Monday, November 2, 2009

HW 17-Online Suggestions

To Sam J,

Hey Sam! Your outline is amazing. I really dont think you have to change anything. Everything are so organized and well said. Your thesis is so strong, makes me want to steal your idea or ask you for help. I like how you said "digital age has changed our society and caused is to change" that was my main point of my essay.

You have strong evidence to back down your argument. You provide questions, that shows me that you are set for this final essay. You are ahead of the game. One quick thing if you dont have this on mind, I think you should also connect how technology affect your life. Overall, I think you are set to go. Cant wait to read your final paper. Nice JOb.

To Will C,

You know what Will, after reading Sam's outline, I was about to ask him for help, but when I read your thesis; I dont know who to ask for help. Your thesis was deep; "digital based communication has abstructed the privacy of our lives." Makes me think that technologies are invading our privacy. You have great supporting evidence. I like the point when you came up of how people are jealous of others, and decided to stalk or hack them. When Sam mention about you shouldnt talk about people and their privacy.... I think you should. You have a strong thesis and if you mention about people privacy.. I think it will come out to be a excellent paper. Nice work Will, cant wait to read your essay.

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