Thursday, November 5, 2009

HW #18- Big Paper 1 [Rough Draft]

Have you notice that using technology causes the person to change his or her life. In this universe, young teenagers and adult uses digital representatives because they want to be part of the society. They want to be popular and have fun like any other kids, which causes them to change. According to this young teenager life Quinn Wu uses technology because technologies are the only way to keep him close to his friends and to maintain satisfication. Quinn uses technology to interact with girls and changes from focusing in school to lazy. Quinn always have school on his mind, always concentrating no matter what, getting good grades until his dad decided to reward him with a playstation 2, that's when Quinn started to change. Digital Representative show through the society that technology is a way to change people lives, which also creates dramas, unaccomplishments and tradegies.

Mom:"How the fuck did you get a 80 on your progress report!?"

Quinn: "But mom, 80, is a passing..."

Mom: "I dont care if you get a 81 or a 99.9. I want to see a 1 next to two zeros. You are living under my roof, using my money, eating from my dinner table, so, there are certain rule(s)you must follow!"

Quinn: "But, I did so much better than a lot of people from my school."

Mom: "So?, why are you setting your mind as being an failure? You are not smarter than any other kids. You didnt even make it to Stuyvesant High School. Why do you have to compare yourself to people? Worry about yourself. Worry about your future. Dont worry about anything else but school."

Quinn: " Mom, give me a break. I read everyday and dont have time to play."

Mom: "What did I just tell you? Huh! Right now, it is about school. You never have your mind in school other than playing your games and going online. When I tell you to study... you go to sleep. When I dont tell you to study... you just kept on playing and not worrying about your grades. Do you want to be like your father? Sitting at home and not finding an job? Do you want to support your children? Do you?

Quinn: " That's Bullshit! I do worry about sch..."

Mom: "You are bullshit. There's kids that wants to go to school but their parent dont have the money to give their children a education. I see children dont have money to buy themselves book. Children who wants to learn... have no money. Children who doesnt want to learn... have money, but end up wasting it. LIKE YOU!"

Before I get started on this paper I will like to know: "What are parent for?" Parent are not just your protection but they are also your coach and guidance. I should had listen to my mom when she told me to focus on school and just put the freetime on the side. She warned me but I never end up listening to her. Therefore, I have to face the consequences. Everyday, everynight, I have to study, read for at least an hour, stay afterschool until my mom sees improvement. Now if I were to go back to time, and listen to my mom, I wouldnt have to spend time and time working my ass off.

In "Everything Bad is Good for you" by Steven Johnson, is a passage about a man speaking of how technologies that are use to be bad turn out to be good. Steven Johnson starts out by saying how technologies are actually helping us to interact with our education. Steven Johnson, tries to get into our young mind and convince us that all these games, t.v shows, and internet are good for us. The purpose of his reading is to argue why technologies have make young generation much more intelligence and being entertain. Now, I do agree with some of Steven Johnson's idea but some of his "reasoning" pisses me off.

Not just his words makes me feel inscure, but the ways he compare technology to education also makes me feel surprised and asking myself, "is he out of his mind?" He speak about how videogames force us to play the game until you beat the game. It helps the player to be more active, making chances, solving problem and exercising our mind. Steven Johnson mentioned that video game is just like reading a book. Video games you have to focus to get into the next level, and you need to concentrate of your reading to finish the book. Reading and video games has same similarities. They are both challenging and a way to learn.

Speaking of reading, watching television is also a way to learn. Johnson mention that reading takes time to understand and there's no picture to entertain us. Unlike, television, there's picture, speakers, and entertainment. Sometimes, kids dont really understand what they are reading, such as hard vocabulary and sentence structure. But television is different, there's picture that makes you understand what's going on and where the story is heading.

Dont forget about the internet. Steven Johnson made a statement saying that internet is the best way to meet new friends. Online brings people together and make us smarter in a way. Even though, we meet strangers that doesnt equal to be a bad thing, nothing really changes but you get to learn from them and become best buddies.

At the end of his story, I think most of the stuff that Steven Johnson are saying is "Bullshit." He came up with the dumbest reasons saying that technologies are able to help us. When he brought up the point of how reading is like a video game, got me thinking. He is right and wrong at the same time. Reading helps us to learn and improve your writing skills. It really doesnt matter if the book is boring and shit, at college, we will be reading textbook that doesnt make sense. Playing games will lower our grades. Once you play, you cannot stop playing which makes you dont have time to study. I start playing video games when I was in freshman. My mind wasnt on school, it was finish playing my games. Which fuck my grade up. Right now I have to spend most of my day, fixing my grades. I hate reading but I still have to read no matter what.

Watching t.v I actually agree with Steven Johnson when he said we can learn so much stuff from watching t.v. T.V entertain us by having sound effect and we have pictures in front of us. So we can get the meaning real quick. But watching too much t.v can affect own learning. For exmaple, watching t.v makes you like nervous. You cant wait to see what will happen next. You kept on waiting and thinking about the next espoispe and not worrying about school.

Internet. Thats when I totally disagree what Steven Johnson is saying. Internet is not a place to make friendship, such as in facebook, myspace, whatever. Talking to strangers? Why will you talk to people you hardly know. Their words can hit you but deep inside of that person, they can be really bad. When Andy told me to do some research about technology. I decided to reseach about facebooking. Theres a lot of shit happening on facebook. Young teenage girls getting stalk, people dying, full of shit like that. There's are many people that we cant trust and we definatly cannot learn through experience like that. I dont know what Steven Johnson is trying to say about internet, I totally disagree with him. Internet is not a bad place to talk to people, that you actually know. But talking to random strangers! Are you out of your mind? Like seriously. Who talk to strangers? I have a question for Steven. What happen if your girlfriend met this stranger and decided to meet up face to face. What wil happen to your girlfriend. I think she will end up getting rape. I dont even let my close friends talking to my girlfriend because I want her to be safe. Random people just IMED, just to become friends, but I am a guy, I know what guy are thinking.

Steven Johnson's passage were debateable and he wrote a lecture that many have connected to my life at first, but not when I grew out of technologies. Although, I know little about Steven Johnson's life, I do NOT want to learn about him because his words doesnt influence me in anyway. For example, I believe that video games, television and internet brings drama and tradegy. Technologies, now days, are so precious that they fuck up my grade. They make me lose love from my parent. They make me suffer. They bring drama into my life.

So basically, trying to prove Steven Johnson and the point of this paper that digital representative is a way to change people lives, which creates dramas and tradegy. I did a little research on facebook and video games. Facebook leads to danger. In case you didnt notice facebook is one way that could leads you to danger. Dont you realize that every new year, a number of cases show us that parent, teachers, and employers sign up onto facebook and check up on people. Networking website facebook seems a harmless way to gossip and pictures with mates, but someday it will cost you your job and blight future. Dont think you're able to hide shit from others because stuff that are delete, are automatically saved by facebook or google. You think that you can get rid of something so easily but someday it can come back to bite you. Let's put it to this way... if you are at least 18 and you did some stupd shit and was posted up on facebook, when you reach your older age, guess what? you will face a serious problem in the future.

Why is facebook also bad for relationship? Facebook leads to serious situations of jealously between friends and parent. Facebook is a site that allow you to give information away to people which makes people mad. Strangers has the opporunity to get into your page and steal your girl/boyfriend away. It is like you just gave away your vigirnity and letting people seeing your naked body.

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