Saturday, October 31, 2009

H.W 16- Big Paper 1 Outline

Focus Question: What does technology bring to our world?


Mom:"How the fuck did you get a 80 on your progress report!?"

Quinn: "But mom, 80, is a passing..."

Mom: "I dont care if you get a 81 or a 99.9. I want to see a 1 next to two zeros. You are living under my roof, using my money, eating from my dinner table, so, there are certain rule(s)you must follow!"

Quinn: "But, I did so much better than a lot of people from my school."

Mom: "So?, why are you setting your mind as being an failure? You are not smarter than any other kids. You didnt even make it to stuyvesant High School. Why do you have to compare yourself to people? Worry about yourself. Worry about your future. Dont worry about anything else but school."

Quinn: " Mom, give me a break. I read everyday and dont have time to play."

Mom: "What did I just tell you? Huh! Right now, it is about school. You never have your mind in school other than playing your games and going online. When I tell you to study... you go to sleep. When I dont tell you to study... you just kept on playing and not worrying about your grades. Do you want to be like your father? Sitting at home and not finding an job? Do you want to support your children? Do you?

Quinn: " That's Bullshit! I do worry about sch..."

Mom: "You are bullshit. There's kids that wants to go to school but their parent dont have the money to give their children a education. I see children dont have money to buy themselves book. Children who wants to learn... have no money. Children who doesnt want to learn... have money but end up wasting it. LIKE YOU!"

Body + Arguments:

Before, I get started on this paper I will like to know: "What is parent for?" Parent are not just your protection. They are also your coach and guidance. Parent are like teacher but parent has a special method to teach kids how to grow. I should had listen to my mom right from the start. She told me to focus on school and just put the freetime on the side. She warn me and I never listen to her. She told me to stop playing video games, stop watching t.v, stop talking on the phone but I never listen to her. Do you know what happen to kids that dont listen to their parent? CONSEQUENCES. Yupp, I have to face the consquences. Technologies brought my grades down and when I reach senior year; I have to work EXTRA hard.

*Focusing on how games damage grades*

Still anazlying and finding sources...

Evidence 2,3,4 still thinking

Conclusion: *Answering my focus question* Technology brings Tradegies.

Monday, October 26, 2009

HW # 15- ABCDEF 3 - Treasure Hunting

To Sam J,

Wow Sam, I am glad that Andy gave us this assignment to read through our parnter's blog. I bet all your blogs are amazing but I went from the order of the blogs and I have to say, "Assignment 10, Informal Research Internet," you did a pretty amazing job. The tone of your paper seem so "real" it is like you are so fierece while you are writing your arguement.

You found some great sources to research about. Your first link/paragraph about how companies say that cell phones and radios are a great techonlogies that wont harm your brain. I think that is bullshit. Each time I make a call to my friend or family, the line waves always makes my head dizzy. I also remember that my dad said that when you are calling someone, dont have your phone next to your ear for 20 second until you reach the line, or else it will damage your ears or head.

Like what your second link/paragraph said, cell phones are able to disrupt our brain tissue. And I never know that cell phones are able to kill bees. This link is interesting... Phone kills bees? How is that even possible? I know that bee will stink the shit outta you if you go near it, but a cell phone? Wont that make the bee more mad? Very interesting. I think I will use [your] link for my final essay.

And for your final paragraph, your fourth link. How is google making us stupid? I think google is making people look stupid. Google is a site that million of people use for reasearch.... including teachers, presidents, Bloomberg.. whoever. We are not loosing our knowledge at all, we are gaining them.

Sam, thanks a lot. I know what i am going to use for my final essay. Thank you very much. Your blog number 10 is awesome. I just think you should interpret each paragraph even more, but for each paragraph you gave us like the topic of the sources. Good thoughts and developments.

Oh yeah! i also glance at your assignment, "Self Experiment," and I have to say; that's how I feel when my mom took away the cable t.v, my ipod and my video games system. The only thing i could do was read and do homework. Computer was only use for research and homework. It was an horrible feeling. I couldnt even watch the NBA Finals, not able to talk to my girlfriend, and couldnt fall asleep without my ipod. By looking at that one paragraph, makes me understand and feel your experiment. Next time, I want more writing, my man. Good Job.

To Will C,

Will, damn man! I was reading your homework assignment number 10 and...omg... it is sick. Fucking disgusting. I ont mean you are disgusting or sick. I meant the link that you research on... it is killing me but in the other hand, it was pretty interesting.

Your first paragraph about how cell phone can affect our human health sound pretty interesting. I though that cell phones radiation will just cause dizziness or a small impact to your ears and head, but it can have a risk of getting a mouth and brain tumors. That's fucking crazy. I search up "tumors" and it was awful. There's this picture showing two girls talking on the phone and in their head was a picture of a tumor. Makes me wanna stop using my sidekick. Fucking ugly ass hell.

Your blog is amazing. I am gonna add all your links into my final essay. Thanks for the work. And one more thing, next time, try to interpret more details. Looking forwarding to read your final essay.

Oh yeah! I also read over your homework "Feed A" and I think you did a solid job. You explain how the book is connected to our world and makes our younger generation more ignorant. I also agree that 24 hour everything is not good for you. You just have to add more thoughts into your blog such as including details from Feed. Next time, just write a little bit more. Thank you for posting up your blog.

HW #14- Second Text

At first I thought that reading those two short passages will be faster to write about and easy to understand. But when I took a quick glance at the long passage, it seem like there are more information given. And the author, Steven Johnson, makes me think deeper into technologies and should I agree with his definition of "good" technology. Something in his words makes me agree and disagree with him. In "Everything Bad is Good for you" it shows how technologies is actually helping us to interact with our education. The author, Steven Johnson, tries to get into our young mind and convince us that all these video games, t.v, and the internet are all good for us. The whole purpose of his reading is to argue why technologies have make young generation much more intelligence and being entertain.

I was surprised that Steven Johnson compare reading to video games. How did he ever come up with that idea? Video games force us to play the game until you beat the game. It makes the player to be much more active, taking risk, solving problem and just exercising our mind. But there are some bad aspects of video games such as downfalling your grades, create fights with your parent or sibling, prevent your from going outdoors and exercise. Steven Johnson mentioned that video game is just like reading a book. How you suppose to concentrate and get to the next level. Books are challenging so is video games. So reading and video games has same similarties.

Speaking of reading, watching television is also a way to learn. Johnson mention that reading takes time to understand and theres no picture to entertain us. Unlike, television, there's pictures,speaker, and entertainment. Sometimes kid dont really understand what they are reading, such as hard vocabulary and sentence structure, television has picture that makes you understand whats going on and where the story is heading. For example, I believe that everyone watches the news instead of reading the newspaper. Watching the news save you a lot of time and you get to know whats going on, with a quick snap.

Internet. DOnt forget about the internet. I have so much "shit" to talk about. Steven Johnson made a statement saying that interent is the best way to meet new friends. Online brings people together and make us smarter in a way. Even though we meet strangers that doesnt equal to a bad thing because you get to have fun and slowly become friends.

I think most of the stuff that Steven Johnson is saying are "Bullshit" I am not saying he is wrong about everything but I think he came up with some dumb reasons of how technologies help us. When he brought up the point of how reading is like a video game, got me thinking. He is right and wrong at the same time. Reading help us to learn and improve your writing skills. It really doesnt matter if the book is boring and shit, at college, we will be reading textbook that doesnt make sense. Playing games will lower our grades. Once you play, you cannot stop playing which makes you dont have time to study. I start playing video games when I was in freshman. My mind wasnt on school, it was finish playing my games. Which fuck my grade up. Right now I have to spend most of my day, fixing my grades. I hate reading but I still have to read no matter what.

Watching t.v I actually agree with Steven Johnson when he said we can learn so much stuff from watching t.v. T.V enterant us by having sound effect and we have pictures in front of us. So we can get the meaning real quick. But watching too much t.v can affect own learning. For exmaple, watching t.v makes you like nervous. You cant wait to see what will happen next. You kept on waiting and thinking about the next espoispe and not worry about your grades.

Internet. Thats when I totally disagree what Steven Johnson is saying. Internet is not a place to make friendship, such as in facebook, myspace, whatever. Talking to strangers? Why will you talk to people you hardly know. Their words can hit you but deep inside of that person, they can be really bad. When Andy told me to do some research about technology. I decided to reseach about facebooking. Theres a lot of shit happening on facebook. Young teenage girls getting stalk, people dying, full of shit like that. There's are many people that we cant trust and we definatly cannot learn through experience like that. I dont know what Steven Johnson is trying to say about internet, I totally disagree with him. Internet is not a bad place to talk to people you actually know, but talikng to random strangers is the worst part. Like seriously. I have a question for Steven. What happen if your girlfriend met this stranger and decided to meet up face to face. What wil happen to your girlfriend. I think she will end up getting rape. I dont even let my close friends talking to my girlfriend because I want her to be safe. Random people just IMED, just to become friends, but I am a guy, I know what guy are thinking.

Video games, tv, and internet brings tradegy. These technologies fuck up my grade. They make me lose love from my parent. They make me suffer. If you are having the same problem as me... I will just going to give you one advice. FIGHT.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Feed B

If i were to recommend this book to someone.... i will recommend this book to my little brother. I think this book will help my brother out and let him realize what he is doing to himself. I know that the book "Feed" will draw my brother attention and force him to grow and learn from his mistakes. Somehow M.T Anderson has a way to get into the mind of a readers and make them realize what they are doing wrong. As what every writer or editor has a reason why they are writing this book to young children, they are trying to send a note or a message telling us something important or something we must learn. Ha! Right after my brother read it, there wont be no happy ending for him. He knows that spending too much on the computer will affect his thinking, but he still does it. I want the book to tear out his brain and make him suffer.

As What Anderson point out in his book that if you are continously using digital devices, sooner or later, you will approach deaft. This tells us reader that dealing with technologycan makes us become more ignorant. This makes the reader feeling worrys and make them learn. I think it was very smart of M.T Anderson that he create such story and connects it to our world, when young teenagers understand more about techonlogy situation. Our lives is very similar to Titus's life. If there were happy ending, Titus wouldnt have learn from his mistakes and if we were compared Titus to us; we dont live in an happy ending. We live in a world of tragedy. And referring to what Tobin was saying at the end, young adults/adults has the potential to become more ignorant due to the fact that technologies are so addictive. Now an day, our young generation follow our footstep and become less educator.

I think art is a mirror and a hammer. The mirror is a reflection of the situation and the hammer is to be able to shape the way they wanted to be. Both of these help us realize what American teenagers is doing. The mirror plus the hammer help us visualize what we are doing behind the world. This all depends on the readers, and the affect by the book. In Feed situation, the book is a masterpiece that will turn everything around from how it started and how it will end.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Feed A

M.T Anderson. Who is M.T Anderson? and why is his book so inspiring to others? Why did he become an teacher and an editor? Quite frankly, at class, we didnt talk that much about him, but i went home and did a little bit of research. Mr. Anderson was born on November 4th, 1968, in Stow, Massachuetts. Anderson attened to Harvard, University of Cambridge and Syracuse. He was a former instructor at Vermont College in Montpelier, Vermont, and former music critic for "The Improper Bostonian." There are two reasons why M.T Anderson write for young children. Either they have children, or they are children. M.T Anderson grew up in a small town surrounded by apple orchards and woods. He spent most of hs time, playing in the forest. He didnt live near many kids, so he just socially and lived in an fantasy world. Sometimes, he gets too distracted by his dream which causes him to become an editor in literature. He started to write plays about his childhood. M.T Anderson also gave us a strategy or something we should know, if you want to be an writer, all you have to do is "read everything" - romance novels, ninteeth century novels, Greek epics, Chinese poetry...etc. M.T Anderson wrote an book, "Feed." Feed was a 2002 Los Angeles Times Book Prize Winner.

I was inspire by M.T Anderson's book "Feed," there were many connections to our lives. This book seems to draw my attention everytime the book made a good point of how technologies affects us young teenagers. Feed also explain how the main characters brain function like an computer, which connects to our lives. We dont have computer inside our brains but there is techonlogy everywhere around us. This book explains how "feed" is on 24/7 and it never stop, which shows me that their world is control by evil technologies. But when someone hacked into their priority/ services, they completed space out. It is like someone just unplugged something that was access to this certain monitor, then the world complete shut down. Luckily they got their "power" back wich gave them life again. All of this connect to our world. If we didnt have technologies... this world will be extinct by now. No digital devices equals to deaf.

Who actually doesnt give a shit if we didnt have technologies? It seem like everyone cares if we didnt have any systems. I could imagine the world without digital representations, everyone will just be bitching. I think the reason why technologies has affect our brain is that, we follow others footstep. For example: I gew up without technologies and when i see my friends playing his gameboy advance, it makes my heart broken. It makes me think that I dont belong in this world. Now my father and younger brother stays on the computer most of the time. This also make our generations more stupid and lazy. It seem like everyone is challenging each other to see whether who spent the most time on the computer or watching television. In the book Feed, Violet is the only one that can deal with her life without feed. She is the only one that didnt get affected by the feed which makes her worry. She is saying that this nations is full of dumbass and no one is realizing what she meant by that any why she felt that way. That also relates to me... it seem like i am living under the roof with idiots. "When can we learn?" "When can these technologies stop getting into our head?" "Why does our brain follows other people footstep?" I just know one thing... dont let technologies take over or control you... let your mind control the game.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

HW : Experiment 1

It has been almost an week since my sidekick LX doesnt work. My sidekick couldnt go on aim or online. I was still able to make phone calls to my friends and families or even text them. But honestly, nothing changes in the pass few days without internet on my phone. I wasnt even worry or hoping the internet will work because i was able to use my laptop at home. "What about in school or when you're free?" I dont even use my sidekick doing school hours and when i am free... my phone is still able to contact people. "Why did you even get an sidekick in the first place?" I bought an sidekick instead of any other phone because I wasnt actually thinking how to save money. I wanted to be like other kids that has a sidekick. Going online while you're in school or on a subway ride. But as i grew older I know what is the right thing to do.

If my laptop wasnt access to the internet, then it will be a different story and i will definately become a different person. I need my laptop no matter what. NOT for fun but to organize my works. It helps me to become an better person. It also helps me to focus on school and say bye bye to games. Back then, i get distracted by the computer which brings my grade down. But as i grew older I think wiser. Somehow I think this is connected to life. When you get older... you take more responsibitilty. You will know what is the right thing to do instead if making mistakes. It is like your brain function automatically to make you choose a better choice. Overall, deep inside of me.... I change a lot.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

HW # 10 - Informal Reach Internet


In case you didnt notice facebook is one way that could leads you to danger. Dont you realize that every new year, a number of cases show us that parent, teachers, and employers sign up onto facebook and check up on people. Networking website facebook seems a harmless way to gossip and pictures with mates, but someday it will cost you your job and blight future. Dont think you're able to hide shit from others because stuff that are delete, are automatically saved by facebook or google. You think that you can get rid of something so easily but someday it can come back to bite you. Let's put it to this way... if you are at least 18 and you did some stupd shit and was posted up on facebook, when you reach your older age, guess what? you will face a serious problem in the future.

Why facebook is bad for friendship? As we know that facebook is a fantastic technology to meet new friends, but it is sort of a dangerous place to meet "strangers." Strangers can check you out and fully know everything about you. Which is bad because you dont want strangers to be reading your profile. To all the ladies out there that are using facebook, think about... will you wheter be safe or getting stalk and get harass. [if you need protection... let me know(ladies)]

Personally, i dont need to search up why facebook is good because i dont believe that facebook is acutally clean. Yeah, it is good for the ones who wants to do some negative shit. I dont think there is any reason why facebook is good. [copy and paste]


When i seach up facebook equals bad on youtube, there were many great links but i think this one is the best. When i search facebook equals good... it didnt give me shit but some dumbass link about good people. So i believe that facebook is always "the bad one."

I sign up facebook last year and i found many of my old friends. i spend at least 4 hours on facebook and waiting for an friend request. But as time passes by, stranger such as hotass chick, celebrities, people that i dont even know added me, which makes me feel nervous. There were always shit happening on facebook such as fighting for an girl/boy. My girlfriend has a facebook and i be checking her page to read her comments. When she added new pictures of herself... most of her comment makes me mad. "Hey sexy, wanna drop yo cute ass over at my crib tonight?" "Whats yo number?" That pisses me off... so i deleted my facebook. Just for a reminder... to all the guy out there who has a facebook, watch over your bitches or else they'll end up on some other bastard arm.


One more thing i want to talk about is video games. I know that video games can be addictive but it can really hurt you. Such as lowering your grades, gaining weights, shit like that. Basically i change a lot. Back when i was a junior, video games is the only thing that could make me happy but when you see your grades... you wish you havent buy it. Video games can be expensive and it is a waste of money. Every year new games will be release and you will just forget about school and end up on the street.

I am a senior now in high school and i will be soon heading to college. My GPA is on the 80s and it doesnt really help me to get into any of my colleges. But thanks to god i have more chance of increasing my GPA. My last chance to shine... I'll not get distracted. Thanks for being there for me but it is time to move on. Goodbye video games and dont ever come back. [copy and paste]

HW #9 - Video Project GHIJK

To Sam J,

Thanks for commenting my blog Sam. I really appreciate that you took some of your time and watch my video. It makes me feel happy that i am not left out. It shows me that i am like any other teenage kids still using technologies.

Yeah, it could have been helpful if i have show you guy what i was working on the computer. The whole music thingy was just a flow moving along with my action. Like when i was working on my homework, i play the "missing you" and the lyrics just stop me from doing my homework and make me miss my girlfriend so i decided to call her. That's what i do... most of the time i get distracted and wont be able to finish my homework till the last minute. Which shows me i am normal like every kid.

You mention something about me playing my x-box 360 and what do you mean it is cut short? Do you mean it should had been longer? or i just jump to my xbox?

Well thank you for watching my video and commenting on it.

To Will,

Thank you Will for talking some time of your schedule and commenting on my video. You also show me some appreciation and makes me feel i did an okie job. It shoes me that i am not the only one getting distracted while doing homework, I think it is a normal thing happening to a teenager life. Cus if you dont get distracted by any technologies then you are a sucker.

Yeah, like what you and Sam said, my video could have been better if i just recored what i was working on. It is nice to hear you say, " I think that many people including myself can relate to everything in your post." That makes me think i am doing the right thing.

Really well, Thank you for watching my video and hopefully i will get to watch yours too.

Friday, October 2, 2009

HW #8 - Comment on Triangle Parnter's Videos Projects

To Sam J,

Whats good man? I just finish watching your video. I serious appreciate how you took some of your time and came up with a cool video. I understand how most teenagers just sit in front of their computer and do what they gotta do. And beside you gave "us" an introduction of what you were doing on the computer. Such as facebooking, watching tv, etc... <--- That was great. No one really talk on their video but it was a smart thing that you did.

Your video shows me how teenagers like yourself spend time on their computer doing nothing. You said " I am facebooking, watching television, listening to music ---> it is a waste of time. A lot of teenagers still does that but it is not our fault that these technologies are so addictive. Like what you also said on your writing... you should had read or do something else, but we cant. Computer are much more interesting than reading or talking to your parent.

Like most people in our class, they have the same point of view as you... sit on the computer and just chill. Julie spend her time watching tv and using her sidekick. Aja spend her time onling. Richard probably has all his attention on the computer and didnt bother looking at the video. This shows us that many teenagers loves their technologies.

Sam, here are some suggestion you could had done to make your video better. Show us what you were doing on your computer for sure. You said you were listening to music and watching tv, but i didnt hear no sound at all.

what i do in my video... was doing my homework then get distracted by the music, so i decided to called my girlfriend. The music goes with the video. Then i went to play xbox 360 and didnt get back to my homework.

But overall, you done a great job... next time or next "year" i bet you can make it better.

To Gavin M,

My man Gavin, I just finish watching your video. It was impressive... 5 stars for your video. I serioud appreciate how you took some of your time and came up with this amazing video. Only you are the genuis one. Your video was pretty funny at some point. Your video started out with you being all serious and shit, just staring into the computer sceen. Then you record yourself playing online game back and forth, but at the last 4 minutes of your video, you recorded yourself playing halo 3, which shows us that technologies these days are so addictive.

Your video shows me that listening to music and playing computer game are kind of boring because you only recorded that for a few minutes. Halo 3 just came out and you're really into it. That shows us that new technologies are always bringing us down because you could have spend your 7 minutes... reading or chilling. And your sister or mother told you that dinner was ready but you were still playing.

It was nice that you added some soundtrack which makes people more entertain. My whole video was about the music and how it flow with my action.

Gavin, your video is truely amazign but to make it better... you could had added me. It is pretty fuck up you left me out of your video.

But good job buddy. i enjoy watchin your video. And that online game you were playing... it is so boring.

[To andy S: Gavin is not my parnter... i sent you an email already.]