Sunday, January 24, 2010

HW # 37- Cool Paper Done Draft

Have you notice that "being cool" causes the person to change his or her life. In this universe, young teenagers and adult wants to reform their lives into better shape because they want to be the center of attention. They want people around them to notice that they are the top gun; no one can stand up to them. They see the world differently than "we" do. According to this young teenager life; Quinn Wu also play a certian "act" in life, to help him hide his "real" identities; not allowing people to notice what he is capable of doing. Quinn was influence by others; only to change his "appearance" around, but he is still the same teenage kid. Quinn always wanted to change his looks, which stop him from going to school; ashamed that his classmates will make a fool out of him. But until, his friend's words drop him so hard that he needed to become "coooooooool..." Coolness is essntial to surviving difficult times, which involve obsession and deadly consolations of depression; to form a new life of being the center of attention.

Yo son, you have to get some new kicks. Stop wearing those payless shit. Your life worth more than a penny. You feel me?

Umm.. does it matter what I wear? Can you mind your own business Mei Dong?

Look at you Quinn. Wearing a loose purple shirt with some baggy ass jean. Look at your fuck up sneaker. Did you borrow it from a bum? You look ridiculous! I am trying to help you out, my dude.

I dont need your help. I dont need new clothes. (looking down at himself) And how do I look ridiculous. Everyone has different styles.

You dont look ridiculous? (shock) Did any girls ever like you? If i were your mom, I will trade you away for some eggs. I swear to my mother's life, you DO look ridiculous!

Nothing to say? Quinn, I dont have any respect for you. Your ugly ass doesnt belong here. And one more thing, learn how to take a fuckin' shower or use deodorant bodyspread.

My god! looking at you makes me lose my appetite. Fucking god! ( walking away) DISGUSTING.

This is the first time Quinn had felt this way. Is it true that he look ridicuolus? Is is true that his mother could has trade him away for something better? Is it true that Mei Dong was right? It cant be. I dont look that bad. Do I? Well I am going to find out.

Yo what's up my man, Keith? Chillin?

I am going home with Tiffany.

Word! My boy. You gonna hit that?


You and Tiffany (wink)

Shut the fuck up Quinn, and why are you acting so weird?

How do I act weird?, son?

Cos yo dumbass is tryna act cool and talking slang. Getta the fuck outta here. (walking away)

Quinn spotted Michelle and nervous walk over to her.

Hey Michelle, you wanna hang out with me?

Umm.. sure... when?

Around 6, you wanna go to the movie?

Are you asking me for a date?

umm.. no... umm... maybe... Do you?

(starting to laugh) You think I...

Hey Michelle, where are you going afterschool?

Yo girl, stop interfering my convo with my girl.

Michelle is your girl?

Quinn, listen. I know you are nice but I dont see any coolness in you. The way you look and dress, doesnt make me interested in you. And can you stop talking like that? (turning back to cory) Let's go Cory.

(laughing) Quinn? You are RIDICULOUS

Walking back home alone, Quinn felt very incomplete. He wish everyone was happy with what he is wearing, but how can he turn the tables around? Quinn stop in front of Jimmy Jazz. He then walk right in and surprising he saw many rare shoes. He kept on looking and looking, realizing he need to be cool. He was fascinated with all these brand clothing until he heard these boys whispering. "That nigga is ugly. He need to learn the word fresh." That made Quinn more heartbroken but that doesnt stop him, from looking around the store. He was very drawn into the Jordan and Nike shoes, until someone said, " Sir, we dont have your brand. Payless is across the street. Thank you." Quinn's mouth drop wide open. What does dressing or looking good has to do with anything in life? Why cant anyone take him for a granted that he doesnt care how he look. Fuck being cool. Jesus!

Walking down those miserable blocks back home, he was comparing himself to other people. North Face, Levis, Jordan, Looney Tunes, Nike, Tims, Converse, South Pole, Forever 21, DU-Rag, chains, fitted, footlocker. You name it. Howcome!? Howcome!!? Howcome!!!? I cant be like the rest? Almost home, Quinn lept on thinking how can he become like the rest. Immendiately, Quinn thought of something. If there's a problem, there got to be a solution. He took out a pair of scissor from his bookbag and smile.

Hey mom, guess what?

What happen son?

I was trying out for the basketball team and I got myself a playing spot. That means I am able to play for the team.

That's nice ( walking away)

But mom, we need to go shopping for sneakerm because I torn my sneaker while practicing.

You just got a new pair last month, how can you probably wreck it?

Cos Im.. Im.. ran a lot of suicide to impress the coach.

Fine, we go tomorrow.

Looking through every section, Quinn was hypnotize with all the shoes and clothes collection around him. He simply gather up all the good looking items and rush to the nearest changing room to try on his new clothes.

Walking back to school the very next day, he realize his friends was checking him out. Just zoning out while Quinn walk by each and everyone of them with a smirk on his face. Acting all tough and real, Quinn walk toward Michelle.

Yo babe, what's good with you and yo outfit. You look good girl.

Hey Quinn, (checking him out)

You wanna hit the dance floor at my friend's studio or chill at tha bartender?

Umm... I am not quite...

(Mei Dong walking toward Quinn and Michelle) Hey Michelle, (looking at Quinn) Damn son, when you become a transformer, Quinn? Or is that yo Halloween custome?

Nah yo, yo mom own me money from last night so I decided to spend it on myself to look fresh for her. You feel me?

Nigha! you want to start something?

Nah my dude, I dont start anything with ugly people, I start with yo mom.

Son, I was the one who taught you how to be fly.

My man, now it is my turn to teach you how to become ugly. Say Michelle( turning to Michelle) You down to tha casino? Pick yo sexy ass up at 8.

Quinn was influence by his friend's words and judgments. Now he knows how to be cool in a "good" way. He spends his time, shopping and chilling with his boys. Quinn wasnt trying to be a G, he just wants to stand out and help people. Quinn doesnt hassle around trying to be well knoww, he just want respects. He is a helpful cool young man.

Before I get started on this paper, I will like to know: "What is the difference between "normal" cool and "ghetto" cool? What I meant by that is, some teenagers just act like themselves. They dont care what people say about them. They are just inside their little world; thinking on how to succeed in life. "Ghetto" cool people are really differnt from normal cool people. Ghetto cool people form gangs, smoke, dealing with drugs, having tattoos, piercing, street fighting and show an act of violence. According to my habits of mind, I belong to the cool normal group. I learn some important steps on how to be "much more" cooler than ghetto people.

1. Dont care so much about what others think of you. We are always different from everyone else. We are always on different level or stages, so why care what people say about you. You dont have to please anyone except yourself and people that really loves you. Dont let people get under your skin and make you become a different person.

2. Be aware of how others will precieve you. There is no chance in hell, to let people judge who you are and affect your self esteem. All you got to do is do what you have to do and feel secure about yourself.

3. Find real friends. Why do you hang around friends that require you to wear designer clothes, they are not "REAL" friends. Friends are suppose to have your back, not judging your appearance or force you to look better.

4. Keep yourself "cool" The definition of cool is being calm, indifferent, and socially adept. All you got to do is keep yourself cool, pace yourself and dont let stuff get into your mind. Make yourself comfortable and dont put your mind on anybody else situation. You need to have confident within yourself.


I found these steps pretty accurate because I compare teengers who spend their "lifetime" in the park to those who carries a bookbag for a "PURPOSE." Teenagers that goes in and out the library means that they are ready to make a "carrer." They know what they are doing; knowing no one can change they way their live. They knew that one day they will become parent and set a good "role model" to their kids, so they can also succeed in life. Teenagers that always carry a book around with them; we call them "nerds." Obviously that nerds tend to get bully by those who dont carry "pencils" around; we call them "bullies." Bullies never learn words like "respect" or "responsible" because they think it is cool not to go or finish school. But hey! "nerds" has a high "vocabulary word" for bullies that won't succeed in life. "Feyl-yer" Let the nerds help you spell the word out for you... "FAIL-URES" Just ask yourself will you whether stay cool for now, then later on, become a bum or work hard now, then in the future, make big banquet?

Still dont know what choice to make? Here's more "cool information" for you. Have you ever notice or wonder what tennagers do when they dont go to school? One possibility is that they form or become a member of a "gang." Gang has been in existence for as long as there been inhabitants of this world. Many gangs originally formed as a means of self protection for family and friends, but in terms of that, evenutally their activites led to criminal activity as a source of income. Gangs may have some good intentions fifty years ago, but now days, gang are nothing more than bullies and losers. These thugs have their own symbols, hand signs, rituals, and slang. The reasons why kids join gangs is that they want attention, access to drugs, guns, sex and money, low self esteem and sense of power.

Not all gangs are crucial. Some of them are really friendly and some of them may beat the shit outta you. I have O.D friends that are in gangs and they dont see that horrible, they dont go around bothering people. One reason why my friends form a crew is because they are influences by others or they just want to chill in a pack. But I could say that my friends are pretty stupid. They are 18, 19, or olderm they can be going home working on their college application instead of hanging out at the park.

Another possibility why teenagers drop out of school can be dealing with drugs. Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person's body works. You have probably heard that drugs are dreadful, but what does that meana nd why are they so "hideous." There are two ways of identifying drugs. Legal drugs are like medicines. Whenever you are sick, you have to take medicine. Only doctors allowed to prescibe them for patients. But it is not legal for people to use these medicines they way they want it or buy it from people who are selling them illegally.

In term of Illegal drugs, only the "cool" people will do such a crime to sell illegal drugs to other victim. Cool teenager sells illegal drugs to make money; thinking its a great job to earn a lot of saving. Illegal drugs arent good for anyone, but they are particulary bad for teen whose body is still growing. Illegal drugs can damage their brain, heart and other important organs. Taking illegal drugs often makes it harder for you to think clearly and making decisions. Why does cool poeple use illegal drugs? Kids and teens try drugs to fit in with a group. It is also a way of finding happiness because right after you took drugs, you will eventually feel unconscience and escaping their problems.

Teenagers sell and uses drug because they want to be cool. They want to built a nation out of their name, showing people that he/she is "the great one." They see the world with depression and obsession, so they have to change themselves to fit into a new world. Teenagers can already having trouble at school or some other problems; taking drugs can allow them to form a "new life."

Like what I said before, gangs has their own hang signs or symbols. Most gang uses tattoo to represnt their "bad-ness."; to show you that "dont come near me... or else I will slice you." " You see this "shit" on my shoulder... I represent the "devil king".. so dont fuck with me." "I am better than god..." I think it was last year(during spring season) As I was waiting for the bus at Coney Island, I saw these 3 white ghetto teenagers walking toward my way. All of them were wearing Steep Tech Northface, fresh kicks, silver/gold, piecing/earrings. All of them has a tattoo on their hand and back of their neck. One of them said "yo" and I got really frighten. I though they are going to hurt me, but one of the white guy walk up to this black guy; who aslo has a tattoo on his arm. They were popping shit just 5 feet away from me. I could hear what they were talking about and I felt complete stunned. How can someone tell or ask someone what their tattoo represents or symbolize? The way those 3 white dudes just pouring shit on the black dude makes me boil. Seriously! Why are you going to judge someones tattoo and asking, " What does your tattoo represent?

"Yo, who are you representing?"

"Who, me?"

"Yeah, you! Who are you representing?"

"I dont know what you are talking about. Can you please be mroe specific?"

"I am asking you, what does your tattoo represent, fool?"

"Umm, nothing."

[chuckles] "So why the fuck you have a tattoo?"

"Cos I like it. Why.. is there a reason why I cant have it?"

"Yeah nigga, cos first you aint cool. Second, your tattoo dont mean shit. Third, having a tattoo representes something. Fourth, you are black, so barely anyone could see your 3 headed skull. Your tattoo blends in with your skin.

"Shut up white shit."

I also did some research about tattoos. Is a tattoo right for you? Do you think having a tattoo makes you bad? In my opinion, I dont think having a tattoo could consider you as a horrible person. Having tattoos can mean anything, love, memories, friendship, fine art... etc. Tattoos are permanent and will amke a statenment about you for the rest of your life. People decide to get tattoos in remembrance of a lost loved one, or to commemorate an important event in their lives. The person you are today may not be the same person you will become. A tattoo is a statement about who you are and whats important to you. Making time to design your own tattoo will make your future bright because it makes you popular.

But theres a problem having tattoos. Tattoos leads to health risks. Embracing a tattoo onto your flesh of skin will damage your health because of the toxic and forming diseases. The bigger your tattoo is, it will cause disease such as HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis. This can really damage your health because it can make your body stop growing and become smaller and gain more pain. There are over 14000 people who has tattoos, and having to deal with a disease; hepatitis and heart problem.

So what can you conclude... tattoos can be goood and bad at the same time. But as yourself will you want a tattoo that will harm your life or having a tattoo that holds a memory of your love one? I will suggest health comes before anything else, because among the 14000 people who has tattoo, has a disease. At class we also interview Mr. Fannning, he loves tattoos, but I dont really wanna go on debt about his reasoning about having so much tattoos. He is a really intelligent man but I just have one more question. Have you ever wonder what it is going to be like when you turn older and wont your tattoo affect you in such a old age?

"In recent times, it has been suggested by media outlets that there are various risks that are associated with tattooing. Some of these purported health risks include the transmission of diseases such as HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis." Tattoo involves sticking a needles inside of you and your blood will just go numb; your whole body will get infected with the tattoo inks. Which in this case, your whole body is now a disease, that will bring you down; having a short time to live. You are living in a world of death.

According to my own belief I believe that it is very competitive to control your own personal obsession of being cool. What I meant by that is that it takes a lot of dignity or confidence out of us just to impress something or someone. It is very hard to resist or change yourself if who you want to become. You have to battle yourself to actually retain your own positionl; afterall we are influence by others to become a different person. Even though you know you are doing something stupid but you just kept on doing it. Certainly everyone plays a different roles to conquer their titles. For example: Andy Synder said many black kids has mo- hawk, he was the one that came up with that idea first. He needs to hold his position but everyone just "mirror" him. Many of us were not raised properly, many of us were born accidently.

As being a 18 years old teenage kid, I was influence to be and to become like "any" other kids. I have 2 fucking choice; play my role, normally or play it "ghetto-ly" I was born from a chinese family But was raised by many ethnincity. I went to a all chinese elementary school, so you can conclude that we were all the same. But there were a turn around when I complete junior year. I met differnt race(s) and they transform me into a differnt person. I use to wear Old Navy, payless shoes, loose jean, NO spikey hair; now "it is a different style of me." My appearances change but I am still the same "me." After I "copy cat" my friends, it seem like I gain more "audience" and "love" But somehow I can manage to work hard in school and sucessfully go to college.

This is my own storyline. I am a chinese american and I was raise (only appearances) among other races. But my personality has not change because of my parent. But somehow my cousin has change a lot. She became a differnt person; when her mother, started to gamble and coming home late. My cousin's personality/actions has complete shift. She wears high heel, tons of jewels, and she has her fucking panties and bra sticking out. Fucking pisses me off to see one of my family member change from sweet young girl to a "bag full of shit" I blame this on the fuckin parent.

Why do some of us have to travel to a road of shame? How can we not get influence by others and just be yourself? why is it so hard for some of us to change and just doesnt know how to head back to the right path? Some of us knows how to walk in a straight line to be successful but some of us just dont know how to "map" one out. Dont you just hate it when you cant change someone you really love; but someone else can. Makes no sense at all. But who am I to tell them. I am just myself. I am that important. I am cool. I am cool in a sucessful way.

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