Saturday, October 3, 2009

HW # 10 - Informal Reach Internet


In case you didnt notice facebook is one way that could leads you to danger. Dont you realize that every new year, a number of cases show us that parent, teachers, and employers sign up onto facebook and check up on people. Networking website facebook seems a harmless way to gossip and pictures with mates, but someday it will cost you your job and blight future. Dont think you're able to hide shit from others because stuff that are delete, are automatically saved by facebook or google. You think that you can get rid of something so easily but someday it can come back to bite you. Let's put it to this way... if you are at least 18 and you did some stupd shit and was posted up on facebook, when you reach your older age, guess what? you will face a serious problem in the future.

Why facebook is bad for friendship? As we know that facebook is a fantastic technology to meet new friends, but it is sort of a dangerous place to meet "strangers." Strangers can check you out and fully know everything about you. Which is bad because you dont want strangers to be reading your profile. To all the ladies out there that are using facebook, think about... will you wheter be safe or getting stalk and get harass. [if you need protection... let me know(ladies)]

Personally, i dont need to search up why facebook is good because i dont believe that facebook is acutally clean. Yeah, it is good for the ones who wants to do some negative shit. I dont think there is any reason why facebook is good. [copy and paste]


When i seach up facebook equals bad on youtube, there were many great links but i think this one is the best. When i search facebook equals good... it didnt give me shit but some dumbass link about good people. So i believe that facebook is always "the bad one."

I sign up facebook last year and i found many of my old friends. i spend at least 4 hours on facebook and waiting for an friend request. But as time passes by, stranger such as hotass chick, celebrities, people that i dont even know added me, which makes me feel nervous. There were always shit happening on facebook such as fighting for an girl/boy. My girlfriend has a facebook and i be checking her page to read her comments. When she added new pictures of herself... most of her comment makes me mad. "Hey sexy, wanna drop yo cute ass over at my crib tonight?" "Whats yo number?" That pisses me off... so i deleted my facebook. Just for a reminder... to all the guy out there who has a facebook, watch over your bitches or else they'll end up on some other bastard arm.


One more thing i want to talk about is video games. I know that video games can be addictive but it can really hurt you. Such as lowering your grades, gaining weights, shit like that. Basically i change a lot. Back when i was a junior, video games is the only thing that could make me happy but when you see your grades... you wish you havent buy it. Video games can be expensive and it is a waste of money. Every year new games will be release and you will just forget about school and end up on the street.

I am a senior now in high school and i will be soon heading to college. My GPA is on the 80s and it doesnt really help me to get into any of my colleges. But thanks to god i have more chance of increasing my GPA. My last chance to shine... I'll not get distracted. Thanks for being there for me but it is time to move on. Goodbye video games and dont ever come back. [copy and paste]

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