Friday, November 27, 2009

HW 25- Story Comments and Analysis

To Sam J,

"What made her so cool was that she didnt change because of what people thouht of her." 'We didnt like change, so we kind of distanced ourselves from change. We just were ourselves. Maybe we didnt get what being cool meant, but then again, we just didnt really care." I totally agree with this quote you came up. Who even care if you are cool, at least you are still the same person inside. You came up with a pretty nice story of how a teenage girl grow up to worry about her looks and becoming cool, but it is still natural, but their personality is still the same. Good Job.

To Richard Y,

Your story makes me laugh, and thats why i have to leave you a comment. Your story is a little bit confusing and off topic but it is still funny to read about a man who doesnt give a shit about anything. Toward the end, you came up with a point about how he is asking himself question. He is very open minded,that when i got confused. But i like your story. good job

To Richie S

That was interesting. Your story is off the hook. SOme funny ass story you came up. I like how your story is based on friends betraying one another. But one thing you should had work on was to make the sex scence much better. I like how you close your story. Very thoughtful. Keep it up.

To Victor S(section 4)

Damn man your main character is not cool at all, he is a badass. But it was nice reading a funny story of how a kid tries to kill his teacher. You sort of have an idea of how your story is going. Your story is very different from a lot of other stories, you sure did put a lot of efforts into your story. Keep it up.

To Kiana C(Section 4)

Whats good beautiful? Your story is off the hook. Nice story you came up, which makes me leave you a comment. First of all, your introduction is very catchy and it sory of connects to my life. LOL. You want to be like the ghetto type so you get more attention. THen when you show off your coolness, you just talk slang. Really cool story. Good job.

I read more than 5 stories and everyone else is good. I notice that people set coolness as an example as being the ghetto type or just want to stand out, getting attention. Thats how kids act around these days. Probably trying to fit into the world. I didnt make up my own story, it is true. I went through that kind of harassing back when i was in middle school. People influence you to be like one another. I think cool is just a way to get around. Like you want people to know about you. That how coolness stand out for me.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

H.W # 24- Short Story 1

Yo son, you have to get some new kicks. Stop wearing those payless shit. Your life worth more than a penny. You feel me?

Umm.. does it matter what I wear? Can you mind your own business Mei Dong?

Look at you Quinn. Wearing a loose purple shirt with some baggy ass jean. Look at your fuck up sneaker. Did you borrow it from a bum? You look ridiculous! I am trying to help you out, my dude.

I dont need your help. I dont need new clothes. (looking down at himself) And how do I look ridiculous. Everyone has different styles.

You dont look ridiculous? (shock) Did any girls ever like you? If i were your mom, I will trade you away for some eggs. I swear to my mother's life, you DO look ridiculous!

Nothing to say? Quinn, I dont have any respect for you. Your ugly ass doesnt belong her. And one more thing, learn how to take a fuckin' shower or use deodorant bodyspread.

My god! looking at you makes me lose my appetite. Fucking god! ( walking away) DISGUSTING.

This is the first time Quinn had felt this way. Is it true that he look ridicuolus? Is is true that his mother could has trade him away for something better? Is it true that Mei Dong was right? It cant be. I dont look that bad. Do I? Well I am going to find out.

Yo what's up my man, Keith? Chillin?

I am going home with Tiffany.

Word! My boy. You gonna hit that?


You and Tiffany (wink)

Shut the fuck up Quinn, and why are you acting so weird?

How do I act weird?, son?

Cos yo dumbass is tryna act cool and talking slang. Getta the fuck outta here. (walking away)

Quinn spotted Michelle and nervous walk over to her.

Hey Michelle, you wanna hang out with me?

Umm.. sure... when?

Around 6, you wanna go to the movie?

Are you asking me for a date?

umm.. no... umm... maybe... Do you?

(starting to laugh) You think I...

Hey Michelle, where are you going afterschool?

Yo girl, stop interfering my convo with my girl.

Michelle is your girl?

Quinn, listen. I know you are nice but I dont see any coolness in you. The way you look and dress, doesnt make me interested in you. And can you stop talking like that? (turning back to cory) Let's go Cory.

(laughing) Quinn? You are RIDICULOUS

Walking back home alone, Quinn felt very incomplete. He wish everyone was happy with what he is wearing, but how can he turn the tables around? Quinn stop in front of Jimmy Jazz. He then walk right in and surprising he saw many rare shoes. He kept on looking and looking, realizing he need to be cool. He was fascinated with all these brand clothing until he heard these boys whispering. "That nigga is ugly. He need to learn the word fresh." That made Quinn more heartbroken but that doesnt stop him, from looking around the store. He was very drawn into the Jordan and Nike shoes, until someone said, " Sir, we dont have your brand. Payless is across the street. Thank you." Quinn's mouth drop wide open. What does dressing or looking good has to do with anything in life? Why cant anyone take him for a granted that he doesnt care how he look. Fuck being cool. Jesus!

Walking down those miserable blocks back home, he was comparing himself to other people. North Face, Levis, Jordan, Looney Tunes, Nike, Tims, Converse, South Pole, Forever 21, DU-Rag, chains, fitted, footlocker. You name it. Howcome!? Howcome!!? Howcome!!!? I cant be like the rest? Almost home, Quinn lept on thinking how can he become like the rest. Immendiately, Quinn thought of something. If there's a problem, there got to be a solution. He took out a pair of scissor from his bookbag and smile.

Hey mom, guess what?

What happen son?

I was trying out for the basketball team and I got myself a playing spot. That means I am able to play for the team.

That's nice ( walking away)

But mom, we need to go shopping for sneakerm because I torn my sneaker while practicing.

You just got a new pair last month, how can you probably wreck it?

Cos Im.. Im.. ran a lot of suicide to impress the coach.

Fine, we go tomorrow.

Looking through every section, Quinn was hypnotize with all the shoes and clothes collection around him. He simply gather up all the good looking items and rush to the nearest changing room to try on his new clothes.

Walking back to school the very next day, he realize his friends was checking him out. Just zoning out while Quinn walk by each and everyone of them with a smirk on his face. Acting all tough and real, Quinn walk toward Michelle.

Yo babe, what's good with you and yo outfit. You look good girl.

Hey Quinn, (checking him out)

You wanna hit the dance floor at my friend's studio or chill at tha bartender?

Umm... I am not quite...

(Mei Dong walking toward Quinn and Michelle) Hey Michelle, (looking at Quinn) Damn son, when you become a transformer, Quinn? Or is that yo Halloween custome?

Nah yo, yo mom own me money from last night so I decided to spend it on myself to look fresh for her. You feel me?

Nigha! you want to start something?

Nah my dude, I dont start anything with ugly people, I start with yo mom.

Son, I was the one who taught you how to be fly.

My man, now it is my turn to teach you how to become ugly. Say Michelle( turning to Michelle) You down to tha casino? Pick yo sexy ass up at 8.

Quinn was influence by his friend's words and judgments. Now he knows how to be cool in a "good" way. He spends his time, shopping and chilling with his boys. Quinn wasnt trying to be a G, he just wants to stand out and help people. Quinn doesnt hassle around trying to be well knoww, he just want respects. He is a helpful cool young man.

The End...

P.S - - my story can be a little bit confusing. If you have any questions, leave me a comment. Thank you

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

H.W #23- 1st Constructivist Exploration of Cool

There wasn't a direct definition for "cool." Most of the definition relies on the weather or staying cool under different circumstances. It doesnt really have a definition of what we are studying or relating to that "cool" we are talking about. Personally, I think the definition of cool means the act of being a show off or being popular. Dont you think being cool can put you to be a high standard in school? Like co'mom man, you get to be well known, people are able to look at you with respect and diginty. The feeling of beinmg cool is just standing next to jesus and smoking a cigar with him. Picture yourself walking down the hood and people just eyeing you, wont you feel statics or superior coming off from your body? If you are cool, people wont bully you and just leave you alone, cos they know not to mess with a "cool" person.

I had this experience of being cool back when I was in middle school. When I was in 7grade, I was like those chinese boy that wear gap and payless crap. My classmate will make fun of how I dress and not using deodorant. And I do cared about my feeling because it hurts... its incomplete. So one day, I have to come up with a plan to be "cool" or well dress. I took a scissor and cut my new payless shoe and made up a lie that a wire got caught onto my shoes. Then I told my mom I needed nike shoes to be part of the basketball team. When I wore in school, I was part of the cool group. Now they have respect for me. One nike shoe can just change my life and influnce me to be one of those "bad boy" Now I feel complete and satisfied.

There are still some questions I have about being cool. What are some reaons why teenagers want to be cool? Are they trying to please the ladies or their group of friends? Do they want to hang out with those fresh tough better looking kids? There are some people in School Of the Future, who thinks "they" are cool and all that. I dont see any reason why this person even want to be part of the cool group. This person aint smart of cool. It just pisses me off to see people that are not cool to belong in some "cool" group and for those people that are not cool or smart, just get bully.

I think people that are cool suppose to be those who are respectful and friendly. Those who are bully are not cool at all because they are big ass jerk and they fuck around too much. They have no rights making fun of people and how they look or dress. I am definatly cool because I respect people that respect me. I am friendly and sweet to those who need help. Personally, I have an interesting story about my own life I will like to share but I am waiting for that homework assignment. And one more thing... People that are show off is not cool at all. For example, one of my friend, wait I dont even consider him as a friend. This kid thinks he is funny, cool and smart, I dont see none of those in him. I am not going to point him out because I am cool.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

HW #21 Art Project 1

Art Project 1 from Quinn Wu on Vimeo.

Art Project 2 from Quinn Wu on Vimeo.

1. Is your art a hammar or a mirror? Why?

Pretty much, I think my film of art is a mirror because it show us how my daily life is influence by technologies. How these digital representatives ruining our life and getting into our head and just make us conscious. My art is like a reflecting of our life showing us what exactly we are doing.

2. Does your art make you fink and theel? What are some of your own reactions to your art?

While watching my film of art, I think "our" life could have been better if we dont get distracted by technologies. It makes me think I am useless and not paying attention to my education. Especially my brother because he is young, and technology is just taking over his life. It is a waste of time to play video games because if you win, what do you get? Nothing. I am ashamed of myself by not spending time on my grades and not using digital representaties wisely.

3. What was the most interesting aspect of your making of the art?

The most interesting aspect of my art is probably nothing because this happen almost everyday. I didnt come up with this film at all, it just happens. My brother spends his time on the computer playing his games, then, when my mother comes back home. my bro, then, will start on his homework.

Translation: I am not going to force my mother to speak "english" because this film has to be straight forward. But, I am going to translate what my mom said. Basically, as my mom came into my bro's room. My brother quickly close his game and work on his homework. My mom was yelling at my bro, asking him howcome he didnt finish his homework. Howcome he is playing his game instead of working.

- - there's a mistake and i didnt know how to fix it. The first video is part 1 then the second video is part 2. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

HW #22- Final Draft & Writing Tips


Have you notice that using technology causes the person to change his or her life. In this universe, young teenagers and adult uses digital representatives because they want to be part of the society. They want to be popular and have fun like any other kids, which causes them to change. According to this young teenager life Quinn Wu uses technology because technologies are the only way to keep him close to his friends and to maintain satisfication. Quinn uses technology to interact with girls and changes from focusing in school to lazy. Quinn always have school on his mind, always concentrating no matter what, getting good grades until his dad decided to reward him with a playstation 2, that's when Quinn started to change. Digital Representative show through the society that technology is a way to change people lives, which also creates dramas, unaccomplishments and tradegies.

Mom:"How the fuck did you get a 80 on your progress report!?"

Quinn: "But mom, 80, is a passing..."

Mom: "I dont care if you get a 81 or a 99.9. I want to see a 1 next to two zeros. You are living under my roof, using my money, eating from my dinner table, so, there are certain rule(s)you must follow!"

Quinn: "But, I did so much better than a lot of people from my school."

Mom: "So?, why are you setting your mind as being an failure? You are not smarter than any other kids. You didnt even make it to Stuyvesant High School. Why do you have to compare yourself to people? Worry about yourself. Worry about your future. Dont worry about anything else but school."

Quinn: " Mom, give me a break. I read everyday and dont have time to play."

Mom: "What did I just tell you? Huh! Right now, it is about school. You never have your mind in school other than playing your games and going online. When I tell you to study... you go to sleep. When I dont tell you to study... you just kept on playing and not worrying about your grades. Do you want to be like your father? Sitting at home and not finding an job? Do you want to support your children? Do you?

Quinn: " That's Bullshit! I do worry about sch..."

Mom: "You are bullshit. There's kids that wants to go to school but their parent dont have the money to give their children a education. I see children dont have money to buy themselves book. Children who wants to learn... have no money. Children who doesnt want to learn... have money, but end up wasting it. LIKE YOU!"

Argument 1:
Before I get started on this paper I will like to know: "What are parent for?" Parent are not just your protection but they are also your coach and guidance. I should had listen to my mom when she told me to focus on school and just put the freetime on the side. She warned me but I never end up listening to her. Therefore, I have to face the consequences. Everyday, everynight, I have to study, read for at least an hour, stay afterschool until my mom sees improvement. Now if I were to go back to time, and listen to my mom, I wouldnt have to spend time and time working my ass off.

Evidence 1:
In "Everything Bad is Good for you" by Steven Johnson, is a passage about a man speaking of how technologies that are use to be bad turn out to be good. Steven Johnson starts out by saying how technologies are actually helping us to interact with our education. Steven Johnson, tries to get into our young mind and convince us that all these games, t.v shows, and internet are good for us. The purpose of his reading is to argue why technologies have make young generation much more intelligence and being entertain. Now, I do agree with some of Steven Johnson's idea but some of his "reasoning" pisses me off.

Evidence 2:
Not just his words makes me feel inscure, but the ways he compare technology to education also makes me feel surprised and asking myself, "is he out of his mind?" He speak about how videogames force us to play the game until you beat the game. It helps the player to be more active, making chances, solving problem and exercising our mind. Steven Johnson mentioned that video game is just like reading a book. Video games you have to focus to get into the next level, and you need to concentrate of your reading to finish the book. Reading and video games has same similarities. They are both challenging and a way to learn.

Evidence 3:
Speaking of reading, watching television is also a way to learn. Johnson mention that reading takes time to understand and there's no picture to entertain us. Unlike, television, there's picture, speakers, and entertainment. Sometimes, kids dont really understand what they are reading, such as hard vocabulary and sentence structure. But television is different, there's picture that makes you understand what's going on and where the story is heading.

Evidence 4:
Dont forget about the internet. Steven Johnson made a statement saying that internet is the best way to meet new friends. Online brings people together and make us smarter in a way. Even though, we meet strangers that doesnt equal to be a bad thing, nothing really changes but you get to learn from them and become best buddies.

At the end of his story, I think most of the stuff that Steven Johnson are saying is "Bullshit." He came up with the dumbest reasons saying that technologies are able to help us. When he brought up the point of how reading is like a video game, got me thinking. He is right and wrong at the same time. Reading helps us to learn and improve your writing skills. It really doesnt matter if the book is boring and shit, at college, we will be reading textbook that doesnt make sense. Playing games will lower our grades. Once you play, you cannot stop playing which makes you dont have time to study. I start playing video games when I was in freshman. My mind wasnt on school, it was finish playing my games. Which fuck my grade up. Right now I have to spend most of my day, fixing my grades. I hate reading but I still have to read no matter what.

Watching t.v I actually agree with Steven Johnson when he said we can learn so much stuff from watching t.v. T.V entertain us by having sound effect and we have pictures in front of us. So we can get the meaning real quick. But watching too much t.v can affect own learning. For exmaple, watching t.v makes you like nervous. You cant wait to see what will happen next. You kept on waiting and thinking about the next espoispe and not worrying about school.

Internet. Thats when I totally disagree what Steven Johnson is saying. Internet is not a place to make friendship, such as in facebook, myspace, whatever. Talking to strangers? Why will you talk to people you hardly know. Their words can hit you but deep inside of that person, they can be really bad. When Andy told me to do some research about technology. I decided to reseach about facebooking. Theres a lot of shit happening on facebook. Young teenage girls getting stalk, people dying, full of shit like that. There's are many people that we cant trust and we definatly cannot learn through experience like that. I dont know what Steven Johnson is trying to say about internet, I totally disagree with him. Internet is not a bad place to talk to people, that you actually know. But talking to random strangers! Are you out of your mind? Like seriously. Who talk to strangers? I have a question for Steven. What happen if your girlfriend met this stranger and decided to meet up face to face. What wil happen to your girlfriend. I think she will end up getting rape. I dont even let my close friends talking to my girlfriend because I want her to be safe. Random people just IMED, just to become friends, but I am a guy, I know what guy are thinking.

Argument 2:
Steven Johnson's passage were debateable and he wrote a lecture that many have connected to my life at first, but not when I grew out of technologies. Although, I know little about Steven Johnson's life, I do NOT want to learn about him because his words doesnt influence me in anyway. For example, I believe that video games, television and internet brings drama and tradegy. Technologies, now days, are so precious that they fuck up my grade. They make me lose love from my parent. They make me suffer. They bring drama into my life.

Evidence 5:
So basically, trying to prove Steven Johnson and the point of this paper that digital representative is a way to change people lives, which creates dramas and tradegy. I did a little research on facebook and video games. Facebook leads to danger. In case you didnt notice facebook is one way that could leads you to danger. Dont you realize that every new year, a number of cases show us that parent, teachers, and employers sign up onto facebook and check up on people. Networking website facebook seems a harmless way to gossip and pictures with mates, but someday it will cost you your job and blight future. Dont think you're able to hide shit from others because stuff that are delete, are automatically saved by facebook or google. You think that you can get rid of something so easily but someday it can come back to bite you. Let's put it to this way... if you are at least 18 and you did some stupd shit and was posted up on facebook, when you reach your older age, guess what? you will face a serious problem in the future.

Why is facebook also bad for relationship? Facebook leads to serious situations of jealously between friends and parent. Facebook is a site that allow you to give information away to people which makes people mad. Strangers has the opporunity to get into your page and steal your girl/boyfriend away. It is like you just gave away your vigirnity and letting people seeing your naked body.

Evidence(s) 6-10
Video Games. There are top 5 reasons why video games can be bad for you. 1) Video games can be addictive. People that are really into games, spend hours and hours on the screen playing games, reading games magazines, participating in online gaming forums, looking for future game release and just kept playing. 2) Video games can be expensive. It cost a lot of money to buy video games and hardware(console and/or computer) There's new game release almost every week, and spend amount of time finding or waiting for the game. Where do you have the time to study when you just keep having games on your mind. For example: it's weird and uncommon for a gamer to have more than 20-50 games that cost around $40-$50, once it release. This can add up to thousands of dollars every year. 3) Video games can hurt relationship. Like what I mention before, video games can serious affect your relationship; with your parent, girl/boyfriend, sibling, friends or teacher. Imagine you spend most of your time playing game, where do you find the time for your "relationship?" Video games are so engaging, that people give up on their relationship and just interact with the games. This doesn't connect to my life but it is ruining my brother and my mother relationship. When my brother gets home from school, first thing he does is turn on his computer and play his stupid maplestory game. By the time my mother comes home from school, my brother will start on his homework and there will be a fight. But I just don't get it. How does he even get good grades when he does his homework on the last minute? Doesn't matter, moving on. 4) Video games can be distracting. Gamer are similar to smoker. It is hard to resist what you are doing or eating. I believe that many people has wishes or goals they will like to achieve, but for gamers, you already know, they will never get shit done. They spend so much time playing games and when it comes to studying, what will happen? They get an BIG FAT F. "You play the game but when the time comes, you are the one that got play." 5) Video games can rob you of real life experiences. Everyone wants to making a living out of their lives, but do you think gamers have the opporunity to have a meaningful life? Your lives has many meaning and game doesnt give you a chance to have a career. Game doesnt help you throughout lives, they ruined your lives. Living means interacting, growing, learning, teaching and loving. Do the stuff you love to do, but do the "actually" stuff that can help you to grow. Game leads to unaccomplishment, which means you are a "waste" a "failure"

Technology brings problem into the world. There are good and bad aspects about technologies, but I am mostly focusing on bad aspects. Young teenagers doesnt really know how to use them. They need to be taught by a special person such as "Andy Synder" and [fuck] Steven Johnson. Technologies are suppose to be your entertainment, reaching your friends and just "learn" But kids doesnt rely on their technologies as tool that help them to accomplish something. Hey, you have the right to use your technology but dont spend 24/7 on them, when you have a education to complete. Use your tools when you really need them. There's children that need technologies to go to school but they dont have the money for it. For those children that are able to go to school, they spend their money on stupid games and magzines. These technologies doesnt help you on your daily basic in lives, you are making a choice that leads to drama, unaccomplishments and tradegy.

Using technology is a way to gain experience throughout lives or just want to be great known. Much of the principles that shown in "Everything bad is good for you" and internet research are still relevant not only in american society but aslo in my everyday life. In my freshman year, I was working hard in school, trying to earn good grades. My dad rewarded me with a Playstation 2, and I spend most of my time playing it. This kept on happening till the end of Junior year. I realize that technologies are getting into my mind and tries to take over my brain. I remember my mom always yell at me when I dont finish my homework and spend my time, on the computer and playing video games. As senior year approach, I turn the tables around. I finally got my mind back on school. I still use my sidekick and computer when I need them. They help me to become a smarter person. My sidekick helps me to reach for help and the computer helps me to study and learn. Just ask yourself, are you doing any good for yourself? Does technologies really help you throughtout your lives[if you know how to use it]? Steven Johnson. How do you like my paper? I just pawn your ass. And umm Steve listen carefully: Digital Representatives show through the society that technology is a way to change people lives, which creates drama, unaccomplishment and tradegy.

In this essay, technology leads to the downfall of young teenagers mind. Steven Johnson argue that technologies are actually good but I believe the opposite of what he said. He must have been playing too much games and didnt finish studying. Anyway, if you think this paper is awesome, that's because I know how to use technologies, I know what computer are for and the amount of research I did was to prove that TECHNOLOGY IS A WAY TO CHANGE PEOPLE LIVES, WHICH ALSO CREATES DRAMAS, UNACCOMPLISHMENTS AND TRADEGIES.


"Everything bad is good for you" - Steven Johnson - Quinn W0oo0oo - facebook is bad - facebook is bad - video games is bad

HW #20-Big Paper Revised Draft

Have you notice that using technology causes the person to change his or her life. In this universe, young teenagers and adult uses digital representatives because they want to be part of the society. They want to be popular and have fun like any other kids, which causes them to change. According to this young teenager life Quinn Wu uses technology because technologies are the only way to keep him close to his friends and to maintain satisfication. Quinn uses technology to interact with girls and changes from focusing in school to lazy. Quinn always have school on his mind, always concentrating no matter what, getting good grades until his dad decided to reward him with a playstation 2, that's when Quinn started to change. Digital Representative show through the society that technology is a way to change people lives, which also creates dramas, unaccomplishments and tradegies.

Mom:"How the fuck did you get a 80 on your progress report!?"

Quinn: "But mom, 80, is a passing..."

Mom: "I dont care if you get a 81 or a 99.9. I want to see a 1 next to two zeros. You are living under my roof, using my money, eating from my dinner table, so, there are certain rule(s)you must follow!"

Quinn: "But, I did so much better than a lot of people from my school."

Mom: "So?, why are you setting your mind as being an failure? You are not smarter than any other kids. You didnt even make it to Stuyvesant High School. Why do you have to compare yourself to people? Worry about yourself. Worry about your future. Dont worry about anything else but school."

Quinn: " Mom, give me a break. I read everyday and dont have time to play."

Mom: "What did I just tell you? Huh! Right now, it is about school. You never have your mind in school other than playing your games and going online. When I tell you to study... you go to sleep. When I dont tell you to study... you just kept on playing and not worrying about your grades. Do you want to be like your father? Sitting at home and not finding an job? Do you want to support your children? Do you?

Quinn: " That's Bullshit! I do worry about sch..."

Mom: "You are bullshit. There's kids that wants to go to school but their parent dont have the money to give their children a education. I see children dont have money to buy themselves book. Children who wants to learn... have no money. Children who doesnt want to learn... have money, but end up wasting it. LIKE YOU!"

Before I get started on this paper I will like to know: "What are parent for?" Parent are not just your protection but they are also your coach and guidance. I should had listen to my mom when she told me to focus on school and just put the freetime on the side. She warned me but I never end up listening to her. Therefore, I have to face the consequences. Everyday, everynight, I have to study, read for at least an hour, stay afterschool until my mom sees improvement. Now if I were to go back to time, and listen to my mom, I wouldnt have to spend time and time working my ass off.

In "Everything Bad is Good for you" by Steven Johnson, is a passage about a man speaking of how technologies that are use to be bad turn out to be good. Steven Johnson starts out by saying how technologies are actually helping us to interact with our education. Steven Johnson, tries to get into our young mind and convince us that all these games, t.v shows, and internet are good for us. The purpose of his reading is to argue why technologies have make young generation much more intelligence and being entertain. Now, I do agree with some of Steven Johnson's idea but some of his "reasoning" pisses me off.

Not just his words makes me feel inscure, but the ways he compare technology to education also makes me feel surprised and asking myself, "is he out of his mind?" He speak about how videogames force us to play the game until you beat the game. It helps the player to be more active, making chances, solving problem and exercising our mind. Steven Johnson mentioned that video game is just like reading a book. Video games you have to focus to get into the next level, and you need to concentrate of your reading to finish the book. Reading and video games has same similarities. They are both challenging and a way to learn.

Speaking of reading, watching television is also a way to learn. Johnson mention that reading takes time to understand and there's no picture to entertain us. Unlike, television, there's picture, speakers, and entertainment. Sometimes, kids dont really understand what they are reading, such as hard vocabulary and sentence structure. But television is different, there's picture that makes you understand what's going on and where the story is heading.

Dont forget about the internet. Steven Johnson made a statement saying that internet is the best way to meet new friends. Online brings people together and make us smarter in a way. Even though, we meet strangers that doesnt equal to be a bad thing, nothing really changes but you get to learn from them and become best buddies.

At the end of his story, I think most of the stuff that Steven Johnson are saying is "Bullshit." He came up with the dumbest reasons saying that technologies are able to help us. When he brought up the point of how reading is like a video game, got me thinking. He is right and wrong at the same time. Reading helps us to learn and improve your writing skills. It really doesnt matter if the book is boring and shit, at college, we will be reading textbook that doesnt make sense. Playing games will lower our grades. Once you play, you cannot stop playing which makes you dont have time to study. I start playing video games when I was in freshman. My mind wasnt on school, it was finish playing my games. Which fuck my grade up. Right now I have to spend most of my day, fixing my grades. I hate reading but I still have to read no matter what.

Watching t.v I actually agree with Steven Johnson when he said we can learn so much stuff from watching t.v. T.V entertain us by having sound effect and we have pictures in front of us. So we can get the meaning real quick. But watching too much t.v can affect own learning. For exmaple, watching t.v makes you like nervous. You cant wait to see what will happen next. You kept on waiting and thinking about the next espoispe and not worrying about school.

Internet. Thats when I totally disagree what Steven Johnson is saying. Internet is not a place to make friendship, such as in facebook, myspace, whatever. Talking to strangers? Why will you talk to people you hardly know. Their words can hit you but deep inside of that person, they can be really bad. When Andy told me to do some research about technology. I decided to reseach about facebooking. Theres a lot of shit happening on facebook. Young teenage girls getting stalk, people dying, full of shit like that. There's are many people that we cant trust and we definatly cannot learn through experience like that. I dont know what Steven Johnson is trying to say about internet, I totally disagree with him. Internet is not a bad place to talk to people, that you actually know. But talking to random strangers! Are you out of your mind? Like seriously. Who talk to strangers? I have a question for Steven. What happen if your girlfriend met this stranger and decided to meet up face to face. What wil happen to your girlfriend. I think she will end up getting rape. I dont even let my close friends talking to my girlfriend because I want her to be safe. Random people just IMED, just to become friends, but I am a guy, I know what guy are thinking.

Steven Johnson's passage were debateable and he wrote a lecture that many have connected to my life at first, but not when I grew out of technologies. Although, I know little about Steven Johnson's life, I do NOT want to learn about him because his words doesnt influence me in anyway. For example, I believe that video games, television and internet brings drama and tradegy. Technologies, now days, are so precious that they fuck up my grade. They make me lose love from my parent. They make me suffer. They bring drama into my life.

So basically, trying to prove Steven Johnson and the point of this paper that digital representative is a way to change people lives, which creates dramas and tradegy. I did a little research on facebook and video games. Facebook leads to danger. In case you didnt notice facebook is one way that could leads you to danger. Dont you realize that every new year, a number of cases show us that parent, teachers, and employers sign up onto facebook and check up on people. Networking website facebook seems a harmless way to gossip and pictures with mates, but someday it will cost you your job and blight future. Dont think you're able to hide shit from others because stuff that are delete, are automatically saved by facebook or google. You think that you can get rid of something so easily but someday it can come back to bite you. Let's put it to this way... if you are at least 18 and you did some stupd shit and was posted up on facebook, when you reach your older age, guess what? you will face a serious problem in the future.

Why is facebook also bad for relationship? Facebook leads to serious situations of jealously between friends and parent. Facebook is a site that allow you to give information away to people which makes people mad. Strangers has the opporunity to get into your page and steal your girl/boyfriend away. It is like you just gave away your vigirnity and letting people seeing your naked body.

Video Games. There are top 5 reasons why video games can be bad for you. 1) Video games can be addictive. People that are really into games, spend hours and hours on the screen playing games, reading games magazines, participating in online gaming forums, looking for future game release and just kept playing. 2) Video games can be expensive. It cost a lot of money to buy video games and hardware(console and/or computer) There's new game release almost every week, and spend amount of time finding or waiting for the game. Where do you have the time to study when you just keep having games on your mind. For example: it's weird and uncommon for a gamer to have more than 20-50 games that cost around $40-$50, once it release. This can add up to thousands of dollars every year. 3) Video games can hurt relationship. Like what I mention before, video games can serious affect your relationship; with your parent, girl/boyfriend, sibling, friends or teacher. Imagine you spend most of your time playing game, where do you find the time for your "relationship?" Video games are so engaging, that people give up on their relationship and just interact with the games. This doesn't connect to my life but it is ruining my brother and my mother relationship. When my brother gets home from school, first thing he does is turn on his computer and play his stupid maplestory game. By the time my mother comes home from school, my brother will start on his homework and there will be a fight. But I just don't get it. How does he even get good grades when he does his homework on the last minute? Doesn't matter, moving on. 4) Video games can be distracting. Gamer are similar to smoker. It is hard to resist what you are doing or eating. I believe that many people has wishes or goals they will like to achieve, but for gamers, you already know, they will never get shit done. They spend so much time playing games and when it comes to studying, what will happen? They get an BIG FAT F. "You play the game but when the time comes, you are the one that got play." 5) Video games can rob you of real life experiences. Everyone wants to making a living out of their lives, but do you think gamers have the opporunity to have a meaningful life? Your lives has many meaning and game doesnt give you a chance to have a career. Game doesnt help you throughout lives, they ruined your lives. Living means interacting, growing, learning, teaching and loving. Do the stuff you love to do, but do the "actually" stuff that can help you to grow. Game leads to unaccomplishment, which means you are a "waste" a "failure"

Monday, November 9, 2009

HW # 19- Big Paper 1 Suggestions

To Sam J,

Sam, I am having trouble understanding your rough draft. It is not that your paper is bad, I know you are heading somewhere but it has confusion. And I am a slow reader and cannot get the meaning just yet. I think you shouldn't start with an definition because it just doesn't hook the reader. Some people doesn't know what is the definition of "humanity" so you can probably add it somewhere else on your paper. Your introduction is not that catchy. I think you should have all your arguments/ examples down then make an better introduction. That's one way to hook your reader because you know what you are using to back up your thesis.

Another thing about your introduction is when you briefly said that all human needs communication, how does that put us on top of your food chain. It is like so random[ish]. I think you should take that out. You are also saying that most people cannot be disconnected from others but how come you are saying that internet is separating us? Like I said, Sam, I am a slow reader... and cant get the actually meaning [yet].

When I read your body paragraph, I slowly get the meaning of your paper. Teenagers are getting draw into digital than begin socially. We have no interaction with the outside world what-so-ever. And we spend most of the time in our little bubble, websurbing and having fun. Like what you said, you cannot fully concentrate when you are writing this paper, you get distracted so easily. I am finally getting your paper. You have good examples and arguments. The only question I have is; are you saying that technologies is bad or good? Because some of your reasoning just really confused me. One more thing, I think you should have a better hook, and for each paragraphs, try to tie it back to your thesis.

Amazing Job Sam, I am sorry for being a slow reader. I cannot to wait to read your final.

To Bao Lin,

Bao Lin, 2 words to describe your rough draft. Truly Amazing! You know what, I am going to copy and paste everything you wrote, so I can earn a 100. But seriously, your paper is fantastic. You have a great hook and thats why I wanted to read this paper on the first place. Your introduction is so deep and your thesis is so seductive. I totally agree with your thesis because when my grades drop, I blame it on the technologies. It is not my fault that these technologies are so addictive. It is like you cannot tell a smoke to stop smoking because they are already addict to it. They are already poison by the drugs in them.

You have the perfect evidence to back up your thesis. I am also arguing why Steven Johnson and the passage he wrote, are so stupid. How is he going to tell us that technologies are able to help us. Everyday, everynight, I have to spend my time raising my grades.

You also connect your thesis back to every paragraph, so that the reader can actually remember what you are arguing about. Bao Lin, you are all set. Nothing has to be change but just connect these digital representatives to your daily life. For example, on your blog, you decorate your background to make it look like a real masterpiece, so in term of that, I know you spend some of your freetime, on the computer having fun. Good Job. Cant wait to read your final draft.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

HW #18- Big Paper 1 [Rough Draft]

Have you notice that using technology causes the person to change his or her life. In this universe, young teenagers and adult uses digital representatives because they want to be part of the society. They want to be popular and have fun like any other kids, which causes them to change. According to this young teenager life Quinn Wu uses technology because technologies are the only way to keep him close to his friends and to maintain satisfication. Quinn uses technology to interact with girls and changes from focusing in school to lazy. Quinn always have school on his mind, always concentrating no matter what, getting good grades until his dad decided to reward him with a playstation 2, that's when Quinn started to change. Digital Representative show through the society that technology is a way to change people lives, which also creates dramas, unaccomplishments and tradegies.

Mom:"How the fuck did you get a 80 on your progress report!?"

Quinn: "But mom, 80, is a passing..."

Mom: "I dont care if you get a 81 or a 99.9. I want to see a 1 next to two zeros. You are living under my roof, using my money, eating from my dinner table, so, there are certain rule(s)you must follow!"

Quinn: "But, I did so much better than a lot of people from my school."

Mom: "So?, why are you setting your mind as being an failure? You are not smarter than any other kids. You didnt even make it to Stuyvesant High School. Why do you have to compare yourself to people? Worry about yourself. Worry about your future. Dont worry about anything else but school."

Quinn: " Mom, give me a break. I read everyday and dont have time to play."

Mom: "What did I just tell you? Huh! Right now, it is about school. You never have your mind in school other than playing your games and going online. When I tell you to study... you go to sleep. When I dont tell you to study... you just kept on playing and not worrying about your grades. Do you want to be like your father? Sitting at home and not finding an job? Do you want to support your children? Do you?

Quinn: " That's Bullshit! I do worry about sch..."

Mom: "You are bullshit. There's kids that wants to go to school but their parent dont have the money to give their children a education. I see children dont have money to buy themselves book. Children who wants to learn... have no money. Children who doesnt want to learn... have money, but end up wasting it. LIKE YOU!"

Before I get started on this paper I will like to know: "What are parent for?" Parent are not just your protection but they are also your coach and guidance. I should had listen to my mom when she told me to focus on school and just put the freetime on the side. She warned me but I never end up listening to her. Therefore, I have to face the consequences. Everyday, everynight, I have to study, read for at least an hour, stay afterschool until my mom sees improvement. Now if I were to go back to time, and listen to my mom, I wouldnt have to spend time and time working my ass off.

In "Everything Bad is Good for you" by Steven Johnson, is a passage about a man speaking of how technologies that are use to be bad turn out to be good. Steven Johnson starts out by saying how technologies are actually helping us to interact with our education. Steven Johnson, tries to get into our young mind and convince us that all these games, t.v shows, and internet are good for us. The purpose of his reading is to argue why technologies have make young generation much more intelligence and being entertain. Now, I do agree with some of Steven Johnson's idea but some of his "reasoning" pisses me off.

Not just his words makes me feel inscure, but the ways he compare technology to education also makes me feel surprised and asking myself, "is he out of his mind?" He speak about how videogames force us to play the game until you beat the game. It helps the player to be more active, making chances, solving problem and exercising our mind. Steven Johnson mentioned that video game is just like reading a book. Video games you have to focus to get into the next level, and you need to concentrate of your reading to finish the book. Reading and video games has same similarities. They are both challenging and a way to learn.

Speaking of reading, watching television is also a way to learn. Johnson mention that reading takes time to understand and there's no picture to entertain us. Unlike, television, there's picture, speakers, and entertainment. Sometimes, kids dont really understand what they are reading, such as hard vocabulary and sentence structure. But television is different, there's picture that makes you understand what's going on and where the story is heading.

Dont forget about the internet. Steven Johnson made a statement saying that internet is the best way to meet new friends. Online brings people together and make us smarter in a way. Even though, we meet strangers that doesnt equal to be a bad thing, nothing really changes but you get to learn from them and become best buddies.

At the end of his story, I think most of the stuff that Steven Johnson are saying is "Bullshit." He came up with the dumbest reasons saying that technologies are able to help us. When he brought up the point of how reading is like a video game, got me thinking. He is right and wrong at the same time. Reading helps us to learn and improve your writing skills. It really doesnt matter if the book is boring and shit, at college, we will be reading textbook that doesnt make sense. Playing games will lower our grades. Once you play, you cannot stop playing which makes you dont have time to study. I start playing video games when I was in freshman. My mind wasnt on school, it was finish playing my games. Which fuck my grade up. Right now I have to spend most of my day, fixing my grades. I hate reading but I still have to read no matter what.

Watching t.v I actually agree with Steven Johnson when he said we can learn so much stuff from watching t.v. T.V entertain us by having sound effect and we have pictures in front of us. So we can get the meaning real quick. But watching too much t.v can affect own learning. For exmaple, watching t.v makes you like nervous. You cant wait to see what will happen next. You kept on waiting and thinking about the next espoispe and not worrying about school.

Internet. Thats when I totally disagree what Steven Johnson is saying. Internet is not a place to make friendship, such as in facebook, myspace, whatever. Talking to strangers? Why will you talk to people you hardly know. Their words can hit you but deep inside of that person, they can be really bad. When Andy told me to do some research about technology. I decided to reseach about facebooking. Theres a lot of shit happening on facebook. Young teenage girls getting stalk, people dying, full of shit like that. There's are many people that we cant trust and we definatly cannot learn through experience like that. I dont know what Steven Johnson is trying to say about internet, I totally disagree with him. Internet is not a bad place to talk to people, that you actually know. But talking to random strangers! Are you out of your mind? Like seriously. Who talk to strangers? I have a question for Steven. What happen if your girlfriend met this stranger and decided to meet up face to face. What wil happen to your girlfriend. I think she will end up getting rape. I dont even let my close friends talking to my girlfriend because I want her to be safe. Random people just IMED, just to become friends, but I am a guy, I know what guy are thinking.

Steven Johnson's passage were debateable and he wrote a lecture that many have connected to my life at first, but not when I grew out of technologies. Although, I know little about Steven Johnson's life, I do NOT want to learn about him because his words doesnt influence me in anyway. For example, I believe that video games, television and internet brings drama and tradegy. Technologies, now days, are so precious that they fuck up my grade. They make me lose love from my parent. They make me suffer. They bring drama into my life.

So basically, trying to prove Steven Johnson and the point of this paper that digital representative is a way to change people lives, which creates dramas and tradegy. I did a little research on facebook and video games. Facebook leads to danger. In case you didnt notice facebook is one way that could leads you to danger. Dont you realize that every new year, a number of cases show us that parent, teachers, and employers sign up onto facebook and check up on people. Networking website facebook seems a harmless way to gossip and pictures with mates, but someday it will cost you your job and blight future. Dont think you're able to hide shit from others because stuff that are delete, are automatically saved by facebook or google. You think that you can get rid of something so easily but someday it can come back to bite you. Let's put it to this way... if you are at least 18 and you did some stupd shit and was posted up on facebook, when you reach your older age, guess what? you will face a serious problem in the future.

Why is facebook also bad for relationship? Facebook leads to serious situations of jealously between friends and parent. Facebook is a site that allow you to give information away to people which makes people mad. Strangers has the opporunity to get into your page and steal your girl/boyfriend away. It is like you just gave away your vigirnity and letting people seeing your naked body.

Monday, November 2, 2009

HW 17-Online Suggestions

To Sam J,

Hey Sam! Your outline is amazing. I really dont think you have to change anything. Everything are so organized and well said. Your thesis is so strong, makes me want to steal your idea or ask you for help. I like how you said "digital age has changed our society and caused is to change" that was my main point of my essay.

You have strong evidence to back down your argument. You provide questions, that shows me that you are set for this final essay. You are ahead of the game. One quick thing if you dont have this on mind, I think you should also connect how technology affect your life. Overall, I think you are set to go. Cant wait to read your final paper. Nice JOb.

To Will C,

You know what Will, after reading Sam's outline, I was about to ask him for help, but when I read your thesis; I dont know who to ask for help. Your thesis was deep; "digital based communication has abstructed the privacy of our lives." Makes me think that technologies are invading our privacy. You have great supporting evidence. I like the point when you came up of how people are jealous of others, and decided to stalk or hack them. When Sam mention about you shouldnt talk about people and their privacy.... I think you should. You have a strong thesis and if you mention about people privacy.. I think it will come out to be a excellent paper. Nice work Will, cant wait to read your essay.