Tuesday, November 17, 2009

H.W #23- 1st Constructivist Exploration of Cool

There wasn't a direct definition for "cool." Most of the definition relies on the weather or staying cool under different circumstances. It doesnt really have a definition of what we are studying or relating to that "cool" we are talking about. Personally, I think the definition of cool means the act of being a show off or being popular. Dont you think being cool can put you to be a high standard in school? Like co'mom man, you get to be well known, people are able to look at you with respect and diginty. The feeling of beinmg cool is just standing next to jesus and smoking a cigar with him. Picture yourself walking down the hood and people just eyeing you, wont you feel statics or superior coming off from your body? If you are cool, people wont bully you and just leave you alone, cos they know not to mess with a "cool" person.

I had this experience of being cool back when I was in middle school. When I was in 7grade, I was like those chinese boy that wear gap and payless crap. My classmate will make fun of how I dress and not using deodorant. And I do cared about my feeling because it hurts... its incomplete. So one day, I have to come up with a plan to be "cool" or well dress. I took a scissor and cut my new payless shoe and made up a lie that a wire got caught onto my shoes. Then I told my mom I needed nike shoes to be part of the basketball team. When I wore in school, I was part of the cool group. Now they have respect for me. One nike shoe can just change my life and influnce me to be one of those "bad boy" Now I feel complete and satisfied.

There are still some questions I have about being cool. What are some reaons why teenagers want to be cool? Are they trying to please the ladies or their group of friends? Do they want to hang out with those fresh tough better looking kids? There are some people in School Of the Future, who thinks "they" are cool and all that. I dont see any reason why this person even want to be part of the cool group. This person aint smart of cool. It just pisses me off to see people that are not cool to belong in some "cool" group and for those people that are not cool or smart, just get bully.

I think people that are cool suppose to be those who are respectful and friendly. Those who are bully are not cool at all because they are big ass jerk and they fuck around too much. They have no rights making fun of people and how they look or dress. I am definatly cool because I respect people that respect me. I am friendly and sweet to those who need help. Personally, I have an interesting story about my own life I will like to share but I am waiting for that homework assignment. And one more thing... People that are show off is not cool at all. For example, one of my friend, wait I dont even consider him as a friend. This kid thinks he is funny, cool and smart, I dont see none of those in him. I am not going to point him out because I am cool.

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