cell phone is all i need and beside it has a camera and a media player. Can we ball now?"

My man Yin You doesnt really appreciate that we have all these technologies. He doesnt care because he knows that there are possible ways to move around the city without any technologies. He is a very intelligent man and i believe in some point he is right. We dont need that many digital/electronic media . We have the library, newspapers, books, the girls to help us move around.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

HW # 7 Interview and Surveys Part 2

At class we were told to walk around the block and try to find someone to interview about their opinion on technologies. As I was walking on East 23st/Lexington Ave with John L. and Andy L, i saw this young lady on her phone. As John and Andy walk furthur away from me, i slowly walk toward to the lady and ask her some questions about her own personal opinion on technologies. As i was interviewing her, most of the time she was checking on her phone, so therefore her blackberry is important to her and she probably spends a lot of time on it. The first question i ask her was:

"What do you think about technologies such as computer, television, ipod and cellphone...etc?"

"I think technologies are quite addictive. It is like they poison your mind and you really cant let them go. These technologies helps us move around while meeting new faces at certain times." [looking on her phone once again.]

"I see that you have a blackberry and you kept on checking on it. So i am guessing you spend a lot of time on it. Right?"

I actually do... I love this phone. I've this phone since i started college and i spend most of the time texting my boyfriend, around 3 hours a day. Back then when i was little my parent think that cell phones are a waste of money, but right now i am everywhere. Thanks to this bad boy.

"Do you have a computer now?"

"Nah, I dont have enought time on the computer. My blackberry is my only technology. Sometimes i use my niece computer and i think it is ruining her mind. She spends a lot of time talking to her friends and not focusing on her school work.

Basically, this young lady only live with one technology and thats her "bad boy blackberry" Her blackberry is the only thing that keeps her in touch with the world. She doesnt have enought time to go on the computer or watch television, but that doesnt mean she is missing out the important shit that is happening around the world. Her bad boy is always there for her.

I aslo had an converstation with this old man and her grandaughter [i believe] While i was interviewing the old man i realize the grandaughter has two cell phones... a razor and a sidekick. She probably uses the sidekick to go online and text messages and her razor is use for calling people. I asked the old man ,

"How does technologies these days affect your life?"

"Back then when i was your age, we didnt have that many great technologies. We didnt have high speed internet or cd players, but right now the world has change to a better place. Great source of energy, high speed internet, enterinment. I still carried a cellphone just for contacting people or emergency call. My grandaughter loves her phones. But sometimes these internet makes kids lazier.

*Asking the grandaughter* " I see that you use two cellphones, why's that?"

"Oh, because my sidekick is use for AIM and my razar is for caliing my friends."

"How many hours hours do you spend on your phone?"

"I spend around 6-7 hours each day, talking to my boyfriend.

"So when you have kids how often will you let them use the internet?"

"Probably for homework only."

"But for yourself, you use it not to work on your homework but to talk to your friends."

"That's cos i am different and i am almost done with college."

Apparently the grandaughter knows how to take care of her kids but not herself. She spend most of her time using the interent and to me, she is probably a high schooler. The old man lives without no internet at first was terrible but right now the world is getting better for him.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

HW #7 Interview and Surveys

Family Member : Younger Brother

For this interview, I interviewed my little brother, he spends most of his time on the internet, watching television and talking on the phone but somehow he manage to get good grades on his report card.

"Hey dumbass, what are you up to? I asked my younger brother when i enter his room.

"Nothing much, just chilling. You apparently see me playing my computer game."

"What is wrong with you and this maplestory game? Are you obessed with this childish game?"

"Stfu, you're distracting me, Get out!!!"

"Calm down man, let me ask you some questions."


"Did you finish your homeworks?

"No why?"

"So why aren't you doing your homework instead of playing your computer game?"

"Becuase i want to play my game and move onto the next level, then i'll start on my homeworks."

"Alright, so let me ask you this question : What do you think about our technologies these days, such as your dumb old game, your computer, HDTV and your cellphone?

"Umm...., my game is pretty awesome and i enjoy most of these technologies which helps me to reach my friends, and if you dont get your dumbass out of here, I'll..."

"Hold up, why do you enjoy these technologies?"

"Because it keeps me alive and i dont have to face your fatass all the time."

"So what happen if mom takes all these stuff away from you?"

"Then i'll go out and play basketball or beat your fatass up."

"So Sammy, does computer helps you in any ways? Such as your homework, directions...?

"Yes, sometimes it helps me with my homework and I dont have to face you all the times, didnt i tell you this?"

"So once you get home, you play your stupid game until mom comes home and then you start on your homework but how are you getting good grades?

"Because i am smart unlike some dumbass."

As you know when i was interviewing my brother, he was being an ass. He didnt put any thoughts into his answers and just kept on playing his game. Each time i walk into his room, he'll be on his computer and play, when does he have time to do his homework? He has good grades and talking about playing that stupid game when does he have the time to talk to his girlfriend? Should i start playing game and wait till the last minute to do my homework? Well that ain't getting into me... i ain't that stupid.

to be contuined...(:

Monday, September 21, 2009

HW 5- Response to comments

To Richard,

I appreciate how you took some of your time and read through my post. I could say that you understood my argument by restating the summary of my paper and what I should have done to make it better. I also appreciate how you bought in some of your ideas, such as your quote to make my paper sound more interesting.

Your point about how I should include more examples of myself and adding more thoughts to why digital/electronic media are helpful, makes me think deeper into my paper. And after re-reading my blog, I think your idea fits perfectly into my paper.

Responsing to the question you have for me, "The only flaw is how bias you are of the internet, while you gave many exampls of how the internet is bad," Well, I believe there are possible answers why internet are good. They help us with homework, research, meeting new friends. For example, for Andy's class we have to do our homework on the blog which means we're using the computer. Without the computer, we'll fail history. Your question also remind me of the pass when I miss out everything that was happening on my first date. I didnt have a computer or a cell phone so I dont know what exactly is my "girlfriend" doing.

If our papers are combined we shall have a perfect essay. Your paper rely on how the interent helps us or not and many people depends on the digital/electronic media for enterinment. Your paper has alot of background information and my paper has a lot of examples.

No futhur questions. Once again i enjoy re-reading your essay and thanks for the comment.

To Aja,

Thanks for commenting on my blog, even though you have to =P I really appreciate how you took some of your time and read through my post. It makes me think you understood me of how these digital/electronic media affect my life. Your comment sound so serious, which makes me believe i did alright on it.

I noticed that you agree with my last paragraph of why teenager get distracted so easily but why do we still do it, if the computer and t.v arent there to help us even when we dont need it? We know it isnt the right idea to sit on front of the tv and do homework, but why do we still do it? And howcome people dont go out on a beautful day to hang out with their friends? Like what Ester said howcome teenager spend most of their times indoor and play computer instead going outdoor to chill.

You mentioned that at some point i just added random stuff such as how digital/electronic media leads to crime or a fight, i realized i was not making my self clear and jotting useless info. Next time i will proof read and make it better.

I see that both of us have a good connection of not using the computer that often and spend more time studying. If we didnt use the computer that much, we could skip high school and move onto college.

There are still some questions flowing around my head. Most of the teenager knows what to do and not to do, but howcome we still turn on the tv pr go online while studying? How can we not get distracted? I'll like to close this comment by saying thank you for leaving me an comment. Have a nice day =D

Triangular Comments H.W #4

To Richard Y,

Hey Richard, awesome paper you have written. You are such a great writer. Your paper is so strong and deep. It is understandable and enjoyable. I appreciated your knowledge of coming up with great thoughts.

You explain why and why not digital/ electronic media is important to the world. You made a great connection of how the internet makes this world full of pleasures. You made a good point of how people became famous, realizing how much the world has change, meeting new friends, and entertaining us. You also included why digital/electronic media are "bad" and how their affect our world. Viruses, hackers, assholes, very explaninable. Good on gathering the informations.

People enjoy their times on the computers, facebooking, television, what-so-ever, but could also harm us in different ways. I think others will enjoy your post and feel the same way as me.

Richard, your paper is realistic, but you should contuine to build more information into it. And you should had added yourself, friends or families onto your draft.

I feel the same way as your paper. It is a way to help me enjoy my life and not feeling left out. My desktop is like a wife to me. I treated with respect. Lol

Thanks a lot for sharing your essay and i enjoy it. Good developments and strong thoughts.

To Aja,

Well done Aja! Loveeee your paper!! You are such a strong creative writer. Your paper is amazing and thoughtful. I bet you put a lot of efforts into this draft. It is simply clear and your break down your majors points, to make it easy for us to read. *happy tears* I see where you're going shawty.

You explain how digital/electronic media bring hopes to every teenagers that uses technology. Teenagers are so dependent on the computer which maes us smarter and enjoy life better. You made a good point of how different types of electronic media allows us to communicate in certain ways. Good example of how you dont want to talk to you mom on the fone instead you text her. Very thoughtful of how you bring up the issue of using ATM. Very clever.

People enjoys these technologies and it gave us a chance to change our lives, but sometimes it may hurt us. Yupp, it is rare to see someone our age not using digital/electronic media. i agree.

Aja, your paper is sexy but you should also include more about yourself which makes it even more "sexier" LOL. i like your follow-up questions. Makes you think harder.=}

One question that your post brings up for me, is that will you rather text or call your boyfriend? Cos people in our class kept mentioning about how people like to make up shit on aim. I been through this... you know what im saying? =P

Thanks for updating this wonderful essay about digital/electrionic media. You put a lot of thoughts into this paper.

Friday, September 11, 2009

H.W 3 - 1st Blog Post

 On the first day of school, Andy came up with an topic about digital/electronic media such as HDTV, Facebook, texting, emailing, websurfing, videogames and how these item captured our eyes. I am interested on this topic because i use electronic everyday and it sure does influence my life. Some of the topics that this suggests to myself is how does digital/ electronic media help people or not. Are they useful or just here to screw up our lives? Do we learn from it?

 Many of my friend stays on the computer for many hours and it just bothers me. I seem many of my friends just gives up on their life and spend their precious time, online. "What a waste!" My cousin comes over to my home and use the computer the entire day. He dont eat drink or take any bathroom breaks. I mostly spend an hour or two on the computer. Listening/ downloading musics, chatting online, checkout my friends on facebook or something on youtube. I like how we can chat online, watch movieclip and actually learn from it. The computer can help us with our homework or guide us to some directions. The bad stuff about digital/ electronic media are that they are too attractive which leads to a fight or a crime. If you stay on the computer too long, you can simply get blind. It takes your brain to another planet and it just waste your time. Will you whether sit in front of the computer all day and play or go out on a sunny day to chill with some hot ass girl/boy? It is kind of weird because it can help us but it can also harm us. For example if we need to do research about something, the computer is the fastest way to get your work done. But it can harm us by playing too much games and not working on your homework. This happens between my mother and my brother. The first thing when my brother gets home is to play his computer game and he does his homework at the last minute, which makes my mother so angry.I dont know exactly how "good" digital/ electronic media are. Computers and HDTV are still important becuase they can tell us whats happening around the world, homework help and signing up for important stuff.

I started this assignment around 5: 30pm and it turns out i am getting distracted by my computer. I was went onto facebook to see if i have any new events. I was watching NBA on youtube and listening to music. Spongebob caught my eyes so i decided to watch that for a while and then get back to homework. This has been happening to me when i first know how to use my computer.  How helpful are these digital/ electronic media ? i am finally down, it is 7 : 29pm. Howcome it took me more than 2 hours to work on this short essay? Howcome "we" get distracted by these "digital/ electronic " so easily?