Sunday, June 6, 2010

HW # 58- Parenting 102

Part 3

I am guessing I wasnt in school, when Andy host a guest speaker that day. So I am going to interviews my grandparent because looking back at my baby pictures, most of them were taken with my grandparent. I am guessing they took care of me when I was a baby. This makes me think if my parent were busy with their jobs or they didnt care about me; had me too early. My grandma told me that when I was kid I call her dad-dad. Staying up all night crying for my mom and sleep during the day. I'll even crawl to the bathroom and try to play with the toliet water. I love playing with water. My grandpa told me one time when my parent was coming to get me back, my grandpa went to get his mail and put me at this table. This bum grab my leg and tryna take me away. Right there, my uncle and dad stop him and cursed at him. My parent doesnt let me go to my grandparent's place till I was in middle school. My parent also doesnt let me go out and play because I love putting things in my mouth. One time I put a penny in my mouth and have to go to the hospital. I listened to them and they were pleased to ahve me. Then I have a little brohter. They felt that I can take care of myself but giving me a little brother was a mistakes. All my families' loves goes to him and left me out.

Part 4

I am a kid that tries to be better than everyone else; work harder than my classmates. That tries very hard to go to college and graduate. I try to change the way I behave because back in middle school I was a fool. A kid that everyone doesnt look up to. A kid that makes everyone thinks I am a useless dickhead. I love to joke around which makes people mad.. therefore I didnt make any friends. In middle school, I was always in the worst class. never pay attention in class; always cheat and sleep during class. My teachers believe that I can do better if I dont follow my classmates footsteps.

In high school I met this girl and she really helps me to turn my life around. I pay attention to her and I stay in school and never gave up. I set up goals for myself and I am half way there. I did a lot of stuff that I though i couldnt do. I realize it is not the end of my life. I still have a long way to go. As to become a parent I would make sure my kids will never walk in my footsteps.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

HW # 57- Parenting 101

How should kids be parented?

Kids should be taught the way their parent teach them. Kid should learn on their own because every kids grow in a different environment, they should realize and be prepare of what they need to know in order to become an adult. For example not every child has parent coming home and makes dinner for them. Not every child has a mom or dad. Not every child's parent are perfect. They'll need to be ready for anything. I am chinese, so chinese parent are very serious about their childs behavior. They'll hang your by your ear and beat you out with a stick. I was taught to be respectful and not do anything bad. I've to learn from my mistakes and make sure I'll never attempt to lose my parnet's love. Going to school in america, I met different kind of people. People that influence to be better than them. Got to look fresh and have high standard. Kids should know whats the right and wrong thing to do. How they should be treated like an adult just to be prepare for the future.

What were the best parts of how you were parented?
The best parts of how i was parented was the time i either have to go to the doctor or dentist, i'll get scared and whine to my parent to get me something after my appointment. Most of the time my dad's promises will never break but my mom does, and she taught me that going to the doctor and dentist is the best part in life because you'll get strong and dont worry about dying. I aslo remember a time when I earn good grades on my report card, my parent will give me money and get me something that would help me with my education.

How do you think you'd parent if you're put in that position?
Well as a kid, my parent will take advantage of me, saying better get good grades of the police will come and take you away. Those lies really pushes me to work harder in school but by the time I most onto 8grade, these jokes/lies my parent makes, doesnt seem to work on me. I've grown and I learn more. But as a kid I think my parents tricks really push me so hard; couldnt watch tv..couldnt hang oiut. I just go home and study.

Do you think babies should be treated more like adults or like puppies?
Im not sure waht Andy ment by puppies but im guessing babies should be treated like an adult because human are thinkers and workers. All human becomes an adult. Later on in life, they pretty much have to go through what we went through. For example, my cousin who was only 5 when his mother left him. He doesnt know how to use the bathroom or even bathe himself till he's 12 or 13. The sooner you get treated like an adult the better you succeed in life.

Part 2
"When parenting Theories Backfire" seem pretty decent. I like how the parent train their child to fall asleep on their own. they let the baby cry, afterward gives them some attention. I think the idea is fair because this helps the child to survive on its own. this helps prepare the child living because later on they'll be attract to the environment, this helps them to learn. When I was a baby, I slept with my parent and I couldnt sleep by myself till 13 because Im afraid of the dark. Sooner you get to do stuff on your own, later on life... it would be a lot easier for you.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

HW 56- Interview & Survey Question

Main question: "Why do family memebers take advantage of one another's kindness?"

Interview Questions:

1. Have you ever feel guity, that you did something wrong to your families but they never find out?

2. Would you ever take advantage of your parent's values. Such as lying to them? Stealing?

3. If you felt that you did something wrong, how did your relationship with your parent change?


1. If you find out that your child has beem fooling behind your back, (such as lying) what would you do?

2. Realizing that your child has gone "bad" what would you do?

3. Have you even though your child would cheat, take advantage of you?

Quinn(interviewing myself)

1. Yes I feel guity everyday. whenever I look into my parents' eyes I felt that they're just strangers. When I did something wrong, I know it is hurting them and it also makes my heart shatter. BUt this is life, man. Parent always harsh on you and doesnt even realize that they're making us bleed from the inside. When you see your friends staying out late, dont you want to be a free- bird? I've to come up with lies just to hang out late. I felt awful but it is their fault not letting me do whatever I want. Beside Im 18 and I aint doing anything illegal.
2. Like what I said on question 1. I will take advantage on them because they think I am still a baby that nned a lot of support. For example my mom wants me to go to Baruch College, I said I hope to get in as well. But I realize I wont have any fun staying close to home. Came up with a idea of going to a Suny school. I got accepted to University of Buffalo and Baruch. I told my mom, I didnt get accepted to Baruch and she scold at me. "I did the right thing of lying to her."
3. I felt that we are still a family but not a happy family. I know that I need to change my act and behavior. Im hoping University of Buffalo can change my life and when I come back to my parent. I hope that they see me as a kid of their own (again)

1.I always lied to my parent and when they find out, I just ignored them. Dont you remember the time when you were at my place. My mom yell at me for coming home late, so I took this knife and tryna scared her.
Me answering--> yeah you bitch.
2. Yes my parent are getting old. So heres my chance. They're weark and they will be gone soon.
3. Me and my parent dont equal to relationship. They make me sick.

Random stranger(mid 30s)
1. kick them out of the house. Let them starve. Not giving them spending money.
2. I make sure that they would never walk again.
3. Not necessary.
Me asking---> why not?
She answer---> I dont have any kids.


I decided to interview myself because I want to know if Im being honest with myself. While i was interviewing myself I felt like a dick, of all the shit I did to my parent. Parent mean loves and I never gave them any love. Just lie to them, just to ahve time to myself. I promise them I would be a good boy but I lied. Life is difficult being 18. While interviewing my friend. I felt that he is a wasted motherfucker. He doesnt deserve to be living. I remember the time I crash his place, he threw his parent clothes away and took a knife and pointed to his mother. Right now, he spend his time at his friends place. I told him every kids needs a mom and dad.

Survery question: hard to think of one.

Monday, May 17, 2010

HW # 54

Part 1
Extroverted (E) 61.76% Introverted (I) 38.24%
Sensing (S) 53.33% Intuitive (N) 46.67%
Feeling (F) 60% Thinking (T) 40%
Judging (J) 51.43% Perceiving (P) 48.57%

Your type is: ESFJ

ESFJ - "Seller". Most sociable of all types. Nurturer of harmony. Outstanding host or hostesses. 12.3% of total population.

When comparing this survey to the one we took for human relationship. I though the survey was actually more easier to fill out. while doing this survey I read the direction on the top saying... " Answer the question accurately requires honest reflection on how you really think, feel and act in general. Some of the questions on this test measure personality traits. So just focus on being honest if you want the most accurate results." I am guessing I really have to focus and be honest with myself. The results will determine what kind of personality traits I have within myself. while taking the survey, there were words that i didnt know. I decided to fill out the middle box which equals to 50percents but I am guessing this will be a fake; just playing myself. But in that case, I use to define the words. It is a lot of work and thinking to do. (lol) but according to my results, I am not a thinker... i am more of a "feeler" So i am guessing I sort of just put down the answer when i aint sure.

But somehow the results add up to being a "seller" i kind of agree to this because for my carrer job i wanted to become a seller or manage a company. The results really put me to a test and determine what stuff I need to change, Yes, I am a very outgoing person, which I like but my parent hates me for spending too much times outside and not at home. I was about to let my younger brother to take the test but I know waht his results gonna turn out to be. Very different from me. We are both very different person because my mom loves my brothers behavior than mines. I love to do the opposite things than my families, they sometime wonder if they took the wrong baby from the hospital. There are many reasons why I didnt let my brother take it because I am his only brother and I knows what kind of person he is. Sometimes the oldest brother have to learn from their brother. I wish I was my brother, he gets all the love from the families, I dont get as much. it is probably cos im the oldest and I always makes my families feel down. Spending most of my times with my friends than my families... that's why I put friends first.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

HW 53- Survey Analysis

Part 1- Completed the survey

Part 2
After I completed the survey i was wondering if i took the survey seriously. Thinking if this survey actually mean something to my life, what was the purpose of ths survey, its just a survey. Since the survey was anonymous, there couldnt be right and wrong answers. While i was reading each question i stop half way and put my final answer. There are many hard questions that got me thinking. So i just fake it. Most of my answer were either "sometimes" or most likly" I found myself not being honestly with the answer I chose. Sometimes taking these survey makes me frustrated because at the end, you dont really know what it adds up to. Like, okay, I know it is anonymous, no one is going to read or see what yu put down for an answer, but the survey always mean something; it adds up to a solution to see what kind of person you are. Its like you wont be able to see your results and it just so distrubing because you have no idea of who you are. Its confusing, I know but thats how i think about survey. So in advance, I just red the question, if it is long, i will just put random answer. Simple as that. if people actually read my results, it makes me think what will the people say about me. Am i this or that. Its really caught me of guard, just having a feeling that people are talking about me. Yah I know it is anonymous. but thats just me.

Part 3
Looking throught th whole senior class survey, I believe we're like a family because we took a survey, mainly on human relationship. Thats how I feel when we can come together to form a team and just work on a big project. I feel as a team we can make something out of myself. this is just how i am acting when it comes to a school survey( lol) So looking back at the results, I realize there were many things to read. In fact i just skim through the document and realize families is the most important aspects in life. "You wish you were part of a different family" Almost half of our senior class put no, not at all, i believe i put Yes gerenerally mostly. This makes me feel like a bitch, seeing the results makes me think i am betraying my family. "there is drug use in your home" whoever put yes as a answewr, they must be a G (lol) 63.5% of the kids put No for an answer. sort of believe that but who knows, they can be a fake. "violence is an issue in your home. 0% of the kids said Yes. thats bullshit. Most of my friends use violence at home. I know everyone does, i even put sometimes.

You see andy, I aint that type of person that fool around with a girl get her pregnant and just throw the girl away or not use protection to have fun. by readint the artical 50% public high school studetnts have had sexual intercoarse. ONe in ten reports having had sex before the age of 13. Thats incredibleand i could see why we took this survey. sex can build up relationship like families and friends relationship becaise if you want to have sex wih this person. that means they're part of your family. (in my turn) so having sex in such a young age and only 8% uses protection, what happen to the 92% girl, they get pregnant. Then they would have families problem in such a young age.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

HW 52- Initial Theories of Human Relationships

"Hey kid, I'll be your friend if you buy me lunch." "Hey kid, I'll give you 5 nickets for those 4 quarters, you know what they say, 5 is greater than 4." "Hey girl, if you go out with me, I promise I'll never do you wrong." "Hey grandpa, I lost my wallet can you lend me some money for food?" "Hey Ms. Chen, last night I was at the hospital with my mom, so I didnt have time to work on my homework, can I turn it in tomorrow?" This is life. You'll have to cheat your way through life. "How?" by taking advantages. I bet you [the reader] doesnt know where I am taking this too. The purpose of my response on theories of human relationship is that people are just "using" their own relationship to get through tough times. Some of the theories that humans share are theories of love, your family theories, your theories of friendship, power, social structures, roles, nations, ethnicites, genders, and every other aspects of humanity. These theories [according to my own belief] make up human resources and make the world to have less meaning. If it wasnt for the high economics, the laws, and toughness aspects; human wont be cheating its way through life, by taking advantage of each other.

What makes life so difficult? Having to go through obstacles, and the only solution is to cheat your way out to the "finish line." Let's start out with "making friendship in school" friendships are people that attached to another by feeling of affection or personal regard; a person who gives assistance; patronl supporter. Yeah, thats what friends are meant for but deep inside "are they really your friend?" You've their trust because you probably fell into your trap. Once you've fallen into their procession, they'll take advantage of you. For example, "hey quinn, can you lend me 2 dollars, I promise to pay you back tomorrow." The next day, he/she paids quinn back. Quinn knows that his friend is "trustworthy." The next following day, hey quinn, I left my money at home, can you lend me 5 dollars. Quinn gave his friend the money because he trust them. Guess what, his friend didnt pay him back and try to find a way out with lies. You really cant trust friends. "THEY COME AND GO."

Hmm.. lets move onto family relationship. Yeah, you cant really say nothing about them but I beleive I can. But how, you cant possibly cheat on your family? I believe so. Let's start out by defining what is a family. A family is a social unit consisting of one or more adults together with the children they care for: any group of persons closely related by blood. Alright, personally I dont have any ideas of what parent think about their child but my mom caught me lying to her. She still loves me as her son but she cant really "trust" me. My mom is still doing her job as being my mom. She worries, cares, feeds me, and I do the same for her. But one little fight can screw up your relationship because they cant possibly understand why their child just "done" this to them. Like your dad caught you cutting school and he explains how education is important. The dad couldnt believe how his child has just disobey him. It is a lost of trusts. Yeah, they're still a family. A unfaithful family with kids being untrustful.

Family comes before everything. They know when you're hurt, when you need money, when you need something and that's when they take advantage of their parents. Put it this way, you dont live with your grandpa, you can only see him once a week. Your grandpa gives his grandson money because he loves him. The "loving" gave the grandson an idea. He'll keep on visiting his grandpa; in that way, his grandpa will give him money. Parent are into their age now, they arent that smart anymore, so their child will see this opporunity and lie to them. Honestly every kids does this including me. This is the roles that kids play. They see a advantage, they go get it.

Speaking about power, everyone has powers. It depends on their ethnincity, gender, and age. I believe that people that are 50 and over, has a disadvantage on recieving power. According to my belief, teenagers has the most power because we're still young and have the ability to use our knowledge to gain something. I dont think teacher has they many power on their students. Not all teachers are bright and thats when kids take over. A good example would be; teenagers copying homework from otehrs and teachers wouldnt even notice. [This year] one of my classmate has been paying someone to do his homework and that person is passing the class. The teacher didnt even realize that. This makes teenager having more powers than teachers. Student finds way to cheat on exams, copying homeworks or even coming up with excuses.

I am not even going onto love relationship. It makes me sick of seeing how many innocences get hurts. But seriously I believe love mean nothing. I really cant think of any reaons to make love. My parent fights almost everyday. My uncle and anut are divorce but they still live together. I have been with this girl for almost 3 years and we had done a lot together. She helps me with my college application essay and when I found out I am moving out of the city and we've to go separate ways... it makes me think I am just using her. This makes me feeling like a bitch. But I move on. If you want specific example... watch the Jerry Springer or Steve Wilkos Show or Judge Mathis show... these shows show the fights between human relationship.

How should we live? I really dont know. How can we? In this world there's chance to be taken, you want to survive, you'll have to find your way to it. The world is full of greed and thats why people are using their knowlegde to win. People that are smart, has a greater chance of taking advantage of people. Thats what I assume. This is the meaning of life. If you like it or not, this is how we roll: by taking advantages.

HW 51- Notes on Finishing School Unit

Coming back to it.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

HW 50-Notes on Finishing School Unit

What is education, many of us may say? Howcome we have to go through school to earn a carrer? Why do we have to study our ass off? Why cant we just have fun and live life the way we want it to? I just dont understand why this world is so cruel... so facial; telling us that we need an education. Ever heard of the word "freedom"? Why is education drilling our mind?

John Gatto: Teacher of the Year Acceptance Speech

At the year of 1990, January 31, Mr. Gatto came up with a speech, concering the predicament of education. He explain how our school education system are working and how it will impact the lives of teachers, students and parents. John Gatto did a little experiment to prove his theory on how the schools are not capable of educating students but to teach students to obey orders, and humans rights. Gatto figured out that student should spend most of their time socalizing with others and not interacting with school activities. Student has approximently 120 hours a week to force themselves to sit at a classroom and learn the same materials. He also explains how keeping students in school, cuts of their time being out in the world; growing and fucnting with different ages of people. John Gatto explains how school kept student in school for half of the day, then go home and work on their studies; where is there an actually time for the kids to have fun? Gatto argues that he wants to change the school system and allowing there to be home schooled.

John Gatto can go fuck himself. I believe that he didnt go to school, because his theory is bullshit. So, we have 8 to 10 hours of school each day, that either help us to develop our abilities to focus our future or having little time for us to day dream about our future. What I am trying to say is, we spend half of our day at school; learning and also socializing, this help us to prepare ourselves when we are out in the real world; full of strangers and drugs. And I believe students has a chance to think about their future because when you reach college, you'll have the opporunity to visulize your future. Gatto said schools are like a factory and teachers are robots, and I think teacher should be in charge because they learn how to communicate with the world, they have the ability to pass it on to us and we learn from them. They were here first so I think we should pay attention. Gatto said that school teaches us to obey orders and I think it is the right thing to do. School is just like your home. Teacher are just like your parent. School's rules are just like homes rules. So what? No difference.

I will also like to argue that television and freetime is very important for kids like us. We cannot spend the whole day without watching tv because this will affect our childhood and we need to have time to ourselves and with other people. Watching tv can also help us to learn many new things such as immgrants migrating at certain countries, they need to know how to speak their languages. When you watch tv you can learn how to speak different languages. On weekends parent sent their kids to tutoring school, to study, and prepare them for tests. So when is there times for kids to take a break.

When I was a kid... I spend my time carrying a book around because my mom said people will think you are smart. I never have the time to have the remote control on my hand and turn the tv on. I was going to burst because it was killing me. I hate school so much. Finally I start sleeping bymyself and when my parent are asleep, I'll turn on the tv and enjoy myself. My grades drop and when I found out that I am almost getting held back... I start obeying my parent because they have gone through what I am going through now.

Gatto- The Six Lessons

Every teachers has their own purpose of teaching and their own style of teaching. Every student has their ways of learning and understanding the materials faster than others. But it is alright because we learn the same thing. Honors class doesnt mean they are smarter than regualar class, they understand the lesson much faster than others. Everyone are the same. Gatto was once a teacher and he got award for being a specutalar teacher. Just being a teacher. Not for being a subject teacher that helps kid to develop needs. He set rules and goals for himself and along with his students. He train his kids how to be highly educated in school such as teaching them the importance aspects of being in school. There are many lessons that Gatto have taught his class, lets start out with him teaching his class about showing respects and interests. Whenever the bell rings, the kids knows what they need to do. He teach kids that they must be prepare and active when they are in their classes; they're always being watches, no time for private time. Also teaching them the importance of every subjects and rules, he thinks that this will help his kids out. Teaching his kids how to be more indepedence and train them how to be logical thinkers; and dont let society run your life, let your own habits of mind run the society.

Mr. Fanning Response on Education:

Mr. Fanning, a high school principal that knows what he is doing. A intelligent man that has many goals for himself and for the high school of school of the future. When you look at him and ( his tattoos) he can make you sweat or ruining your life but deep inside of him, he is doing us a favor. He wants seniors to graduate and find a good college. He wants his students to know what they are doing with their lives so he can give you a push to accomplishments. Mr. Fanning knows that education is very important and thats why he became a high school prinipal. To have a good education, you'll need to have good teachers and princpal to support you. To have a spotlight for yourself, you need to work hard and finish your education. [and thats why i did my homework]

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

HW # 49- Notes on Finishing School Unit

I think our film rocks because I was in it. I was one of the badass; and I love playing that roll. I dont have a lot of experience of being a bad ass but I've seem many movies and teenagers being spoiled. My personal contribution to the film was being a follower. I was part of the group that cause trouble and dont give a shit about school. I spend most of my time backing up my leader, flirting with the ladies and causing trouble. I threw a book to Devin to start a fight because he was on of the smart kid, he ruins my reptation. I wasnt paying attention to the teacher. I cursed at him and back up Evan. I didnt know why Esther chose me to be one of the goon but I like playing that role.

It started out with the teaching looking at his cellphone; a picture of his girlfriend. I didnt know what exactly happen to his girlfriend but she is now dead. We didnt want to get into his business so yeah. Then it was a flashback of how the teacher love teaching his class and how much his student enjoys being his student. After his girlfriend accident, he became an useless motherfucker. Drinking and mocking his students, even the student that he loved, and students that are smart. It ends with a unhappy ending, the teacher just gave up on his students.

Our film was very different from the other films we watched. In the movie, "the class" it was a film about how a french teacher wants this opporunity to teach its class about grammars and writing styles, but some of his student were being a trouble maker. This distrub his teaching, so what does he do? He never gave up, he continues to work with his students. At one point two of his students expose some news to Souleymane, which makes the teacher boiled. Eventually, he loses his temper and called his students names. It was a total mess but toward the ends, the teacher never gave up on his class. We came up with a film about this teacher loving his job, as being a teacher. His girlfriend died which completely change the teacher behavior. He was mocking each and every kids and left the building with a attiutde.

Teachers are like parents in some ways. They were born with these special talents and willing to spread his/her talents to younger kids. They're here to prepare us for the future and leads us to the right path. Not many people has the opporunity to become teachers and are willing to turn the kids life around. As kids we dont know what we are suppose to do. Do we pay attention? Should we listen to this stranger teaching us about education? Should we cry and wait till mommy or daddy to pick us up? Every kids are different. Every kids has certain roles to play. They only have two options to choose. Be successful or to give up. I am planing to choose the first option. Heading to College.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Extra Credit Opportunity- "The Class"(aka "Entre les Murs")

3. Compare and contrast the school in the film with your experience of SOF. What are crucial similarities and differences? What should SOF change in light of the insights you've gained from this movie?

The movie "The Class" a.k.a 'Entre Les Murs" was not what I visualize on my mind. I thought the movie was more like students being sent to a specific class for serious help. Like every title has a meaning to it. "The Class" makes me visualize former gang, drop outs, prisoner sent to a "specific" class to study. But it turn out to be like a normal class. A class that is not full of trash but need serious help on their education.

After watching the film I was upset of how this movie had turn out. You know every movie that start out unpleasant always have an happy ending. In occasion this movie doesn't; which sucks. Started out with a French Teacher teaching his class on grammar and vocabulary. The ways the class act wasn't as horrible as the kids in "Freedom Writer." Well supposing the movie "The Class" was taken in France, so I am guessing New York City teenagers are more aggressive/violence in teenage lives. A brief example that can be shown, comparing and contrasting New York City school to the movie, "The Class" at France. One New York school can be "School of the Future," that can be somehow relates to those kids in France.

So most likely you know how a class is form. There're many different races from different culture. There's smart and dumb teenage kids. There's badass, jerks, bitches, assholes in one certain class. It was the beginning of the year, old kids that been to the school before wants to be wise guy. They want to let the teacher and fellow classmates to let them know that they're smart. That they don't need help; "I've this under control" But of course, the teacher will call on them, they struggle to find the right answer. At School of the Future, many kids are like that. The pretender assume they know all the answers by either raising their hand to make them look smart, but when they answer the question wrong; they look like a fool. Some of us pretends, that they understand what they are learning, so they either act cool or fool around. They try to make a statement, showing their fellow classmates that they are in top of them.

There are immigrants from other culture traveling to places to learn new language. The immigrants would have trouble understanding and learning the language. They would also struggle speaking the language, so they will have an accents. People will start laughing and picking on them. In the movie, "The Class" there were 2 chinese immigrants, they're intelligent but "Wei gets influence too easily, by the others; which makes him a badass. For example when there was a fight between Souleymane and the new kid, Wei didn't run away, he stood there and watch. In School of the Future, there are many immigrants, so they would have trouble speaking proper english, african american would mostly laugh and make a joke. I am Chinese and I've to admit, I've trouble speaking english, but I won't let my fellow classmates put me down. As the year, pass by, I don't get make fun off because I am a part of them. I am part of their families member because I am cool. But still there are still people that get tease because they can't speak proper english or they ain't cool. I will like to know what if they learn to speak a new language, would they master it? I don't think so.

There's many smiliarities between the movie and School of the Future. But there are 2 major differences between these two schools. The movie ending was bullshit. It was like nothing happen to the class. Souleymane got expelled from class. "Oh well, he's gotta be alright. Stupid," It is like the whole movie was a step-up to get Souleymane in trouble. And I have to blame him too for being a dumbass. The teacher were in his side helping him out but I am guessing he doesn't deserve this opporunity to go to college. For those two bitches... I just hate them. Why would you even exposed the teacher meeting. And first of all, it was stupid having a meeting with two students. And it wasn't right for the teacher to called those two girls, a "slut" In School of the Future, we are so much better than them. We are all heading to college and we have a future; that's why we're in School of the Future. In SOF, we don't have kids in the conference meeting because it is not allow. Being in SOF for four years I don't have teachers calling student names. Some teacher curse but we're teenage kids. This time of being, we've to be in shape. Not like those kids in the movie. I have never seen a teacher calling their kids name. It is a total blow out. I don't even no what to say. All I know is that in order to get respect from teachers, you must respect them first.

The movie, "The Class" has no match against School of the Future. I don't see any changes in School of the Future from the movie. We ain't a smart schol but we are also not the worst school. I don't want School of the Future to turn out to be like the movie because I know I will drop out of high school. But I have to give this movie credits because they've their own ways of interpreting the lifestyle of 13- 14 years old kids in France.

HW # 48- Treatment for Savior/ Teacher Movie

Triads, as known as "Underground Society; a term used to describe many branches of Chinese criminal organizations based in countries with significant Chinese populations. Jackie Chan, a former Triad who drop out of his gang. His mother got shot in a shootout. Before his mom died, he promise her to start a new life in New York. He went back to school and graduate with an M.A to become an teacher. He wants to honor his mother, so he went to South Shore High School in Brooklyn, to knock some scent into the kids.
South Shore High School is not a place where you want to be at. A high school rank as the worst 10 high school in New York. It has a total of 932 students; that need serious help in their education. The school average regents for mathematics and english together are between a percentage of 28.0 Every year more and more african american were erolling at South Shore High School making the school feel like a prison. This is just scary. But Jackie Chan is here, so have no fear.
As Jackie Chan takes his time walking up the stairs to his classroom, he realize that teaching at South Shore High School wouldn't work out. There's boys flirting with the new female teacher. Students fighting over spaces. Students making out. Girl smoking in the boy's restroom, Boys doing drugs in the lunchroom and girl's restroom. This is just getting out of hand. Jackie promise his mother that he will save million of students; leading them on the right path. This is not a chance to back down. He has the strength to turn the school around.
His decision of working with these kids weren't what he expected. After two months in school, things were getting out of control. Jackie Chan beat a parent up, because he knows Jackie true identity. He knows that Jackie is in the triad; it will affect the school education. The parent was just pouring shit onto Jackie, when he couldn't take it no more, he did the "Iron Claw" to the parent. It dd serious damage to his brain that he end up in the hospital for months. Not for long Angel, one of Jackie's student, has a crush on Jackie. Which was a bad sign. Many guy love Angel, she looks very "sexy" on her tight jean and clothes. Her bra strap always show and you can always notice what color her panty is. One day afterschool, as Jackie was waiting for the cab to go home. 10 mask men ran toward his way. One of them has a metal bat, but one of them were stupid to has his name tag out. It was one of Jackie's student, Michael. As Jackie make a run for it, one of the mask man came from the opposite direction and threw a punch at Jackie. But of course, Jackie was a former gangmember in China, he been into many fights but he doesnt want to hurt his kids especially disobeying his mother's dream. He got wack on his face, took some blows on his kidney and "bam" the bat connected with his head. The mask men bailed, leaving Jackie unconscience.
Jackie was absent for months. Laying on the hosptial bed, he was thinking about his mother's death, how he had promise her to be a good son. It was Valetine's Day, and South Shore High School is throwing a party. Suddenly, the music stop, a guy with a mo-hawk, that doesn't go to South Shore took out a gun and held it up high, asking the kids in South Shore to give up all their valuable jewerlies and expensive stuff. Oh My! it is a robbery. Student at South Shore got beat up and girls just get molested. One of the robber notice Angel, and he wanted her bad. Of course student at South Shore doesn't give up that easily in a fight but they were outnumber. Angel were taken to the stage and it was a pretty horrible scene. Michael ran toward one of the guy who were holding onto Angel, deck him on the face but Michael also got his ass wiped. Suddenly one of the robber #1 walk up to Angel and grab her by the hair. Another robber # 2 wanted her, but robber #1 use "iron claw" on him. All the students at South Shore High School stare at robber # 1 and smile. It was Jackie Chan. He came back to South Shore High School.
This is just a short treatment of the film, if you would like to read my whole story, please give me some time to work on it. My teacher has not give us an assignment of coming up with the actual story. Please be patience.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

HW # 47- Class Film Preparation 1

Hmm, if we were to film a class video based on education and how each students and teacher's behavior impact the school. I was thinking about how the film should start out will gangs fighting for a specific "thing." Like who own the street or school, who runs the town, fighting for money or hoes. Each gangs should be seperate by their races. In this case student will be fighting over something. They dont get along at school just like in freedom writers. I think this helps the audience to get the feeling of how each race wants to be the leader.

I was also thinking about parent and cops fighting against kids, this scene makes it more interesting. "Cops beating up kids. Damn, who am I gonna call for help?" Parent are beating up kids because the street influence the adult to be more violence to their kids. The movie, "Gridiron Gang" is about how gang memebers end up in prison and get punish. And then there's a scene, when there's a flashback of how a stepfather beat his wife and kids up for money. I think we should include this scene because some adult were also part of the street and they inspire their kids to be one of them... so we can include that into our film. For the cops... they just love beating up kids because they are useless.

We can include a funny good looking teacher to teach the class. At first the class didnt pay any attention to him but somehow, later on, this pretty girl start liking the teacher. *we can play this scene in two ways.* One option can be everyone start liking the teacher because the girl likes him. Or the boys find out that the "girl" likes the teacher and find some ways to mess up the teacher. I dont know how to end the problem but I like it.

I also want to inclue some background information about the student and the teacher's life. Just information so we can understand the character(s). I think the setting should be at the lunchroom or gym because this makes the audience notices that these kids are just plain bad.

I am bad at coming up with ideas but I am a good actor ;D

HW # 46- Research and Writing

finishing up my book

HW # 45- More Big Thoughts on Schools

coming back to it.

Monday, March 15, 2010

HW # 44- Big Expectations for School

"Responsibility" is a big word for a senior. This word has no match against any other words that will raise you to the top. I consider this word to be use when you're in college. JUst this word makes me feel so educated, so prepare, having the authority to shine. As what Obama said during his speech as "education equals to responsibility." we need to be ready for school because every lessons brings dignity into our lives.

Obama's job is to contribute "pride" to our country. His job is to offer us (young teenager) to learn the word, "responsible" because it will bring us to a whole new level. I can conclude that in order to be like Mr. Obama, we have to follow his footsteps. Look at him, he's a president of the United State, also can be a "teacher," to refresh why we have to be in school, and a father that cares for us. In the other hand, I will love to go to college and I know one day I will be able to say "Yes I made it"

"Every single one of you has something you are good at/ every single of you has something that you can offer." I was pleased of how Obama have said that. Everyone of us is specail. We all can do different stuff that brings pride and excitment to the world. His words just fills my heart up. I though I wouldnt contribute anything to the world, but hearing from Obama... I know I am at least good at something. I am not the smartest kid in school but I learn how to be a student. Knowing how to live like a teenager and not repeating the same mistakes. I know every night I have to go home and "study" the word RESPONSIBLE. This word pops out every fuckin second in your life. LIVE IT.

Education. This word reminds me of college. Dont know why but I found these words relates. We are train to go to college. From pre school to high school, your teacher is like parent watching over you, but in college, you are alone. You have to be that responsible educator that you are. Understand why is there such a word call "responsible" Live it. Obama's speech was outstanding. I have to watch the clip at least 3 more times because it makes me stronger... I guarantee myself there's a spot in college waiting for me.

Monday, March 8, 2010

HW # 42- More Research and More Thinking

Adding on about "Student Relationship" I was wondering what's going to happen if your parent find out that you have been sexual abused on dates? I have been researching on how teenagers has been dating in school and how their relationship has affect their studying in school and their relationship with their parent. This article, " " "Dating and Other Danger for High School Girls," "One in five high school girls have been either physically or sexually abused on a date, or both."

There were a study showing a number of students has been hurt physically or sexually. A national survey designed by the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, survey student on their relationship. More than 60 public school has reported physically abused. 10 percent reported being physically abused but not sexually. 4 percent reported sexually but not physically abused and 6 percent reported both.

This situation mostly happen to girls; reporting other problem as well. " heavy smoking, binge drinking, driving after drinking, cocaine use, binge eating/purging or use of diet pills, having 3 or more sexual partners in the last 3 months, sexual intercourse before the age of 15, no condom use at last intercourse, ever having been pregnant, or considering or attempting suicide." This is a list of how girls get sexually abused.

Parent are a major factors in this case because they raise their child in their own way; seeing their child growing up improperly, means they're not doing their jobs as being a parent. This will affect the relationship of parent and children. Dating is such a young age many harm your relationship in school because you are not learning anything but doing something against the law. I decided to research this topic because it also connects to my life as a young teenager. I have to be patient and learn from my mistakes. Knowing what is right and wrong.

I started high school with a 85 average. I did all my works because I have nothing to worry about. When Sophmore and junior year show up, my grades drops because dating was one of my major factor of impacting my grade. I have learn that in order to go to college, you need average grade and to me I have that but it is not enough to get me anywhere. So during senior year I have to leave everything behind me and work. I have to give it my all. School is now first in my life because it determine where I will be at... I cannot let other stuff like dating someone impact my studying, because it will affect me. I want to do a little research on this topic because I will like to see how many people has the same problem as me. I also think this topic is very important. It is life.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

HW # 41- Initial Research on Schooling

As being a 17 year old teenager, school has made me a better person. School has given me the opporunity to shine once again. School means "Hope" and "Life" Without school "I" am a piece of shit. I think we will all be a piece of crap. We need to learn the criteria of how to live the American Dream. I really cant imagine how it would be, if I didnt go to school. Would I end up in the street and let people fucking step on me? I aint the smartest kid, but school has knock some sense into me; telling me to enjoy what's there for me.

As we started this unit, I heard my friends complaining how school has ruined their life. "School wont get you anywhere." "School is boring" "School is bullshit." "NO! You're bullshit." School aint suppose to be fun. School aint ruining your mind, you're just playing mind game with yourself. Screw them. Jumping on! Before I get to my point... I have a question I will like to ask: "Do you think you will learn better in school if you werent having a relationship with someone?" I decided to look more into teenager relationship because I am also part of the rountine; dating someone. I want to know, does dating help you to succeed in school or not. Did a little bit of research.

Dating is violence.

I decided to look at how would a teenager have the ability to learn in school if they are having a affair. I though it was important to learn how a teenager will interact with school when they have someone in their life. On "" it says that teenagers often experience violence in dating relationship. Statistics show that one in three teenagers has experienced violence in dating. In a relationship, one person tries to maintain power and control over the relaitonship. Dating violence crosses all racial, economic and social lines, which indicates that young woman will have a higher chance of getting abused. This site provides a list of how "teen dating violence often is hidden because of typical reasons" and " how teen dating violence has influenced the teenager to look at themselves, differently.

Like seriously this site is very helpful because if you have dating problem. This site can help your ass out. There is also a paragraph on how "statistics is to determine teens dating status.

Teen Dating Statistics

*About one in three high school students have been or will be involved in an abusive relationship.

*Forty percent of teenage girls ages 14 to 17 say they know someone their age who has been hit or beaten by a boyfriend.

*In one study, from 30 to 50 percent of female high school students reported having already experienced teen dating violence.

*Teen dating violence most often takes place in the home of one of the partners.

*In 1995, 7 percent of all murder victims were young women who were killed by their boyfriends.

*One in five or 20 percent of dating couples report some type of violence in their relationship.

*One of five college females will experience some form of dating violence.

*A survey of 500 young women, ages 15 to 24, found that 60 percent were currently involved in an ongoing abusive relationship and all participants had experienced violence in a dating relationship.

*One study found that 38 percent of date rape victims were young women from 14 to 17 years of age.

*A survey of adolescent and college students revealed that date rape accounted for 67percent of sexual assaults.

*More than half young women raped (68 percent) knew their rapist either as a boyfriend, friend or casual acquaintance.

*Six out of 10 rapes of young women occur in their own home or a friend or relative's home, not in a dark alley.

*More than 4 in every 10 incidents of domestic violence involves non-married persons (Bureau of Justice Special Report: Intimate Partner Violence, May 2000)

I also find that this site "" is helpful. "Committed relationship and school; being a student has a role that you have to play. There are lessong that you get taught and one of them is not to start a relationship in school. This aspect can really damage your abiility to work in school. Having a relationshop can provide stress from school work. Being in a relationship means you have to drop off everything and spend time with your girl/boy friend. Spending time with your partner can affect your regular hours of studying. This can make your life a living hell.

I found this site quite interesting because being in a relationship can really hurt your school time. Your partner can really have you in a lockdown, and you cant do shit about it. As a result, you're FUCKED.

Oh yeah I also find this site very helpful. The best thing about this site "," it gave me tons of references on how to look for the act of violence in school dating. This site explain how people who harm their dating partners are more depressed, having lower self- esteem and more aggressive to their peers. Dating can fuck your life over, dating violence id a serious problem in the United States. Many teens are afraid to report it to their parent because it will fuck up their life even more.

I could find myslef in front of my dream college. I hope this reseachs will help me through college because I dont want to feel miserable and not have a happy ending. Losing someone you love is a total disater. I hope all these years I have been in school, the lessons will lead me to the right path.

Friday, February 19, 2010

HW # 40- School Interviews X5 & Synthesis

Part A

At class we started a new unit on "Schoo." I am pretty sure I will enjoy this "unit" more than anyone else. School means "Hope" and "Life." Without school the world is a disaster. We wouldnt know how to come up with "scientific experiment" to re-adjust the world and passing off to the next generation. We need school, so they can get us on a pace to reach our dream. It is hard but that's the only way to change your life.

Now on homework number 39, I wrote an esay on how I will love to become a teacher one day and teach younger kids, on how to prepare themselves when they grew older. I love working with kids because I dont want them to make the same mistakes as I did. I slack off in school for different reason; the "girls" and the "borning/ difficulty lessons." Speaking of school, I have to work on my homework right now. I have to interview people on something that is related to school. One topic I have on my mind is "student relationship."

And these are the questions I may ask:

1. What do you think about teenagers dating someone a grade lower than you, like a senior dating a junior?

2. Will you learn better if you weren't having a relationship with another person?

3. Will you attend to the same school with your girl/boyfriend?

4. Will you let your child have a relationship/date in school? Why?

For this interview I decided to interview my older cousin, 24. She has more experience in school than my other relatives. I dont know her personal "date" life or how many guy she had dated. I know she is the right person to ask. Parent? Nah! You already know what they going to say. So why not ask a "teenager." So i decided to interview my older cousin.

"You already finish with college... done with school... starting a career. I want to ask you some questions about "student relationship."

"Mhmm... go on."

"I dont know if you were dating when you were at school but do you think you will learn better if you weren't dating someone?"

"Absoutly, dating is very common but you should always finish school before dating because it is a distraction. You have to spend time together and when would you have time to study? Having a relationship can leads to a fight or other issues, so when can school come into the actual play? School is very important. It also helps you to trach the right person. Like school is a place for you to learn, it can also show you how to find the right person. So finish school then do whatever.

"Nice! You're now 24, when you have kids, will you let your child have a relationship/date someone in school? Why?"

"I am guessing I will let them choose and learn from their mistakes. I will tell them not to date before they finish with high school, if they dont listen, they'll recieve some consquences. That's how I teach my kids. But overall I will not let my child date in school. They will be haing their time and forget about school. They probably wouldnt even notice that they are in school.

"Sweet.. I also want to hear your thoughts on; What do you think about teenagers dating someone that is a grade below them? Like a senior dating a junior?"

"I see why you ask this question. Your relationship with Michelle. Well I believe it wouldnt be so great. Since that person is a senior, s/he will be graduating and probably moving to college, either staying in the city or not. You never know. And for that junior, s/he wont be able to see their mate as much. When you get to college... there are so much stuff to do... you wouldn't have the time to use the bathroom. To my concern I dont see any point of dating someone a grade under you. That's just me."

My cousin's point of view about "school" is almost what I have on mind. School is a place to learn, not a playground, but it is very hard not to find a "date" in school because that what school also do. They let you interact with others and learn together.

If I were to interview myself I will say I will not attend to the same school with my girlfriend because you would'nt be able to interact with others. You hvae to stick with your lovers until something happen between us. Also if my girlfriend was in the same school as me... I will not even have the ability to focus.

I also think you will be able to learn better if you weren't dating. The reason I said that is because school takes a lot og time off your schedule, so if you were to date, how can you manage to find times to work on your homework? All I am saying is that people focus more when they're not dating. For example student tend to have better grades when they're single. Student that is in a relationship tend to have "OK" grades.

I think teenagers that are dating someone that is a grade below them is awfully bad. Like what my cousin have said, senior eventually will graduate move on. Junior will lose connection and probably will look for someone else. It is like different grades has different time of working on their homework. I will say that dating someone a grade or two belown is not that great.

I also interview my teacher at this tutoring school. She believes that there should be no dating in school. The right time to date someone is when you got yourslef a good job. School is suppose to be a place where you get to understand the materials and use those materials wisely. You wont understand the lesson when all you do is fool around with your girl/boyfriend. Therefore my answer will always be dating is not allow in school.


Well what I find interesting and important about school is that school is a place where you can succeed in life. A place there give you a chance to shine and give you the opporunity to finding the meaning of your life. We're very lucky that school is built, because it stops us from doing the "shitty" stuff. I come up with a topic on "student relationship" because I know for a fact, not just me, but other teenagers spends more time with their dates than in school. School has to be first, dates comes second; if you dont complete school, how can you afford a job to have a family.

Damn I gotta start following my own "words" because I am also that person that put school second. I have to continue to fight through this and I know that school will be supporting me.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

HW # 39- First School Assignment

Part A

I was walking to school one day, having my mind ready for school and just look forward for the day. I hear rumors from people, telling their friends how much they hate their teachers, how they're going to burn the school down, that they going to drop out and "fuck" the teachers up. Why go to school then? Why wasted your time going to school, when you believe their is better "shit" to do? Why make life harder for yourself when you think school is not a right place to make you grow? I just dont understand how other teenagers run their lives. I even wonder how does teenager make their "own" decision in life. School is their only opporunity, only chance, to make their lives shine. I am still a teenager, I have to go to school to learn; they have the resources that helps me to walk a successful path. But there's are still some questions I have on my mind...

-We all know school is a place to learn but howcome some teenager still act like it is a playground?

-Why does parent rely on school to teach us?

-How does failing a certain class will make us work better?

Part B

For those who doesnt know me that well, I love school. It is a place where I called "home." A home where I have the privledge to make a living out of. A home where I will hold great memories with wonderful people and this is a very special occassion; having a successful system to lead me to the right path.

Not many of you know what is one of my goal. One of my goal is to become a teacher. The most significant experience in my life has been working at a tutoring center, as being a teacher assistant. My duties are to encourage the student to understand what they are learning and provide an extra hand to the teacher. The students challenge me and inspire me to be conscientious of my responsibilities and actions. My goals are to help every student to understand the concepts from their homework and most importantly guide them on the right path; not allowing them to go through the same mistakes as I did.

At the end of freshman year, I had nothing planned for my summer vacation. My mom told me to get involved in an activity that would help me excel in my academics. Coincidentally, my friend offered me a job at tutoring center. At first, I struggled with the kids and found it difficult to relate to them effectively. They didn’t respond to my initiatives to help them with their homework or my suggestions of how to improve their grades. I became frustrated and eagerly looked forward to the end.

However at the end of summer, I didn’t forget the students and I felt heartbroken leaving the program. I wasn’t able to fulfill my duty as being a supporter to those kids that needed help. I didn’t expect to feel guilty; the students weren’t able to learn. It was my responsibility to help them. Therefore, during my sophomore year, I went back. The reason I want to give it another shot is that I want to be there for the kids. I couldn’t help each and every kid but I could make some changes. My goal was to offer my students some guidance in life; to put them on the right path and to be successful.

Suddenly, my experience working with the students, shifted from negative to positive. The students started to cooperate with me. I show them I am willing to help them. They started to obey me as their mentor. Not only were they receptive to my help, but I found myself learning and growing as well. The lessons I teach the students motivate me to be a responsible role model toward them. I learned better methods of relating the materials to their personal learning abilities; my confidence grew when I saw them demonstrate their new knowledge.

For example, there was a student who continuously had trouble with math. He failed all his quizzes. I taught him how to approach math problems step-by-step, until he understood the concepts. When he took his midterm, he scored a “B-.” I couldn’t have felt happier and proud. Just one smile on his face, told me that I was doing my job.

Tutoring has given me the opportunity not only to teach and serve, but to learn and grow. The more I taught, the more I felt I learned about myself. Going forward, I anticipate being challenged in college, and getting to know more parts of my being, I can offer to my peers and my professors.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

HW # 38- Art Project Cool

My point of view on being "cool." from Quinn Wu on Vimeo.

Many of us may ask how is my video related to being cool. How is teaching younger kids, makes me feel or be cool. Some may wonder how is "this video" going to make them think, that teaching is cool. Well, my own definition of being cool is not all about matching outfit, wearing a thick gold chain, hanging out with the badass, spike up hair or having a pocket full of cash. According to my own perspectives there are many ways to be cool. You dont have to wear a million dollor jacket just to be the center of the attention; to make someone realize you are there. You dont have to deal with drugs or show a act of violence to fit into the society or creating a "name" for yourself. Do the stuff that makes you love/happy.

Take me for an example, that video may not be relate to "cool" but it is my own meaning of how I act cool. According to my own belief, being yourself is cool. It is the whole deal. It is the whole purpose. Live your life, you want it too. Now of someone is gonna tell me "teaching" is not cool, they have their own reasoning, I will not paid attention to them because it is my own life. I love to teach. I stick to my dream and happiness; i'm cool.

The purpose of this video is all about "Living Your Life," I love teaching younger kids, I want to set a good example for them; expalin to them how to walk in the right path; instead of making horrible decisions. i dont want kids to go throught the mistakes I was once in. I want them to learn and turn their lives around. Even though I am not able to help each and every kids, I am able to change some life around. I want people to realize being cool means a lot of reasons. Live your own purpose of life. Your life is worthy; so dont waste it.

So there you have it, my video. In the video, I was helping 3 young children. I was working on my homework until one of my kid ask me for help. I was glad to help them that I stop working on my work and help them first. One of the kid was being bad so I got mad and make him suffer. That's how you make a kid learn. They are young right now, they have the ability to learn and improve; making lives better. When they get older, you make your own decision.

Making are seem cool to me because I am able to watch my own life, how I have change. How I am abkle to make my life better in a .... cooler way. There's nothing cool about this video... but to me... teaching is cool. And that's why I chose to make this as my ART COOL PROJECT.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

HW # 37- Cool Paper Done Draft

Have you notice that "being cool" causes the person to change his or her life. In this universe, young teenagers and adult wants to reform their lives into better shape because they want to be the center of attention. They want people around them to notice that they are the top gun; no one can stand up to them. They see the world differently than "we" do. According to this young teenager life; Quinn Wu also play a certian "act" in life, to help him hide his "real" identities; not allowing people to notice what he is capable of doing. Quinn was influence by others; only to change his "appearance" around, but he is still the same teenage kid. Quinn always wanted to change his looks, which stop him from going to school; ashamed that his classmates will make a fool out of him. But until, his friend's words drop him so hard that he needed to become "coooooooool..." Coolness is essntial to surviving difficult times, which involve obsession and deadly consolations of depression; to form a new life of being the center of attention.

Yo son, you have to get some new kicks. Stop wearing those payless shit. Your life worth more than a penny. You feel me?

Umm.. does it matter what I wear? Can you mind your own business Mei Dong?

Look at you Quinn. Wearing a loose purple shirt with some baggy ass jean. Look at your fuck up sneaker. Did you borrow it from a bum? You look ridiculous! I am trying to help you out, my dude.

I dont need your help. I dont need new clothes. (looking down at himself) And how do I look ridiculous. Everyone has different styles.

You dont look ridiculous? (shock) Did any girls ever like you? If i were your mom, I will trade you away for some eggs. I swear to my mother's life, you DO look ridiculous!

Nothing to say? Quinn, I dont have any respect for you. Your ugly ass doesnt belong here. And one more thing, learn how to take a fuckin' shower or use deodorant bodyspread.

My god! looking at you makes me lose my appetite. Fucking god! ( walking away) DISGUSTING.

This is the first time Quinn had felt this way. Is it true that he look ridicuolus? Is is true that his mother could has trade him away for something better? Is it true that Mei Dong was right? It cant be. I dont look that bad. Do I? Well I am going to find out.

Yo what's up my man, Keith? Chillin?

I am going home with Tiffany.

Word! My boy. You gonna hit that?


You and Tiffany (wink)

Shut the fuck up Quinn, and why are you acting so weird?

How do I act weird?, son?

Cos yo dumbass is tryna act cool and talking slang. Getta the fuck outta here. (walking away)

Quinn spotted Michelle and nervous walk over to her.

Hey Michelle, you wanna hang out with me?

Umm.. sure... when?

Around 6, you wanna go to the movie?

Are you asking me for a date?

umm.. no... umm... maybe... Do you?

(starting to laugh) You think I...

Hey Michelle, where are you going afterschool?

Yo girl, stop interfering my convo with my girl.

Michelle is your girl?

Quinn, listen. I know you are nice but I dont see any coolness in you. The way you look and dress, doesnt make me interested in you. And can you stop talking like that? (turning back to cory) Let's go Cory.

(laughing) Quinn? You are RIDICULOUS

Walking back home alone, Quinn felt very incomplete. He wish everyone was happy with what he is wearing, but how can he turn the tables around? Quinn stop in front of Jimmy Jazz. He then walk right in and surprising he saw many rare shoes. He kept on looking and looking, realizing he need to be cool. He was fascinated with all these brand clothing until he heard these boys whispering. "That nigga is ugly. He need to learn the word fresh." That made Quinn more heartbroken but that doesnt stop him, from looking around the store. He was very drawn into the Jordan and Nike shoes, until someone said, " Sir, we dont have your brand. Payless is across the street. Thank you." Quinn's mouth drop wide open. What does dressing or looking good has to do with anything in life? Why cant anyone take him for a granted that he doesnt care how he look. Fuck being cool. Jesus!

Walking down those miserable blocks back home, he was comparing himself to other people. North Face, Levis, Jordan, Looney Tunes, Nike, Tims, Converse, South Pole, Forever 21, DU-Rag, chains, fitted, footlocker. You name it. Howcome!? Howcome!!? Howcome!!!? I cant be like the rest? Almost home, Quinn lept on thinking how can he become like the rest. Immendiately, Quinn thought of something. If there's a problem, there got to be a solution. He took out a pair of scissor from his bookbag and smile.

Hey mom, guess what?

What happen son?

I was trying out for the basketball team and I got myself a playing spot. That means I am able to play for the team.

That's nice ( walking away)

But mom, we need to go shopping for sneakerm because I torn my sneaker while practicing.

You just got a new pair last month, how can you probably wreck it?

Cos Im.. Im.. ran a lot of suicide to impress the coach.

Fine, we go tomorrow.

Looking through every section, Quinn was hypnotize with all the shoes and clothes collection around him. He simply gather up all the good looking items and rush to the nearest changing room to try on his new clothes.

Walking back to school the very next day, he realize his friends was checking him out. Just zoning out while Quinn walk by each and everyone of them with a smirk on his face. Acting all tough and real, Quinn walk toward Michelle.

Yo babe, what's good with you and yo outfit. You look good girl.

Hey Quinn, (checking him out)

You wanna hit the dance floor at my friend's studio or chill at tha bartender?

Umm... I am not quite...

(Mei Dong walking toward Quinn and Michelle) Hey Michelle, (looking at Quinn) Damn son, when you become a transformer, Quinn? Or is that yo Halloween custome?

Nah yo, yo mom own me money from last night so I decided to spend it on myself to look fresh for her. You feel me?

Nigha! you want to start something?

Nah my dude, I dont start anything with ugly people, I start with yo mom.

Son, I was the one who taught you how to be fly.

My man, now it is my turn to teach you how to become ugly. Say Michelle( turning to Michelle) You down to tha casino? Pick yo sexy ass up at 8.

Quinn was influence by his friend's words and judgments. Now he knows how to be cool in a "good" way. He spends his time, shopping and chilling with his boys. Quinn wasnt trying to be a G, he just wants to stand out and help people. Quinn doesnt hassle around trying to be well knoww, he just want respects. He is a helpful cool young man.

Before I get started on this paper, I will like to know: "What is the difference between "normal" cool and "ghetto" cool? What I meant by that is, some teenagers just act like themselves. They dont care what people say about them. They are just inside their little world; thinking on how to succeed in life. "Ghetto" cool people are really differnt from normal cool people. Ghetto cool people form gangs, smoke, dealing with drugs, having tattoos, piercing, street fighting and show an act of violence. According to my habits of mind, I belong to the cool normal group. I learn some important steps on how to be "much more" cooler than ghetto people.

1. Dont care so much about what others think of you. We are always different from everyone else. We are always on different level or stages, so why care what people say about you. You dont have to please anyone except yourself and people that really loves you. Dont let people get under your skin and make you become a different person.

2. Be aware of how others will precieve you. There is no chance in hell, to let people judge who you are and affect your self esteem. All you got to do is do what you have to do and feel secure about yourself.

3. Find real friends. Why do you hang around friends that require you to wear designer clothes, they are not "REAL" friends. Friends are suppose to have your back, not judging your appearance or force you to look better.

4. Keep yourself "cool" The definition of cool is being calm, indifferent, and socially adept. All you got to do is keep yourself cool, pace yourself and dont let stuff get into your mind. Make yourself comfortable and dont put your mind on anybody else situation. You need to have confident within yourself.


I found these steps pretty accurate because I compare teengers who spend their "lifetime" in the park to those who carries a bookbag for a "PURPOSE." Teenagers that goes in and out the library means that they are ready to make a "carrer." They know what they are doing; knowing no one can change they way their live. They knew that one day they will become parent and set a good "role model" to their kids, so they can also succeed in life. Teenagers that always carry a book around with them; we call them "nerds." Obviously that nerds tend to get bully by those who dont carry "pencils" around; we call them "bullies." Bullies never learn words like "respect" or "responsible" because they think it is cool not to go or finish school. But hey! "nerds" has a high "vocabulary word" for bullies that won't succeed in life. "Feyl-yer" Let the nerds help you spell the word out for you... "FAIL-URES" Just ask yourself will you whether stay cool for now, then later on, become a bum or work hard now, then in the future, make big banquet?

Still dont know what choice to make? Here's more "cool information" for you. Have you ever notice or wonder what tennagers do when they dont go to school? One possibility is that they form or become a member of a "gang." Gang has been in existence for as long as there been inhabitants of this world. Many gangs originally formed as a means of self protection for family and friends, but in terms of that, evenutally their activites led to criminal activity as a source of income. Gangs may have some good intentions fifty years ago, but now days, gang are nothing more than bullies and losers. These thugs have their own symbols, hand signs, rituals, and slang. The reasons why kids join gangs is that they want attention, access to drugs, guns, sex and money, low self esteem and sense of power.

Not all gangs are crucial. Some of them are really friendly and some of them may beat the shit outta you. I have O.D friends that are in gangs and they dont see that horrible, they dont go around bothering people. One reason why my friends form a crew is because they are influences by others or they just want to chill in a pack. But I could say that my friends are pretty stupid. They are 18, 19, or olderm they can be going home working on their college application instead of hanging out at the park.

Another possibility why teenagers drop out of school can be dealing with drugs. Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person's body works. You have probably heard that drugs are dreadful, but what does that meana nd why are they so "hideous." There are two ways of identifying drugs. Legal drugs are like medicines. Whenever you are sick, you have to take medicine. Only doctors allowed to prescibe them for patients. But it is not legal for people to use these medicines they way they want it or buy it from people who are selling them illegally.

In term of Illegal drugs, only the "cool" people will do such a crime to sell illegal drugs to other victim. Cool teenager sells illegal drugs to make money; thinking its a great job to earn a lot of saving. Illegal drugs arent good for anyone, but they are particulary bad for teen whose body is still growing. Illegal drugs can damage their brain, heart and other important organs. Taking illegal drugs often makes it harder for you to think clearly and making decisions. Why does cool poeple use illegal drugs? Kids and teens try drugs to fit in with a group. It is also a way of finding happiness because right after you took drugs, you will eventually feel unconscience and escaping their problems.

Teenagers sell and uses drug because they want to be cool. They want to built a nation out of their name, showing people that he/she is "the great one." They see the world with depression and obsession, so they have to change themselves to fit into a new world. Teenagers can already having trouble at school or some other problems; taking drugs can allow them to form a "new life."

Like what I said before, gangs has their own hang signs or symbols. Most gang uses tattoo to represnt their "bad-ness."; to show you that "dont come near me... or else I will slice you." " You see this "shit" on my shoulder... I represent the "devil king".. so dont fuck with me." "I am better than god..." I think it was last year(during spring season) As I was waiting for the bus at Coney Island, I saw these 3 white ghetto teenagers walking toward my way. All of them were wearing Steep Tech Northface, fresh kicks, silver/gold, piecing/earrings. All of them has a tattoo on their hand and back of their neck. One of them said "yo" and I got really frighten. I though they are going to hurt me, but one of the white guy walk up to this black guy; who aslo has a tattoo on his arm. They were popping shit just 5 feet away from me. I could hear what they were talking about and I felt complete stunned. How can someone tell or ask someone what their tattoo represents or symbolize? The way those 3 white dudes just pouring shit on the black dude makes me boil. Seriously! Why are you going to judge someones tattoo and asking, " What does your tattoo represent?

"Yo, who are you representing?"

"Who, me?"

"Yeah, you! Who are you representing?"

"I dont know what you are talking about. Can you please be mroe specific?"

"I am asking you, what does your tattoo represent, fool?"

"Umm, nothing."

[chuckles] "So why the fuck you have a tattoo?"

"Cos I like it. Why.. is there a reason why I cant have it?"

"Yeah nigga, cos first you aint cool. Second, your tattoo dont mean shit. Third, having a tattoo representes something. Fourth, you are black, so barely anyone could see your 3 headed skull. Your tattoo blends in with your skin.

"Shut up white shit."

I also did some research about tattoos. Is a tattoo right for you? Do you think having a tattoo makes you bad? In my opinion, I dont think having a tattoo could consider you as a horrible person. Having tattoos can mean anything, love, memories, friendship, fine art... etc. Tattoos are permanent and will amke a statenment about you for the rest of your life. People decide to get tattoos in remembrance of a lost loved one, or to commemorate an important event in their lives. The person you are today may not be the same person you will become. A tattoo is a statement about who you are and whats important to you. Making time to design your own tattoo will make your future bright because it makes you popular.

But theres a problem having tattoos. Tattoos leads to health risks. Embracing a tattoo onto your flesh of skin will damage your health because of the toxic and forming diseases. The bigger your tattoo is, it will cause disease such as HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis. This can really damage your health because it can make your body stop growing and become smaller and gain more pain. There are over 14000 people who has tattoos, and having to deal with a disease; hepatitis and heart problem.

So what can you conclude... tattoos can be goood and bad at the same time. But as yourself will you want a tattoo that will harm your life or having a tattoo that holds a memory of your love one? I will suggest health comes before anything else, because among the 14000 people who has tattoo, has a disease. At class we also interview Mr. Fannning, he loves tattoos, but I dont really wanna go on debt about his reasoning about having so much tattoos. He is a really intelligent man but I just have one more question. Have you ever wonder what it is going to be like when you turn older and wont your tattoo affect you in such a old age?

"In recent times, it has been suggested by media outlets that there are various risks that are associated with tattooing. Some of these purported health risks include the transmission of diseases such as HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis." Tattoo involves sticking a needles inside of you and your blood will just go numb; your whole body will get infected with the tattoo inks. Which in this case, your whole body is now a disease, that will bring you down; having a short time to live. You are living in a world of death.

According to my own belief I believe that it is very competitive to control your own personal obsession of being cool. What I meant by that is that it takes a lot of dignity or confidence out of us just to impress something or someone. It is very hard to resist or change yourself if who you want to become. You have to battle yourself to actually retain your own positionl; afterall we are influence by others to become a different person. Even though you know you are doing something stupid but you just kept on doing it. Certainly everyone plays a different roles to conquer their titles. For example: Andy Synder said many black kids has mo- hawk, he was the one that came up with that idea first. He needs to hold his position but everyone just "mirror" him. Many of us were not raised properly, many of us were born accidently.

As being a 18 years old teenage kid, I was influence to be and to become like "any" other kids. I have 2 fucking choice; play my role, normally or play it "ghetto-ly" I was born from a chinese family But was raised by many ethnincity. I went to a all chinese elementary school, so you can conclude that we were all the same. But there were a turn around when I complete junior year. I met differnt race(s) and they transform me into a differnt person. I use to wear Old Navy, payless shoes, loose jean, NO spikey hair; now "it is a different style of me." My appearances change but I am still the same "me." After I "copy cat" my friends, it seem like I gain more "audience" and "love" But somehow I can manage to work hard in school and sucessfully go to college.

This is my own storyline. I am a chinese american and I was raise (only appearances) among other races. But my personality has not change because of my parent. But somehow my cousin has change a lot. She became a differnt person; when her mother, started to gamble and coming home late. My cousin's personality/actions has complete shift. She wears high heel, tons of jewels, and she has her fucking panties and bra sticking out. Fucking pisses me off to see one of my family member change from sweet young girl to a "bag full of shit" I blame this on the fuckin parent.

Why do some of us have to travel to a road of shame? How can we not get influence by others and just be yourself? why is it so hard for some of us to change and just doesnt know how to head back to the right path? Some of us knows how to walk in a straight line to be successful but some of us just dont know how to "map" one out. Dont you just hate it when you cant change someone you really love; but someone else can. Makes no sense at all. But who am I to tell them. I am just myself. I am that important. I am cool. I am cool in a sucessful way.

Friday, January 22, 2010

HW # 36 - Triangle Partner Help

To Will C

Ahh, You did your rough draft. I was waiting for it. I got to say Will, you have a interesting topic. The last time I check to see if you have your rough draft, you were working on the computer room. You came up with a fantastic idea in like what, 20 minutes or so. That's impressing. One thing I like about your draft is that you came up with a great intro to start your paper, then you just went in dept; telling us how "horrible" cigarette do to your health.

You went very hard on your second paragraph. You set good examples and provides excellence evidences to support your argument. "A true symbol of "F #%*" I though that was awesome of how you include that.

I really think your topic was strong and it is nice to read a paper like this once in a while. Your main idea of this topic demonstrate how the community is influence to act cool by lighting a cigar.

Theres only one or two problem. I really dont think I should point this out, but i seen you smoke and in terms on your draft; stating how cigarette is very bad for your health. Ask yourself, why are you still lighting up a cigarette. Why are you still contaminate your body?

Your paper is awesome Will. I just think your need to brainstorm more ideas of how teenagers try to be cool. Put yourself in the sistuation, do you wever want to be cool? Overall good shit. I want to read more. Keep it up.

To Sam J,

Sam I total agree with your argument/topic on how teenagers always tries to act cool by geting influence by others. They see people have this "fresh" kicks, they will try to get better ones. We are always influences negatively and not postivetly. Howcome we dont follow people good behaviors such as spending more time in school. We just iminate peoples mistakes; leading to an unsuccessful path.

It is a huge problem to this society. I went to Staten Island the other day, and I saw these group of white kids, they were so ghettp and wearing the same shit. I saw many kids just stare down at them. They probably want to be part of them. LIke howcome we cant help being cool? when can we learn on how to control ourselves and learn what is the right and wrong thing to do. Sometimes I am sick trying to be the center of attention, trying to make people realize "I am here"

Sam, your paper is incredible. To make it better, try to connected your own life into the system of coooool. Research some information to solve this problem and try to interview some "uncool" teenager opinion on "teenagers" trying to stay FLY. Nice Job.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

HW # 35- Cool Paper Rough Draft ( Not Finish)

Have you notice that "being cool" causes the person to change his or her life. In this universe, young teenagers and adult wants to reform their lives into better shape because they want to be the center of attention. They want people around them to notice that they are the top gun; no one can stand up to them. They see the world differently than "we" do. According to this young teenager life; Quinn Wu also play a certian "act" in life, to help him hide his "real" identities; not allowing people to notice what he is capable of doing. Quinn was influence by others; only to change his "appearance" around, but he is still the same teenage kid. Quinn always wanted to change his looks, which stop him from going to school; ashamed that his classmates will make a fool out of him. But until, his friend's words drop him so hard that he needed to become "coooooooool..." Coolness is essntial to surviving difficult times, which involve obsession and deadly consolations of depression; to form a new life of being the center of attention.

Yo son, you have to get some new kicks. Stop wearing those payless shit. Your life worth more than a penny. You feel me?

Umm.. does it matter what I wear? Can you mind your own business Mei Dong?

Look at you Quinn. Wearing a loose purple shirt with some baggy ass jean. Look at your fuck up sneaker. Did you borrow it from a bum? You look ridiculous! I am trying to help you out, my dude.

I dont need your help. I dont need new clothes. (looking down at himself) And how do I look ridiculous. Everyone has different styles.

You dont look ridiculous? (shock) Did any girls ever like you? If i were your mom, I will trade you away for some eggs. I swear to my mother's life, you DO look ridiculous!

Nothing to say? Quinn, I dont have any respect for you. Your ugly ass doesnt belong here. And one more thing, learn how to take a fuckin' shower or use deodorant bodyspread.

My god! looking at you makes me lose my appetite. Fucking god! ( walking away) DISGUSTING.

This is the first time Quinn had felt this way. Is it true that he look ridicuolus? Is is true that his mother could has trade him away for something better? Is it true that Mei Dong was right? It cant be. I dont look that bad. Do I? Well I am going to find out.

Yo what's up my man, Keith? Chillin?

I am going home with Tiffany.

Word! My boy. You gonna hit that?


You and Tiffany (wink)

Shut the fuck up Quinn, and why are you acting so weird?

How do I act weird?, son?

Cos yo dumbass is tryna act cool and talking slang. Getta the fuck outta here. (walking away)

Quinn spotted Michelle and nervous walk over to her.

Hey Michelle, you wanna hang out with me?

Umm.. sure... when?

Around 6, you wanna go to the movie?

Are you asking me for a date?

umm.. no... umm... maybe... Do you?

(starting to laugh) You think I...

Hey Michelle, where are you going afterschool?

Yo girl, stop interfering my convo with my girl.

Michelle is your girl?

Quinn, listen. I know you are nice but I dont see any coolness in you. The way you look and dress, doesnt make me interested in you. And can you stop talking like that? (turning back to cory) Let's go Cory.

(laughing) Quinn? You are RIDICULOUS

Walking back home alone, Quinn felt very incomplete. He wish everyone was happy with what he is wearing, but how can he turn the tables around? Quinn stop in front of Jimmy Jazz. He then walk right in and surprising he saw many rare shoes. He kept on looking and looking, realizing he need to be cool. He was fascinated with all these brand clothing until he heard these boys whispering. "That nigga is ugly. He need to learn the word fresh." That made Quinn more heartbroken but that doesnt stop him, from looking around the store. He was very drawn into the Jordan and Nike shoes, until someone said, " Sir, we dont have your brand. Payless is across the street. Thank you." Quinn's mouth drop wide open. What does dressing or looking good has to do with anything in life? Why cant anyone take him for a granted that he doesnt care how he look. Fuck being cool. Jesus!

Walking down those miserable blocks back home, he was comparing himself to other people. North Face, Levis, Jordan, Looney Tunes, Nike, Tims, Converse, South Pole, Forever 21, DU-Rag, chains, fitted, footlocker. You name it. Howcome!? Howcome!!? Howcome!!!? I cant be like the rest? Almost home, Quinn lept on thinking how can he become like the rest. Immendiately, Quinn thought of something. If there's a problem, there got to be a solution. He took out a pair of scissor from his bookbag and smile.

Hey mom, guess what?

What happen son?

I was trying out for the basketball team and I got myself a playing spot. That means I am able to play for the team.

That's nice ( walking away)

But mom, we need to go shopping for sneakerm because I torn my sneaker while practicing.

You just got a new pair last month, how can you probably wreck it?

Cos Im.. Im.. ran a lot of suicide to impress the coach.

Fine, we go tomorrow.

Looking through every section, Quinn was hypnotize with all the shoes and clothes collection around him. He simply gather up all the good looking items and rush to the nearest changing room to try on his new clothes.

Walking back to school the very next day, he realize his friends was checking him out. Just zoning out while Quinn walk by each and everyone of them with a smirk on his face. Acting all tough and real, Quinn walk toward Michelle.

Yo babe, what's good with you and yo outfit. You look good girl.

Hey Quinn, (checking him out)

You wanna hit the dance floor at my friend's studio or chill at tha bartender?

Umm... I am not quite...

(Mei Dong walking toward Quinn and Michelle) Hey Michelle, (looking at Quinn) Damn son, when you become a transformer, Quinn? Or is that yo Halloween custome?

Nah yo, yo mom own me money from last night so I decided to spend it on myself to look fresh for her. You feel me?

Nigha! you want to start something?

Nah my dude, I dont start anything with ugly people, I start with yo mom.

Son, I was the one who taught you how to be fly.

My man, now it is my turn to teach you how to become ugly. Say Michelle( turning to Michelle) You down to tha casino? Pick yo sexy ass up at 8.

Quinn was influence by his friend's words and judgments. Now he knows how to be cool in a "good" way. He spends his time, shopping and chilling with his boys. Quinn wasnt trying to be a G, he just wants to stand out and help people. Quinn doesnt hassle around trying to be well knoww, he just want respects. He is a helpful cool young man.

Before I get started on this paper, I will like to know: "What is the difference between "normal" cool and "ghetto" cool? What I meant by that is, some teenagers just act like themselves. They dont care what people say about them. They are just inside their little world; thinking on how to succeed in life. "Ghetto" cool people are really differnt from normal cool people. Ghetto cool people form gangs, smoke, dealing with drugs, having tattoos, piercing, street fighting and show an act of violence. According to my habits of mind, I belong to the cool normal group. I learn some important steps on how to be "much more" cooler than ghetto people.

1. Dont care so much about what others think of you. We are always different from everyone else. We are always on different level or stages, so why care what people say about you. You dont have to please anyone except yourself and people that really loves you. Dont let people get under your skin and make you become a different person.

2. Be aware of how others will precieve you. There is no chance in hell, to let people judge who you are and affect your self esteem. All you got to do is do what you have to do and feel secure about yourself.

3. Find real friends. Why do you hang around friends that require you to wear designer clothes, they are not "REAL" friends. Friends are suppose to have your back, not judging your appearance or force you to look better.

4. Keep yourself "cool" The definition of cool is being calm, indifferent, and socially adept. All you got to do is keep yourself cool, pace yourself and dont let stuff get into your mind. Make yourself comfortable and dont put your mind on anybody else situation. You need to have confident within yourself.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

HW # 34- The Cool Pose and Various Approaches to Life Rooted in Class, Race, Gender, Age

According to my own belief I believe that it is very competitive to control your own personal obsession of being cool. What I meant by that is that it takes a lot of dignity or confidence out of us just to impress something or someone. It is very hard to resist or change yourself if who you want to become. You have to battle yourself to actually retain your own positionl; afterall we are influence by others to become a different person. Even though you know you are doing something stupid but you just kept on doing it. Certainly everyone plays a different roles to conquer their titles. For example: Andy Synder said many black kids has mo- hawk, he was the one that came up with that idea first. He needs to hold his position but everyone just "mirror" him. Many of us were not raised properly, many of us were born accidently.

As being a 18 years old teenage kid, I was influence to be and to become like "any" other kids. I have 2 fucking choice; play my role, normally or play it "ghetto-ly" I was born from a chinese family But was raised by many ethnincity. I went to a all chinese elementary school, so you can conclude that we were all the same. But there were a turn around when I complete junior year. I met differnt race(s) and they transform me into a differnt person. I use to wear Old Navy, payless shoes, loose jean, NO spikey hair; now "it is a different style of me." My appearances change but I am still the same "me." After I "copy cat" my friends, it seem like I gain more "audience" and "love" But somehow I can manage to work hard in school and sucessfully go to college.

This is my own storyline. I am a chinese american and I was raise (only appearances) among other races. But my personality has not change because of my parent. But somehow my cousin has change a lot. She became a differnt person; when her mother, started to gamble and coming home late. My cousin's personality/actions has complete shift. She wears high heel, tons of jewels, and she has her fucking panties and bra sticking out. Fucking pisses me off to see one of my family member change from sweet young girl to a "bag full of shit" I blame this on the fuckin parent.

Why do some of us have to travel to a road of shame? How can we not get influence by others and just be yourself? why is it so hard for some of us to change and just doesnt know how to head back to the right path? Some of us knows how to walk in a straight line to be successful but some of us just dont know how to "map" one out. Dont you just hate it when you cant change someone you really love; but someone else can. Makes no sense at all. But who am I to tell them. I am just myself. I am that important. I am cool. I am cool in a sucessful way.